News - Warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded Is Awful


Season 1 reloaded of Modern Warfare 3 is the worst midseason update season update we have ever seen come out in a Call of Duty It is incredibly lackluster and incredibly buggy, and it's not just in one part of the game; it's everything: zombies, multiplayer, and even War Zone. In today's article, I kind of want to vaguely talk about this topic, go over some of the points, and just converse about how this could have not happened.

Or, fingers crossed, we do see better days in Modern Warfare 3, which we obviously will. I'm not saying this is the end of days because, let's be honest, it's a mid-season update. They're not supposed to be incredible, but they are supposed to bring back players to play the game, and as of right now, this season update has made me not even want to bother to play most of this game.

This isn't exactly hate towards Call of Duty Sledgehammer. Modern Warfare 3: I still enjoy it. I still really like the game, but this is more constructive criticism. How could this not happen again? How do you not make this happen again? And it's actually incredibly easy, if you haven't heard already.

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Specifically, even with this article, season 1 reloaded is kind of kaka poooo; it is incredibly just underwhelming. We basically got no content for me being a zombie gamer inside of the mode. The only content that they added was to take away stuff about Nerf weapons and maybe add two DLC weapons characters that, honestly.


I haven't even bothered going up against because I don't care about fighting humans inside of zombies. That's all we got inside the mode. Apart from that, they only added like some UI changes here and there—no more mission popups when you load in—maybe the addition of a timer on your actual schematics and other things like that.

Boy, yeah, this is such needed stuff; no, it is not. Speaking of stuff being added that isn't needed, on War Zone, it was even worse before the season came out. May I also mention we didn't even receive a road map with this update, usually season reloaded? or season overall. In the past. I received road maps, but this time nothing, and I'm pretty sure I'm pretty certain we did get road maps inside of Modern Warfare 2, and for some odd reason, with season one reloaded, from my knowledge, we did not receive any road maps.

mw3 season 2

This should have been an instant concern raised because why are there no road maps? I know these aren't incredibly groundbreaking things and extremely needed, but they do kind of lead you up to get you hyped to be like this is what's coming, this is what's coming, and I know we got one for season 1, and I know it included stuff for season 1 reloaded, but still kind of weird if you ask me, but going back to the whole topic of War Zone Not only were they going to add features that, in my opinion, the more that I thought about them, the more I agreed with the community, kind of would have ruined the way War Zone is played, they were also planning to add weapon cases in XFL's mid-War Zone matches similar to DMZ.

Basically, they were just bringing in DMZ because, for some odd reason, they just couldn't, you know, maybe add it to Modern Warfare Zombie or keep DMZ as a game mode in Moder Warfare 3. I don't know what was stopping that if you have more games, more people will want to play. I'm getting a bit heated.

mw3 warzone

Anyway, they were going to add this one feature, and people hated it, so they decided to postpone it to rework it. Essentially, they probably just never released it because I don't think this would work by adding xil; it would ruin the way War Zone is played. Even though I haven't even played one match during this season up until Rebirth Island comes out, that's the time that I'm planning to play anyway.

I still think it's kind of stupid that they were even considering this addition. You would have had empty lobbies and other stuff like that, and what's the point? Battle Royale is supposed to be hop in die or survive, not hop in grab a weapon case and xill, add that to plunder, add that to side mode, not to base.

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Battle Royale was a very, very odd decision, and then a war zone update came out, and it was incredibly bad. Buggy people's games crashed, other stuff was happening, and it was actually, in my opinion, the stuff that I was seeing with War Zone, and I have my notifications on for Call of Duty Sledgehammer and Treyarch, notifications on Twitter, and my phone and watch were absolutely blowing up at a certain time constant.

mw3 zombies

Here's an update. Here's an update. Here's an update. Why don't you just postpone the entire update? I just don't understand what they were deciding to do with this stuff when it was released, so I guess it is out there in multiplayer; zombies didn't really get affected by it. There are still crashes inside the game.

They did, I guess, give you some free stuff inside of zombies, which is really cool. I just don't understand it. Fingers crossed season 2 comes out with really good things on it. You broke the war zone, and I guess it might be fixed now—maybe not fully. You postpone content for multiplayer, which is already getting beaten up left and right.

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I get it. You release that multiplayer map boy. Yeah, that is fun or re-release. The same playlist in the same playlist in the past but get this, then they decided to give us an event for the boys, which isn't also anything crazy in my opinion. I know the mode is supposed to be pretty cool or pretty good.

mw3 zombies season 1 reloaded

Hey, hell yeah, I'm all for that. I'm not saying this update gave us nothing; it still gave us something, even if it was just bugs here and there, and we're supposed to be getting at least weekly updates. With the way the rumors are going around for the boys event, you're going to have every week to finish a new event thing happening, so right now we have a free camo inside of it, then there's supposed to be some other stuff and other stuff, which is really neat, and season 2 is kind of close, which isn't incredibly.


Close, but it is a little bit around the corner, beginning of February. They used to have a timer; it might be back, but it kind of disappeared for a while, which really confused me. I was like. We don't know when this season's coming out, but it is most likely going to release on the 7th or the 8th of February, which isn't too far away just before Valentine's Day, which is around the time they usually release season 2 from my memory, which is kind of interesting that it always follows the same pattern but is not fully disappointed with season 1 reloaded.

Hell yeah, am I going to play Modern Warfare Zombies or Moder Warfare 3 all that much up until season 2? Probably not i've been doing the exact same thing on Modern Warfare Zombies, which is essentially what happens to zombies. It's a completely normal thing that happens, but I was really hoping that we would have gotten at least a tiny bit more content with season 1 reloaded, but nope, we did not, and on top of all that.

So mw3 relaoded has to be one of if not THE Worst updates we have gotten in call of duty history.
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