News - Warzone 2i Story And Ending Explained. Mw3 Storyline & Ending Explained



Modern Warfare 3's campaign was released yesterday and was a continuation of the Modern Warfare 2 story, where Shepherd's betrayal wasn't anything to be surprised about, but what was surprising was the way that he got away. This game, however, makes up for lost time and doesn't only give us more information on that side of the story but also introduces Maon to the mix of antagonists.

Today we're going to be explaining the story and ending of Modern Warfare 3's campaign. Look, this campaign wasn't one of my favorites. I'll be the first to admit we're having a very interesting review coming out tomorrow. But it's still interesting to see what direction the story goes in, which could point towards where potentially the next Modern Warfare game, next Infinity W game, or Sledgehammer game comes from, so this is exactly what we're going to be discussing today without further ado.

Though everyone, let's just dive straight in.

Mwiii story explained

modern warefare 3

Modern Warfare 3 takes place straight after Modern Warfare 2's war zone story, whereby Marov is rescued from gag by a series of Russian spec-up soldiers. The Coney Group: This has been the plan for a long time, and we're finally able to execute it after utilizing a Marine to give him the element of surprise.

When Marov was out, this sparked the attention of the US military, specifically task force one-on-one with Captain Price and his team ready for another mission, but he abandoned that and turned the cargo plane around straight away and regrouped. Glasswell. Captain Price was the main reason that Marov was in the gag in the first place, after capturing him around four years ago from fans, after he' essentially committed the no rushian mission, but looking at it from a different perspective, we weren't playing as mro in the game we only played, as Price and Tass played one for one, and it was essentially on the other side of that Task Force 141 initially had reports of a disturbance at the airport.

modern warfare 3 ending explained

But then this was thought to be potentially just a cover-up and that the real terrorist attack was in the stadium. This looked to be true as task forces one by one made their way through the stadium under Shepherd's orders until they found a bomb; they disarmed it there, and then Marov was also in the stadium, which is why they believed that potentially the airport was just a cover-up.

However, this was all part of Marov's overall plan; Marov targeted both locations, the stadium and the airport, killing thousands of innocent people. Marov would be pulling the gag with a life sentence until he was broken out, of course. When Marov left the goolag, he picked up where he left off.

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His goal was to frame and pin a series of terrorist attacks on the Ulf Freedom Fighters with the power of Farah Kareim, which then went on to spark a war. He wanted the world to turn on Urzikstan and the people within Urzikstan and think of them as terrorists so that Russia could sweep in and take over the country.

modern warfare 3 story and ending explained

Alex and the Ulf were working with Shepherd and Shadow Company far, and the Ulf wanted assurance over their safety to have countermeasures in the event of anything ever kicking off again, which is why Shadow Company authorized the shipment of a series of missiles very similar to what we saw at the start of Modern Warfare 2, in which the Ulf can keep hidden and in their possession.

Far and Alex, however, didn't know about Shepher and Graves turning on Task Force 1 for one; if they did well, potentially there would have been completely different circumstances. Farah and her driver, Dina, were ambushed as they went into the facility to look for these missiles. The Russians had infiltrated Asan to seize them.

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Far managed to place some trackers on these missiles and their containers before they were shipped off. Tas fors made their way across to different locations based in They were tracking these missiles when they came across a base showing one missile ready to launch with toxic gas on the nose of the missile.

modern warfare 3 story explained

If the missile fires and detonates on its target, it won't just cause serious damage; it'll ensure all survivors are wiped out due to the toxic poisoning of this gas. Price tried to stop the missile, successfully doing so in this particular one by closing the hanger door and letting it detonate. Inside, however what he and the team didn't know is that there was another two missiles launching, simultaneously, both heading for a base called arov base, this was a Russian facility, and lawell was visiting this facility in order to speak with a Russian informant, called Yuri, he gave us some inside information on what marov was planning to do, marov wanted to use this gas and completely wi out to stand so that Russia can sweep in and Rule us over, he wanted to frame a series of terrorist attacks that he would control so that the world believe that the Ulf are responsible for all of this, even going to the extent of hijacking a plane one filled with Russian civilians, and articleing one of far Soldiers with a bomb vest strapped around her holding a gun setting her up to look like it was a terrorist attack, killing hundreds of Russians aboard that flight, making the Russian government believe that the Ulf, are out to get.

modern warfare 3 storyline explained

Them it was throughout the story that Shepher and Graves started to make an appearance, with Shepher giving Lwell and Task Force 1 141 information on Marro's whereabouts. He didn't want to go down like this; he's a four-star general. He did not want to go to prison or die from what happened, so he tried to cover it up and try to make amends.

The team didn't go down very well, though Bryce was reluctant to even go near or listen to what he had to say. However, they agreed that the swap for Intel would be worth it, and to be fair, Intel all checked out. Task Force 1 got a note from a patrol that looked to have Marov within, but when attempting to infiltrate, there was no sign of Marov.

modern warfare iii story

Although one of the prisoners within this patrol car surprised the team significantly, it was Shepher. He wasn't sure what Mov wanted with him or why he captured him at this moment in time, but he tagged along the way for the ride until we were picked up by Nikolai at the end. This is where Task Force 141 had a little meeting with the shepherd, and when Lwell turned up as well, making him tell them everything that he knows about Marov, his plan, and what he has planned to do.

I also thought to tell the government and the commission exactly what he did for the Ulf. Giving them the missiles illegally, knowing that they're not terrorists. And just coming completely. Clean, Shepher tells the team that Makov wanted to finish what he started in Vians, blowing up the dam and washing the whole city away, but that wasn't all.

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This video goes more in-depth and explains the Modern Warfare III Storyline and Ending.
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