News - Warzone 2 Top 5 Best Loadouts For Update. Warzone 2 Best Loadouts

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When the new update drops for Warzone 2, I'm almost certain all of our favorite weapons, like the fennec rfpk, are most likely going to get significantly nerfed. So one thing that people haven't been paying attention to is how amazing the cast of 762 is. The RPK has been dominating the scene along with, you know, my number one weapon in this article, but the 762 is actually an amazing weapon that people just tend not to pay attention to.

It's equivalent to the AK-47, and in my opinion, anybody should be able to use this build, so we start out with the polar fire, which helps with the sound suppression, bullet velocity, damage range, and recoil smoothness at the cost of aim-down sight speed and aiming stability. I maxed out the bullet velocity and increased the recoil smoothness by 0.72 ounces then.

We moved on to the 10584-millimeter cast barrel, which helps with the damage range. Bullet velocity, hit fire accuracy, and recoil control at the cost of aim down tight speed hip recoil control, and movement speed now increase the damage range by 0.28 inches and the recoil steadiness around the same after that.

best loadouts

I don't really see much of a benefit, and move on to the AIM app V4. This site is amazing, and I make sure to max out the far distance. I mean, if you don't want to change, that's completely up to you, but in my opinion, this gives the least amount of recoil. I put on the demo X2 grip and tuned it to increase the aiming stability by 0.15 inches and the recoil stay by 0.29 ounces after.

That I didn't see much of a benefit, plus you don't want too much negative in other things; you want to have a decent balance, and last but not least. Now let the targets line up and just check this out. This thing has such a little recoil, and we only downsize it for potentially long range, but in my opinion, this thing is just incredible.

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You guys can pretty much predict the bounce pattern, and you don't even really have to control your thumbstick. This is my opinion, though. It's just very easy to just grab this weapon and just go crazy with it. The Vasnab 9K is something that's going to be absolutely incredible in War Zone 2. Now obviously people are sleeping on it right now because they have the fennec, but I think this is the next up-and-coming weapon now.

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I put on the X10 RR40, and this helps with the sound suppression, bullet velocity, damage range, and recall smoothness at the cost of tight aim speed and aiming stability. I increased the bullet velocity to 0.35 inches and the reload movements to 0.45 ounces. Put on essay response number three. There's another one that's a cast 10, and it's completely up to you which one you want to use.

In my case, I feel like this one's better. So it's the bullet velocity, recoil control, damage range, and hip fire accuracy at the cost of aim-down sight speed, movement speed, and hip recoil control. I increase the damage range by 0.21 inches, and the recoil state is increased by 0.23 pounds. I put on the choreo-less 44 V3 subs with the aim down side speed and the aiming stability, but the laser is visible in ads, so make sure you're aware of that, but rosette Stark and this also aim walking speed and sprint speed, at the cost of aiming stability, so I increased the aiming out stability by 0.150, or 1.55 inches, and I didn't change the weight, and I put on a 45-round mag.

call of duty warzone 2

I would kind of be careful with it, I mean. The recoil is pretty decent, but I would try to avoid the long-range gunfights just because they're not going to be perfect. Next, we have attack 56. I think this is going to consistently be good, no matter what the only downside is. I can imagine maybe they will increase the recoil a little bit, but regardless if they do, this is still going to be an amazing build for you, so we have the Harbinger D20.

This muzzle is amazing; it helps with the sound suppression, bullet velocity, damage range, and return smoothness at the cost of aim-down sight speed, aiming stability, and aim-walk speed. I increased the bullet velocity to 0.81 inches and the recall movements to 0.54 ounces. On the 17.5 Tundra Pro Barrel, this helps with the damage range, hip fire accuracy, and bullet velocity at the cost of aim downside speed and hit prequel control.

call of duty warzone 2 best loadouts

I maxed out the damage range and increased the recoil strength by 0.35 pounds. But on the FSS combat grid, now this helps with recoil control at the cost of aiming stability, so I increase the aiming stability by 0.35 inches and the recoil stiffness by 0.55 ounces put, on a 60-round mag, but if you want 40 for more movement, aim down sight, reload quickness, and sprint to fire speed, it's completely up to you.

I also put on 5.56 high-velocity rounds, which decrease the damage range but increase the bullet velocity, so I maxed out the bullet velocity and increased the damage range to 0.61 G at that point. This thing is a literal laser, so I do imagine they're going to add some recoil after the update. So, I highly recommend using this, especially after the update, and I'm looking forward to Rebirth Island in the first place.

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I think it's like Akira, Island, or something along those lines that is going to be really cool, so that's going to be something to look forward to, and this build is going to be fantastic for you. The next one we're going to move on to is the M4. I just don't think they're going to nerf this weapon; it's pretty solid, and in my opinion, it's actually more powerful than any other weapon.


It's well used, but in my opinion, it's not used competitively. as much as the attack 56, attack V, or PK things along those lines, and that's why I don't think they're going to nerf this, and if they do, it's barely going to be noticeable, so we're starting out with the harbinger D20. We're going to increase the bullet blast by 0.48 inches and the recoil smoothness by 0.50 ounces now.

Now the pros are sound suppression, bullet velocity, damage range, and reclose movements at the cost of aim-down sight speed, stability, and aim-walk speed. But on the high tower 20-inch barrel, this helps the bullet velocity, damage range, recoil control, and hip fire accuracy at the cost of aim downside speed movement speed, and hip recoil control now increases the damage range to 0.25 inches and the recoil stadium is 1.24 ounces.


I mean pounds, and after that. I didn't really see much of a difference put on the choreography last 44v3, or the aim down sight speed aiming stability bars. God, I put the con on, which is a laser and ads, so make sure you're aware of that. I put on the demo for Precision Elite Factory. It's also aiming for stability and recoil control at the cost of sideways speed, crash movement speed, walking speed, and sprint speed.

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