News - Warzone 2 Tombstone Glitch (all Methods) Warzone 2 Unlimited Money/essence - All Working Glitches Season 3

And there's a cool feature with this where if you drive over the water and get off and get back on, you can actually teleport with the bike. Now that you can practice this, I highly suggest that you do it. What you just witnessed was the hardest point, so what we're going to do is we're going to drive over the water from the top right of the map where I showed you.

dark aether

Now it's important to remember where I was because I was close to the edge of the map, so you can use this with bad signals, and you can also use this with countermeasures, so countermeasures is another mission. The easiest way to do the tombstone duplication glitch by far is that you don't have to run; you don't have to, you know, get to the portal at a certain time.

It's so easy because you have so much extra time, so again, you see this actual loading screen come up after you get the eliminated symbol; that's how you know it worked, and you want to go ahead and quit the game on that loading symbol on Xbox.

Unlimited essence!

Unlimited essence!

And on PS5, of course you want to click the PS5 button and then scroll over to game switcher, and then click on it and click quick game so whenever you close the game here it is physically closing the game process so the game's already registered that you have died it also has registered that you successfully exfilled and are starting a dark ether Lobby for example you're going into the portal, so those are the different ways that you can actually do the solo method but now let's get into how you can actually duplicate s and items at the same time now this does require at least one other player to be with you or to be cooperating, with you so what we're going to be doing here is essentially setting multiple tombstones with the same exact items and.

duplication glitch

Essence so, like I said, you're going to need a teammate, but you will not need a bad signal for this method. You absolutely do not need any particular mission; all you need to make sure is that you have Tombstone and whatever you want to duplicate, as well as a teammate. So, as you can see, I'm not actually on a team with my teammate.

I highly suggest that you both get Tombstone. And also leave your team just like I suggested in the other articles before you even begin this glitch, so what I'm doing here now is I'm going to go ahead and down myself, give up, and plead for help with all of my teams and items, in essence, whatever you want to duplicate.


Make sure that you throw it all on one player and each one of you is going to do this process so number one you need to make sure that you have Tombstone, equipped you are not on a team you're going to go down give up and plea for help now once you're done playing for help let your friend know it should come up if you're not on a team if you are on a team you won't actually see that indicator so make sure that you leave your team, again before you start doing this so each player is going to repeat this process so what I'm going to do is I'm going to give my ALT account the scorcher all of the items as well as the essence, he went and purchased Tombstone just like I did a second ago, and he's going to go ahead and down himself with the scorcher.

It doesn't matter how you down yourself; just die, not in like a drowning or quit the game way, but go down and plead for help, and as you can see here, this is what you should see if you are not on the same team at this point, so I'm going to go ahead and pick him up, knowing that he's pled for help with all of the items in essence, and at this point, what you want to do is you want to individually.


Quit the game so what I want you to do now is essentially play your game however you want but how you're going to in your game needs to be very specific so what we just did was we set a tombstone you'll notice I don't have the tombstone icon at the bottom of my screen, so, just to make sure that you don't actually set a tombstone after this you need to make sure that you never drink Tombstone or plea for help again so what I'm going to do to ensure that is I'm going to go down and let the play for help timer run out and what happens if you don't already know, is that you will lose the game you will fully lose I don't know if you can just quit the game but make sure that when you actually physically quit the game after you've died that you click no to pulling team members out that's super important so invite your teammate back and go ahead and search for another game and remember we've already set a tombstone on our characters so what's going to happen is each person on your team is going to have the same exact Tombstone so for example, if my teammate you know took all the crystals.

glitching queen

As well as all the essence, he should have 70, 000 essence, and then I also had 70, 000 essence. Therefore, whenever I picked everything up after you know spending some money, you can see I've effectively doubled my essence, so you can repeat this process over and over again and get to the maximum amount of essence that's around a million I believe it is, so what you can do is essentially, once you're done with all of that, just go ahead and do the tombstone duplication glitch as a solo player with bad signal, and that way you can take out all of the items, as well as Tombstone the essence whenever you're done duplicating it, so it's that easy to duplicate it with your teammates.

Dark aether (unlock schematics!)

Dark aether (unlock schematics!)

And then you essentially all go out on your solo way so what we're going to do now is we're going to look into how to do it with all of the tier 3 portals as well as dark ether so the new dark ether you can unlock the new schematics for obviously, and I'm going to show you guys how you can only spend an Elder sigil which you can duplicate by the way and go into the dark ether over and over again and not actually risk all of your items now what a lot of people get frustrated about right is these new dark ethers if you go in with a team and you all die and you didn't have Tombstone.

Also read:

Then you won't save it at all; you will lose everything now if you just purchase Tombstone and die in the dark ether. That's another thing; you will have the items that were in your inventory backed up, but I'm going to show you how you can use your items, as well as have a duplicate waiting for you when you come back so you can continuously try the new dark ether, really, really easily.


As you can see, there is a Tier 3 portal way over here now. I would argue that this is more for advanced players. However, I'm going to physically show you how to do it if you want to watch the full article where I give a detailed explanation on this one. And again. I think that this is a little bit more advanced for the advanced player, so I highly suggest that if you have a player who's really quick with their movements, that they do this; you can see me demonstrating it here using the portal, walking out of bounds at 6 seconds.

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