News - Warzone 2 Vortex Event Early Access, Gameplay, Rewards & More. Warzone 2 Vortex Content Update

Huge mw3 vortex event early showcase!

Huge mw3 vortex event early showcase!

Welcome back to a brand new article. In this one, we're going to talk about the next update that's going to go live in under 24 hours that's going to bring in a brand new LTM event and new maps that are remixed. Also, as a reminder, I did post a article yesterday going over the entire year 2024. Content road map This includes upcoming crossover events, different types of maps, such as Rebirth Island, fortunes that keep returning this year, even veracity, and so much more.

We'll also talk a little bit about the next Call of Duty. A quick word from our sponsor, the messy modding store. It's a store that provides any and all Call of Duty services. They can even get you exclusive operators and bundles, such as the nuke operator. They also unlock all the cosmetics in a legitimate way without using unlock tools or mods.

Please check out messy modding.

Last chance to get these rewards

Just a reminder: You have less than 24 hours to grind out the remaining rewards and challenges that you need to complete for the winter holiday event. All this is going to be going away with tomorrow's playlist update that's going to bring in the Vortex LTM event, so if you have not completed the Easter egg challenges and sent them to Slay Ride, be sure to do those.

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If you haven't completed the challenges over in the event tab and gotten the Mastery reward, be sure to do that as well. All the playlists will also be going away, so snowball gunfights, hangovers, and playlist shipment. All that will be removed and that will be replaced with the brand new Vortex LTM event.

Mw3 vortex event update & download?

Mw3 vortex event update & download?

As of right now, no update has been added to the backend services of PlayStation. Usually, playing PlayStation games would let us know if there's an update scheduled for Call of Duty, but there isn't, so that means there won't be a title update.

You won't need to download anything; this will be a small playlist update where all you have to do is load up the game at around 10 a. M pacific Standard Time will tell you will need to restart your app for an update, and then just restart your app, and you should be good to go. It also makes sense because the developers are just now returning to the offices today, meaning that they don't have time to schedule all these big updates, weapon balance changes, patch notes, and all that will probably be coming out next week or the week after.

How to complete vortex domain event fast

cod leaks

Also, the event tab was updated the other day, as it says right here. The vortex domain event begins in one day. Enter the swirling flames of the vortex and earn XP to unlock cataclysmic rewards. Equip the horse operator skin from the Tracer pack, and that will give you an XP boost, meaning that this event will not have any sort of challenges.

You don't need to do anything out of your way in order to get the rewards; you simply have to play the game. The good news is that war zone players and zombie players, as long as they are multiplayer players, don't even need to own Modern Warfare 3. As long as you play zombies, you will also be able to get these rewards.

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All you need to do is play during the duration of this event and get enough XP, which is usually around 200, 000. XP I know many of you guys have an issue where you can't see the event tab and it doesn't pop up for you at all. The good news is that you can still complete this; you don't really need to track anything because all you have to do is just play the game, and you will be able to unlock all the different types of rewards that are going to be available.

I will showcase the different types of rewards in tomorrow's article, so that way you'll be aware of the different types of rewards that you'll be able to get, and you can sort of track them by checking your locker and seeing if you have that cosmetic. Anyway, the event will be exactly like it is with the Dune event as well as the macaroon one, so just gaining XP is the goal.

The good news is that you don't have to play the Vortex LTM event to gain XP, so for those of you guys who are only in the war zone and don't have access to the multiplayer, all you have to do is just play the regular games that you would, and you will still be able to get the rewards. Those of you guys on zombies same exact thing.

15+ vortex event rewards & animated camo

15+ vortex event rewards & animated camo

Just participate by playing, and you should be good to go. There are going to be a total of 15 different rewards that you're going to be able to get. These rewards will consist of things like double-XP tokens and player-XP tokens. battle pass XP tokens, different types of calling card emblems, large decal stickers, the usual things that we get—the rewards really aren't the best all the way up until you get to the master reward, and that is going to be the magma animated weapon camo, which will be universal to all different types of weapons.

Once you unlock this camo, that means you've pretty much completed every single thing and you've unlocked every item that this event will have for you, so continuously check your locker to see if you have that.

Vortex event early gameplay & map showcase

If you don't have the event tab anyway, let's go ahead and talk about the brand new maps that are going to be available with an early showcase.

cod mw3 update

Credit goes to Mr. D jd; he got early access to footage for what these maps are going to look like if you want a full-on, detailed showcasing. Out of all these different types of maps, be sure to check out his article. The third one is going to be called Hell's Quarry, which is a new version of Quarry, and from the game play, they did an amazing job on these maps.

They look really nice; they look completely different than the original ones. It looks like they remade a bunch of different assets. What has truly surprised me is the fact that they put in this much work for maps that are only going to be here for two weeks, so these are going to be in their own playlist.

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Once the vortex event finishes, these maps are going to be going away as well, and I really do hope that we will see them come back. I can imagine that every couple seasons, or maybe every season, will get these back in the rotation at some point. More than likely, there will be a different event each time, so there will be different rewards.

You'll be able to do a different operator bundle where you'll be able to gain XP from, but hopefully they continuously keep adding them, and then on top of that, maybe add different variations, so a new variant of terminal and a new variant of FLLA. Any other popular map to make this a bigger and bigger playlist ?.

Future map updates & zombies content

Future map updates & zombies content

Do you think these maps will play well, and do you like the way that they look? Or are you not a fan? I'm going to guess that they're probably going to be bringing in other Wonder Weapons in the future, so the playlist mode itself will actually change.

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