News - Warzone 2 Vs Mw3 - Is Warzone 2 & Warzone 2i The Same Game

modern warfare 2 vs modern warfare 3

Model Warfare 2's weapon unlocking is probably one of the most confusing things ever. I have two articles on the channel that have over 100,000 views. Views guiding people on how to unlock the weapons shouldn't be a thing; it should be a simple process of hey progressing this with levels and then you unlock this weapon, which seems to be the case inside of the beta thankfully, but there's also a very interesting new thing added on a new special attachment system that is essentially putting on, like a 3D printed blueprint, onto an existing weapon.

Currently, we have it with a pistol that changes it from a three-burst to a fully automatic and makes it basically a submachine gun, which is a really cool thing, and this is what I feel like Modern Warfare 2 should have done with their weapon. Styles Another difference, considering we're on this topic, is the UI, which is not as crazy good but still just as confusing.


In some ways, it's going to be very, very similar to what we have inside the Call of Duty app, as I mentioned, but it's unfortunate that they just, you know, keep going with this confusing style, but thankfully the Creator class is different, so that is something that is thankfully changed, but also not fully changed.

Don't get me wrong, there are also some other settings here and there that have been added to satisfy the fan base and make it better. Also another thing to. I guess slightly mention, and it's something that we don't have in the game yet, but since it has leaked, you will actually have access to Modern Warfare 2 camos or Modern Warfare 3 weapons, but the camos themselves look completely different if you're looking on your screen right now.

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This has kind of been leaked from the next Call of Duty that they had access to, so you will have platinum polyatomic. Orion and gold from Mod Warfare 3 on weapons, but it will look way better, so I'm pretty sure gold and platinum will not be transferring over polyatomic, and Orion will be, so you'll have different looks to weapons, so that's a really nice thing.

mw2 vs mw3

That's, I guess, a potential in the future to be like this is the camo on here. There's the camo on here. It's a really interesting change instead of Sledgehammer being like, Let's actually just completely port the camo over like they did, let's say, in the 2019s. War Zone and Cold Wars Dark Eternity, and DM Ultra this time around, they're like.

Hey, let's just make it a brand new camo but also give players actual mastery, camos to unlock on our core game as well, but also on top of the Modern Warfare 2 weapons. It gets crazy. There's going to be a lot of content for this game, and as of right now, yeah, it feels the exact same as Modern Warfare 2, and I know a lot of people will say no, it doesn't, it doesn't blah Personally.


I played a lot of mod Warfare 2 and I've played a lot of mod Warfare 3 at least from the beta, and it just feels like the exact same game apart from the speed of it, slight canceling, and some little tweaks and changes that do make a huge difference, but overall, it is the exact same game. You can say what you want, you can be disappointed in it, you can refuse to pay for it, you can wait for War Zone 3; it's completely up to you, but the changes that they have made are a huge plus, and I'm all for them, and I'm really glad that they reintroduced a lot of stuff, and I'm just curious to see how some of these play styles will be adapted into not only zombies but also into Call of Duty 2024.

With Trey taking over, it's very interesting now. I know this article kind of took a bit of a sharp turn from the comparison of the two games; there's just not a lot that I have to work off of for now. It's the exact same game with slight tweaks, as I've already mentioned countless times. Is it worth playing?

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Yeah, I think you should test out the beta and completely make up your own decision if you want to purchase it. It is $70. Again, just a big $70 DLC. I'm not going to hide from that. I also did a bit of a review on the Vault Edition because you do have access to Vault Edition items inside of the beta if you're curious if it's worth it.

mw3 mastery camos

Long story short, yes and no, because it's too much money, but yes, because you do get like nearly $200 worth of content for just $100, ooh, W $100, cheaper anyway. Be sure to subscribe; we're on the verge of 50, 000 subscribers. We're close, but we're also not too far away. Also, I will tell you guys the next one.

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