News - Warzone 2 Top 5 Best Loadouts After Update. Warzone 2 Best Loadouts

best class setups

We're giving you guys the top five best loadouts for Warzone 2, and I'm going to give you guys ones that are very easy to use; most people can just throw these on and go crazy, and honestly. I don't want to give you guys classes that anyone can struggle with, so these are going to have the least amount of recoil and the fastest TTKS of anybody who uses them, and we're going to get right into it.

The iso Hemlock is quite literally one of the easiest weapons in War Zone 2 right now, and in fact, it's probably the best weaponing for War Zone 2 long range, so we're starting out with the Harbinger D20 for sound suppression, bullet velocity damage range, and recall smoothness at the cost of aim down sight speed aiming, stability, and aim walking speed now.

I set the bullet velocity to 0.87 inches and the recoil movement to 0.54 ounces. But on the fielder t50 for damage range, bullet velocity, hip fire accuracy, and recoil control at the cost of aim downside speed, hip recoil control, and movement speed set, the damage range is 0.17 inches and the recoil setting is 15 pounds, but on the f-tacker 56 framing, out stability, hip fire accuracy, and recoil stabilization are at the cost of walking speed and aim down sight speed.

best loadouts

The aiming possibility is set to 0.35 inches, and the recoil stabilization is set to 0.65 ounces. It might be to set the far distance to -1.65, or basically the maximum distance. It's super easy to use, and honestly, I'm surprised anybody could really struggle with this gun. It's honestly the easiest weapon I've ever used.

The recoil is so low that even if the damage is super high, it's just like, honestly, the best of all worlds, so if you can't use this gun. I've got some bad news for you: Warzone 2 is probably not for you. So we're going to move on to the Doof Doof. By the way, for the people that are asking why they can't tune their guns, you need to have the gun leveled all the way up to actually tune these guns, and plus, if you don't have the gun leveled all the way up, class setups aren't really in your best interest because you won't have all the attachments.

call of duty

Gunner D20 for damage range, but the velocity, fire accuracy, and recoil control at the cost of aim downside speed, hip recoil control, and movement speed, all of which don't really matter, but the damage range of 0.30 inches, and don't change the weight, trust me, don't change it. Going on the 12 gauge dragon's breath for incendiary damage, don't worry about the cons.

I know it says Boulevard velocity damage range for bullet penetration, but we'll take care of that. Set the bullet velocity at 3.77 ger and the damage range at 0.52 ger. After that, it does not help on the 25-shell drum for the maximum amount of bullets, but on the dashboard's 60-ger. The increased fire rate at the cost of recall control, which doesn't really matter, trust me, and then put on the VLK stock list for aim down site speed Sprint to fire speed and movement speed with hip recoil control increase -- now remember how we got the hip recoil control decrease earlier?

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We took care of it now, and the only downside is Amy's recoil control, aiming stability, and flail resistance, which, I mean, is the doof doof. You're not really going to be advertising this, and let me show you the damage that the thing actually does. This thing is insane, but you have to make sure you have the dashboard on there.

call of duty warzone 2

If you don't have this dashboard on there, then this is how slow it's going to shoot. I'm just going to show you guys right now. Just make sure you have the dashboard on there, or it's going to shoot like this. It's just that you don't want to use that anyway; we're going to move on to the SMG. My personal favorite SMGs are not everyone's favorites, but I love the fennec.

call of duty warzone 2 best loadouts

I feel like this is still amazing even though it got nerfed. This build right here feels like it's not Nerf. Trust me, but on the ZLR 16.5 for damage range, bullet velocity, hip fire accuracy, and recoil control at the clock's Fame downside speed, hip recoil control, and movement speed, set the damage range to 0.25 inches and the recoil stylus to 0.32 pounds, going on the 0.45 Auto over-pressured for Target Flinch and actually having no cons anymore, which is actually amazing, but the beloved velocity to 5.52 grams and the damage range of 0.25 g, medic mag 45, rubber, grip for Sprint to fire speed, name downside speed, the cost of recoil control, but the Sprint to fire speed to 0.16 inches and the weight to 0.68 Ounces.

On the negative side, the frame is put on an agile Assault 7 stock for sprint speed, aim walking speed, crash movement speed, and aim down sight speed at the cost of stability and recoil. The aiming stability and the aiming downside speed are set to negative 2.06 ounces, and here's the outcome. This thing is incredible, super easy to use, super low recoil.

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The downside is obviously that you're not going to have a great time at long range. You don't want to waste all your bullets on killing one target, so stick to your gun's short, medium, and long range if you have to try the first fire. That way, you can actually connect more bullets; otherwise, you're just not going to have a good time.


Next, we're moving on to quite literally the easiest weapon, the RPK. I mean. But the F-TAC River 56 aims for stability, hip fire accuracy, and recoil stabilization at the cost of walking speed and downside speed. Set aiming house stability at 0.21 inches and recoil stabilization at 0.44 ounces, put on high velocity or bullet velocity, and max out the beloved velocity; do not change the weight.

I know it sounds like you should want to increase the damage range, but trust me, it's already perfectly fine. On a demo X2 grip, for recoil control at the cost of aiming stability, increase the recoil steadiness by 0.74 ounces. Put the amount of V4 Max out into the distance, and here's the result.

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Still, basically, the best weapon is—it's actually so sad that no matter how much they try to fix it, they just can't. They literally cannot nerf this thing, so if you want to use a build that will not get nerfed no matter how much they try, use this. It's just so easy; it's actually really sad how easy it is.


This is technically the meta SMG right now, even though I like the Fennec, because it is technically meta. But on the nine millimeters over pressured for Target Flinch with no cons, set the bullet velocity at 4.94 g, the damage range at 0.45 g, and the VLK laser in a 7 MW frame. Downside speed, aiming stability, and sprint to fire speed, but the laser is visible in ads, so be careful with that.

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