News - Warzone 2 Zombies Dark Aether Easter Egg Fast & Easy (free Blueprint, Schematics, Elder Sigils - Season 1)

Security camera artifact tutorial

The other three are as follows: you can pick up these artifacts in any particular order. We then have a security camera. Once you do that, you'll notice that there is going to be a colored ether tear that's also in the air, similar to the outbreak of Easter eggs we saw during the Cold War. With this specific artifact, you'll see an orange tear, or it's orangey yellow.

As you'll see, you want to just glide your way to that one, and once you do that, it'll spawn in a purple Bounty.

Pill bottle artifact tutorial

Pill bottle artifact tutorial

mw3 zombies aether blade

What you want to do is grab that contract it'll spawn in, a special Elite enemy go up to that enemy knock them out and it'll then drop the gold golden variant, of this artifact which in this case is going to be a golden security camera we have similar steps for the other artifacts that we need so next up we're going to be looking for a pill bottle now you need brain rot for this one so go ahead and equip that any weapon of your choice go up to a cyst located in an ether Nest, not sure why this doesn't work at an infested stronghold, it probably should maybe it's bugged right now for most players or it's intended for whatever reason for you to only go to an ether Nest you want to go ahead and shoot a assyst with brain rat, and you'll notice that the cyst will turn green what you want to do is maybe throw a decoy or get the zombie off your back have your team help you what you want to do is collect the sample from that cyst, and once you interact with that cyst what you not want to do is complete the rest of this ether nest.

And I've seen different things for different people. I had to actually complete the nest in my match for the pill bottle to then spawn on that assist. Other people are claiming and have shown footage and proof that you only need to interact with the Spore, and then it'll give you the pill bottle.

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That way, you don't have to complete the rest of the ether nest. It's a different experience for different players, but that's the way zombies go sometimes. What I want to do is find another ether tear similar to what we just did. Somewhere around the map, go through it, and you'll now see another colored rift.

As you are gliding, this one will be green.

Dog collar artifact tutorial

Dog collar artifact tutorial

And once you fly through that one same thing it'll spawn a purple Bounty contract you'll then find a special Elite enemy wherever that Bounty is knock him down and it'll then give you a golden version of the pill bottle right so we previously picked up a purple version from that cyst now we have a golden version which could be placed on a certain pedestal, now last but not least you need a dog collar this one's a bit different you don't actually need an ammo mod to go ahead and pick this one up you would think you need Aon burst but you actually don't what you want to do is go up to any one of the dog houses around the environment, and you want to go ahead and deposit one piece of Flesh and one Molotov.

mw3 zombies dark aether contracts

You get a piece of Flesh from destroying enemies with explosives running them over through the escort contract, or maybe sometimes you just randomly see a piece of Flesh drop from a zombie it happens you need to pick up just one piece and have one Molotov, which you could of course spawn in with or find a random chest once you deposit both of those items into the Dog House it'll then spawn an enemy dog in which you can go ahead and kill him once you do that it'll drop a dog collar but again this is a purple version of the dot collar not the golden one that we need so the next step is finding an ether tear once you jump through that portal, it'll then spawn in, a red ether tear in the air while you're gliding, jump through that one it spawn a purple Bounty contract, kill the Bounty and it'll then drop a golden version of this dog collar so now you can go ahead and place all four legendary artifacts.

Dark aether map ultimate guide

mw3 zombies dark aether rabbit locations

Again, the diary goes on the brain rout pedestal, the security camera goes on the dead wire, the pill bottle goes on the brain rout pedestal, and the dog Coller goes on the napom one. Once doing this, a massive dark ether Rift will appear with an hvt. Mega Abomination, which you have to kill to defeat the mega bomb, will spawn in a reward rift with one sigil you want to then use this sigil or one person on your team has to use one sigil.

One on a bus and one just laying around that I think will be pinged in the gameplay, as you're about to see. You can also hear Mr. Peaks laughing and wimping at you throughout the match if you're close enough to him. You can also use death perception to see him through walls, which is relatively helpful.

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And what you go ahead and experience when you actually interact with Mr. Peaks is three different contracts; it'll either be an Outlast. It'll be an escort or even spoof control. Now the zombies feel like maybe tier two, similar to the ACT for Story Mission. Nothing too crazy, but it's still a challenge, and you'll get even more special enemies spawning around the environment.

mw3 zombies dark aether rift guide

And essentially, as you go and complete these contracts, you'll get some pretty rewarding riffs with a bunch of goodies that you're definitely going to want to have, so you're going to be seeing acquisitions, golden armor plates, possible dog bones that spawn in a friendly hellhound, ether tools, crystals, maybe even Wonder Weapons, but most importantly, you're going to find Elder sigils.

mw3 zombies dark aether sigils

Inside of these reward Rifts for doing these contracts in the dark ether those are going to be important for later so keep note of those and make sure you stash them in your backpack hopefully by this point you have at least a medium or a large backpack to store as much as you can cuz you're going to find a lot of great Rarity loot inside of this dark ether experience, now once you've completed the contracts in the dark ether or if you decide to just xill at any time because it's too difficult for you or you're just tired of being in the environment, you'll go ahead and find an xfill pillar either on top of one of the main buildings towards the center of the map or you can even find one underground I'll try to show footage of both X fills that we went through in our experience you of course have half an hour to just explore and have a good time here in this environment and if you want to go back in at any time you just have to go ahead and deposit, one sigil that you found earlier. Into that Rift over in Ukhan, but hopefully by the end of your run of the dark ether you picked up at least one Elder sigil, hopefully multiple, so you can experience the hardcore version of this map, which we're about to break down now.

Free dark aether blueprint unlock

Free dark aether blueprint unlock

If you go and complete at least three contracts inside of the regular dark ether, you will unlock the geode, MCW, and Blueprint with a purple dark ether theme.

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MW3 ZOMBIES DARK AETHER EASTER EGG FAST EASY Free Blueprint, Schematics, Elder Sigils - Season 1.
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