News - Here's Warzone 2's Newest Event Update It Was Pretty Good

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Modern Warfare 3's new Vortex event kicks off tomorrow, and with it come a few additional items. The biggest of those come in the shape of the new reskinned, map variants—three to be exact—and these are them, so today I want to showcase some of the footage I'm allowed to share now with you from all the way back the first week of December preseason 1's launch from Sledgehammer, studio, and the gameplay capture session we had there, sharing with you my takes on it as well as probably just giving you the load out on the entire update that we know of so far at hand, because I'm more than likely won't be around to cover this update when it happens tomorrow, unfortunately I'm starting in 2024.

Off with a funeral but wanted to mention this stuff here while it's possible and keep you in the loop for what is coming tomorrow, so drop your thought. Drop a like if you enjoy it, and consider subscribing if you want to stay on top of everything Modern Warfare 3 War Zone and other FPS content like X Defiant and others. So that said, for now, let's talk about.

Modern warfare 3 "sporeyard" gameplay

Modern warfare 3 "sporeyard" gameplay

These new maps, first Spore Yard is the one that I want to touch on first, because that was my personal favorite here at this time. It's dark ether-like, but of course set in Scrapyard Yard in multiplayer. But you have that different Sky Box that different thematic variation of it aesthetically.

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I thought it looked pretty good you have that aquam Marine color which I personally a fan of but, beyond that one of the big things that is nice is that yes it is dark it's set at night it's in the dark ether here with this but, unlike what we'll see with say Satan's Quarry which we'll talk about next, while it is dark you can still see for the most part just about everything.

Satan's quarry on the other hand has a lot of areas or at least had a lot of areas from when we played it maybe it's updated since then and the version that we played a month or so ago at this point but there were shadowy, portions of that map where it was like impossible to see some character models that were Dawning all black in spard, you have enough light from the spores.

And the sort of blue aquamarine textures around the map in play while also having enough from the sky box and outside lighting it from above, so it's a nice combination. I think, of a nice dark aesthetic but also still being vibrant on its own.

Modern warfare 3 "satan's quarry" gameplay

Modern warfare 3 "satan's quarry" gameplay

Right now, talking about Satan's Quarry again, I did really enjoy this one as well, but as you can see from the gameplay, it's absolutely a lot darker. I think the overall aesthetic of this is really cool because it's got a sort of magma cube instead of just regular rocks from the quarry.

But if you're looking, say, cross-map or anything like that, that's where visibility starts to. Diminish a little bit where it's not as easy to see character models and player models and it may become problematic again, hoping that there was some sort of adjustment made since when we played it again about a month ago at this point, but who knows additionally.

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I am hoping that there are some adjustments to the spawn system on Satan's Quarry because you'll see there's a clip or two here of this where I got spawn like straight up spawn killed, and it was funny at the time because I had a developer right behind me watching my perspective watching some of my gameplay and I just like I sat back in our chair and I just looked back at him.

I'm like, yep. So hopefully that was something that got relayed back to the team here, and we end up seeing some adjustments here to it, but preliminarily, at least, some of the spawns were a little rough beyond that.

What to expect with modern warfare 3's "tetanus" variation

What to expect with modern warfare 3's "tetanus" variation

Unfortunately, I did not get to play with this the way this capture session worked out. We are a little crunched on time; it was a shorter one by comparison to some of the other ones I've done in the past, but it was one of those things where, if you had enough time, you were one of those first games that ended up finishing your games quickly.

Because there were, I don't know, 5 minutes left instead of 10 minutes between the two different lobbies and how they were staggered. They didn't start a third match at the same time, so my group didn't quite get to that third match, whereas the others ended up getting to play that third map of Tetanus, so I unfortunately don't have any footage of it.

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I think my friends Mr. Doll JD, Exclusive Ace, and a few others probably have some footage up on their channels if you guys want to check it out, but honestly, from what I've seen so far, it looks cool. Hopefully, people will enjoy it. It's one of those things, like a ship. Miss It's not really something that you can change a whole ton of fundamentally.

Speaking so, I mean, it's a chaotic map as is, so it's probably still going to be chaotic, but just again, thematically.

The game modes to expect in modern warfare 3's vortex event

reskinned differently now. The one thing that I will say that was interesting is that these are specifically made for this Vortex event upcoming, and the big Marquee item here of this was the Vortex LTM, which is kind of like your King of the Hill style reward gameplay where that King of the Hill ends up having the ray gun in multiplayer, so if you kill the player with the ray gun, you get the ray gun, and you can go on a tear and try and get as many kills as possible with that if you have it now that said when you actually look at the gameplay of what we had for Spore yard and Satan's Quarry and what others had also of tetanus.

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We played regular game modes as well, like kill confirmed and TDM, and those standard modes, so I'm hoping that these still stick around in those playlists and rotations, even if it's not with that specific LTM, and honestly, one thing that I do hope also happens is not only with the maps coming with the vortex event, because I think these are really cool thematic reskins, but I also hope this happens with the codm Miss event update as well as hangover and ship Miss.

I would love to see these maps in the regular rotation, even outside of just these specific events, so that they last longer than just 2 weeks. I feel like it's kind of a missed opportunity to end up spending this time reskinning and retheming these various maps, which no doubt took some time for them to only be live for 2 weeks at a time. I think it'd be cool to see these in the regular rotation, because I think they're like different enough as is that they could offer a bit of some unique perspective that yeah, they're not brand new maps, but they're also not the same maps that you played exactly 1 to 1 for the last 14 years since Modern Warfare 2 and 2009 came out, but anyways, here's the hoping.

Modern Warfare 3's new Vortex event kicks tomorrow and with it comes a few additional items. The biggest of those come in the shape of new reskinned map variants, 3 to be exact and these are them.
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