News - Warzone 2i - A $70 Dlc, Or An Honest Revival. Early Beta Review

Could there be a 180? When the game comes out, yes, there are going to be Modern Warfare 2 guns—all of the Modern Warfare 2 guns—and they will be brought into Modern Warfare 3. When the game comes out, that could be the final [__] you from Infinity Ward if it is not balanced properly, because we will not be experiencing that throughout the beta.

modern warfare 3 gameplay

We are going to get a pure-blooded Modern Warfare 3 experience with the MW3 guns. We're throwing realism out the window when this game comes out. People who played Modern Warfare 2 will have maxed out meta weapons from that game and monetary incentives when it comes to being a corporation. They will have their super shotgun Doom bundles, and they'll be running around as homelanders.

They'll be running around in soccer or football. It is going to be a very awkward launch, especially when it comes to skill-based matchmaking. If you are a highly skilled player, there really is nothing stopping people from getting triggered and running a meta Tac 56 from Modern Warfare 2 just to piss you off as you're trying to grind up for a, you know, level three or level four Modern Warfare 3 weapon, so that is definitely something that I'm concerned about, and when it comes to War Zone.

modern warfare 3 multiplayer

I'm a little concerned about seeing where that goes, but this game really does feel like a return to form and a complete course correction. This is exactly what you think it is: a full-priced premium game from Activision because Activision always needs to make their money, and it's basically just saying Infinity Ward messed up, and we're going to go back on it, and we're going to course correct the whole franchise.

Will they keep up with it? Who knows, will it get boring? Midway through, who knows? Welcome to the Cod Cycle. This is pretty much what we've got this year. It looks great so far. I give it like a seven and a half out of 10. It plays awesome, and I'm having a ton of fun with it, and I'm just going to be completely blunt with you guys as somebody who hated Modern Warfare 2 and basically quit the franchise over it.

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I can't say that this isn't fun because it is, but here's what I will say because there are a ton of hopeless Call of Duty addicts out there who can't put the game down. We all love the Twitch shooter aspect. We love the feel of Call of Duty. It's just something you don't get anywhere else. If you do choose to pre-order or buy this, I highly recommend you buy the standard edition.

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You will still get early access to the campaign in quotations; you'll get the full game experience; and you won't get the Ripoff, which is the black cell pass. Call of Duty makes the majority of its money from microtransactions. Call of Duty is a microtransaction game that also doubles down in premium paid models, so it is a game that is rewarded for both being full priced and being free to play.

Regardless of whether you spent 70 bucks on the game, you're still playing a game that is monetized like a free-to-play game, which I vehemently disagree with. I think Activision makes too much money off of this game, and they are overcharging you only if you buy into the microtransactions. So if you are on the fence about this game, as I said before, wait until a week or two after it comes out if you like it still, and you will see people aren't mad about Modern Warfare 2 Guns.


Go ahead and buy it if you want to wait a little bit and don't want to support Activision. Get it pre-owned on eBay. Get it pre-owned on GameStop. Go ahead and do that. If you're on PC, there is a way to get a totally legitimate secondhand Keys winky face from a website called g2a, but I can't really tell you the validity of that, nor am I going to tell you if it's going to get scammed or not.

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But at the end of the day, if you want to be a smart consumer and you want to make sure that Call of Duty is kind of incentivized to listen to you and actually do good things for the consumer, don't overpay for this stuff. Don't buy black sell $30 a season it's a scam, if you want to get all the battle pass content by a $10 battle pass when the game comes out finish the whole battle pass get your Call of Duty points back and recycle do it every single season and if you think you're going to miss out and only be able to do 60 70 tiers of a battle pass you can always get the $20 bundle that's 2400 Cod points that gives you a little bit of head room so in case if you miss a battle pass or don't do an entire battle pass, you will have some cushion there to just recycle and get a brand new one give them the bare minimum guys because that is what Call of Duty's been doing for many years now they've been giving you the bare minimum so in turn I ask you to give them the bare minimum of your money I hope this is a fun year of cod.

I'm cautiously optimistic. But I am happy to actually be enjoying a Call of Duty title yet again. That's all I have to say, guys. Make up your own decision for your own, I do like the game. I'm not saying that it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, but make your own informed decisions. Don't rush to pre-order this stuff.

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Don't give in. If it's something you can survive without, go ahead and pick it up later; it's going to be there. Trust me, it's Cod; it will always be there, so that's my opinion. I'm definitely interested to see people's takes on this game.

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