News - Warzone 2 - Unlock Mastery Operator 2 Games. Cursed Ammo

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This is the new free unlockable mastery operator for War Zone and Modern Warfare 3, and this might be the easiest and fastest event skin we've ever gotten—I'm not even joking—if you're playing in the right mode. This skin only takes about two games to unlock, so in this article, we're going to break down the entire event and show you all the modes you can grind in, including the single fastest method.

Then we're going to take all the rewards in the game and review them. That way, you can decide if grinding these is worth your time or not. When you first launch the game you want to go to, then go to Horde Hunt. At the time of recording this, there's only 11 days left in this event, meaning if you don't get these items within that time period, you'll more than likely never be able to get them again, so if you do plan on getting them, you might want to do it sooner rather than later.

There are four different categories that you grind for in this event, the first being zombie bones. These are just different consumables for the zombie mode, so if you don't play zombies, these aren't really going to help you. All of these items are pretty easy to grind out in zombie mode to begin with, so this is just kind of a bonus part of the event.


The other three are the ones you definitely want to do; they are armored zombie skulls. This is what they look like when you find them in the game. You need 600 of those, and then you'll get the tiny scream charms. Then there's the hellhound skull. You need 300 of these; once you complete that, you'll get the Dogs of Hell calling card.

Then there are the mimic skulls, and this is the one that people seem to struggle with the most, but they're actually the easiest out of all of them. Once you get 200 of these, you'll unlock the cursed ammo, which confuses some people, but we'll explain exactly what this is when we go to review all the items.

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Once you complete all three of these challenges here, not including this one, you don't need that one; you just need these three, and you'll unlock the kill shot. Mastery operator skin for Swagger Now, when it comes to farming these different bones and skulls, there's three different modes you can play: multiplayer, zombies, and War Zone, and one of these is just by far better than the others.

cursed ammo

In multiplayer, you have to play Hord Point, which is going to spawn different zombies and bosses. When you kill them, you pick up their skulls. The issue with this mode is that getting the mimic skulls takes a while, so I don't recommend playing MP. Then we've got zombie mode. Getting most of the skulls is pretty easy, but you do run into an issue with the mimics once again.

There's no easy way to infinitely spawn mimics in zombies, and pretty much everyone else in the game is going to be going for the mimics, so if you go to infested strongholds and other places that spawn mimics, it's pretty likely that they're already going to be gone by the time you get there, so that only leaves one mode left, that being war zone, and luckily enough.

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War Zone's free, so for the method we're going to show in this article, you don't even have to own Modern Warfare 3 to do this now in War Zone; you could technically do this in any one of the playlists. But by far the fastest is going to be plunder. Now the strategy you want to use in plunder is very simple: you want to loot your ass off anything you can open.

cursed camo unlock

You want to open it, whether it be a weapon case, a medicine cabinet, a mirror, a weapon locker, cash, or a duffel bag. Every single time you open one of these, they're going to drop a pile of bones, and that pile of bones is random. You can get the normal bones, the hellhound skulls, the armored zombies, and yes, even the mimic skulls, and you're not just going to get one of these bones; you're going to get seven of them, so if you get a mimic drop, that is seven mimic skulls, and these are shared throughout your entire team, so if you pick up a stack of these, everyone else on your team is going to get seven as well, and vice versa.

If one of your friends picks up a stack of mimic bones, you're also going to get seven as well, so you just want to loot everything possible as fast as you can. I found the best place to drop off while doing this is the school district. If you go here on the map, there's a bunch of little hotels.

horde hunt event guide

On the bottom floor of these hotels, there's multiple weapon cases and multiple medical cabinets. Sometimes there's going to be mirrors; there's also duffel bags and just going on the bottom floor of each one of these hotels. Going to each one until you clear all of them, you're going to get about 80 mimic calls.

Just from doing this one little area, that's going to take about 8 minutes, and if you want, you could just back out, load back in, and keep looting this bottom area. The issue is that as more people find out about this area, it's going to be harder and harder to loot these hotels now, obviously since all of the bones and skulls picked up are shared throughout an entire team.

horde hunt guide

This is still going to be a really fast method and much faster than playing multiplayer zombies, but if you are a solo player looking for more people to play with. And when I say this method's fast, I'm not kidding. I've tried this on two different accounts that had zero mimic skulls before we started, and after the first game, they both had over 12 120 total mimic skulls, and one of these wasn't even quads; it was a duo, so it wasn't max efficiency.

If we were playing that with four different people, we probably could have gotten 150, mimicking skulls in a single game. Now let's quickly go over all the different rewards you unlock and see what they look like in the game. We're not going to go over any of the base zombie unlocks that you get for collecting the normal bones because these are just zombie consumables.

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And you already know what these do for the actual new unlocks. The first one you get for collecting 600 armored zombie skulls is the tiny screams charm; this is what it looks like in the game—kind of cool, nothing I'm probably never going to use. But when you collect 300 hellhound skulls, you're going to get the Dogs of Hell calling card.

horde hunt mimic guide

It looks kind of cool, but at the end of the day, it's a calling card. It's zombie-themed, but personally, I'm probably never going to use this. Then, for getting the 200 mimic skulls, we got an item that confused a lot of people, this being the cursed ammo, which is actually a skin for the ammo box field upgrade, so now if we go in game and throw out our ammo box, it should have the custom skin on it, and for the most part, it kind of just looks like a normal ammo box.

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