News - Warzone 2: The Season 1 Meta Update. Best Weapons After Update

modern warfare 3 best weapons

Guns were actually adjusted as well, so we have some things to change here. The M4's close-range damage actually got buffed, but its head and neck multiplied, and it actually got nerfed, so that kind of balances it out some there. It's going to be a reliable option, for sure, compared to some of the other MW2 guns.

It's pretty low recoil; it's still got some visual bounce and some visual shake, but it's certainly competitive enough. This is the gift that keeps on giving. not to be confused with the jelly of the month club. Although that's pretty solid as well, Gamer Advantage is where it's at. And code ImmortalStacks on top of that for 35%.

modern warfare 3 meta

Off discount for all of December, so quite literally the perfect time to pick up a pair, whether it be for yourself, some friends, or some family for the holidays. The TAC V actually got a lower body multiplier and buff, but overall, its ttk is really not anything all that impressive compared to some other options.

But ultimately, you're going to be using this in the close range, so while it's nice that it'll have a bit more range now that's not its most effective area, it's going to stay competitive. It's a buff, but not something that's super impactful. Now the r also ended up seeing some pretty significant upgrades.

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Here it got an ad for a Sprint of Fire and an attack Sprint buff, so the r is just not as heavy, which is great to see that said in terms of ttk. Things like the breu and the peeling knot are still going to stand out a little bit more in most fights, so again, don't think this is something that makes the r leap into absolute meta, but it's nice that it almost makes it more competitive.

modern warfare 3 meta season 1

You were saying this was borderline; you know, average competitive before, but it's now solidified itself as a really reliable, competitive MW2. Now The Icarus already wasn't that crazy; it ended up getting a headshot multiplier Nerf, but they did actually buff its close range damage, but you're not really using a heavy lmg like The Icarus in close range all that much in winning those fights, so that's not a huge, you know, buff to where it's going to be the best mid- to long range, obviously he's going to be the go-to.

And that didn't change here, so unfortunately, Icarus is not really changing all that much with this update. The Basilisk also ended up getting a range buff, which is nice to see for sure, but I still have this and the tier both in Niche just because, realistically, we're using these as like Kimbo snake shots; in most cases, that's where they're going to be the most dominant and reliable, and I feel like that's a pretty Niche style of play with a Kimbo pistol really only being close range, and then lastly, the spr gets a range buff and an ad buff.

modern warfare 3 meta update

The ad buff is what is going to be the more noticeable of the two obviously you're going for, like the quick scores and whatnot here, and it's average at best for that. The MW2, Snipers, and Marksman stand out a little bit more in terms of that kind of play style, at least as of right now. That being said, that's currently how Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer works.

Meta shakes out. We have a lot of variety here, with so many different viable options. Everything average and above truly is worth using, and you can do well with it depending on your level of skill. Keep in mind that this does not correlate to the war zone. We will be breaking down the Fullon War Zone meta in the coming days, so stay tuned for that for sure, but as of right now, I'm really liking the overall feel of this meta.

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I do wish rifles were not as dominant, and I wish we had a few other things that could clearly be called the absolute meta, maybe nerfing these or buffing some other options. This is going to be the true answer to that, but that is going to wrap things up. Until next time, take it easy, have an awesome rest of your day, and I'll catch you later

modern warfare 3 meta weapons

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