News - Warzone 2 Settings You Didn't Know You Need To Change

What this will do is that, just by holding forward, I will automatically start printing taxes. I never even need to touch the Sprint Key, never mind tap it twice. And what's great is that as soon as my tactical print becomes available again, you'll see it activate, so I'm always ready to tactical sprint as soon as I can in the game, which makes moving around and outplaying enemies so much easier.

Improved mount mechanics

Improved mount mechanics

This is an important thing you need to change, so weapon mounting is still a really important feature in Warzone 2 that you need to be using. Let's not mount on this wall; let's mount on this one. That just really brings down that recall, and it's an incredibly important feature. However, if I need to leave my mounted position as quickly as possible, potentially because an enemy pushes in behind me and I need to quickly turn around and shoot him, there are a couple of ways you can actually exit and mount.

The first way is to press the same button that you pressed to get onto the mount, so on the keyboard that's T. I don't know about you guys, but if you're playing on a keyboard and mouse. I guarantee there's no way that in that split second where you get pushed by an enemy, you're going to think I need to press T to get off.

warzone 2 best settings

The best way to leave your mount a lot of the time is to just hold a movement key, so for example. I can hold my right key and dismount, but there's a delay, so if I press D now, there's about a half-second delay, which feels like you're just stuck to that mount way too much. Luckily, we can change it.

All you need to do is find a setting called "weapon, mount." exit delay, so I'm going to go to the keyboard and mouse version. By default, this will probably be set to medium; you want to put it to short. This is how long you need to hold a movement input before you exit weapon mounting, so by putting this on the short side and then mounting.

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I basically just need to tap the movement button, and I'm straight off that mount as quick as possible, so if I'm down here and I'm shooting. I'm shooting. I'm shooting, and I suddenly hear someone, and I'm instantly ready to turn and shoot them. It might not seem like much, and it's kind of hard to show it on article, but it feels so much better, and I guarantee that most of you guys have never even touched that setting, so go change it now.

Land before every enemy!

Land before every enemy!

Our final setting today is going to be all about improving one of the most important parts of the game that you need to get right in Warzone 2, and that is your landing at the start of the game, if you're landing at a hot drop area or even just somewhere that's slightly contested and you get beaten to the ground.

They're going to pick up a gun, and you're going to be running around like a headless chicken, and you're probably going to die, so it's very important that you hit the ground first. Now, by default in War Zone 2, your parachute will auto-deploy at a certain range above the ground, and that's a set distance above the ground so that new players don't accidentally splat into the ground.

warzone 2 controller settings

You need to turn that parachute auto-deploy off because what this is going to allow you to do is you're going to be able to get really, really close to the ground and then deploy your parachute at the last second so that you basically hit the ground. There is no slowing down. You'll see in the footage here how it compares parachute auto-deployment versus non-parachute auto-deployment, and the difference is insane.

So here's how you turn it off: You're going to come into your settings. It's called. I believe, just parachute auto-deploy once again for keyboard off controller, and you just need to make sure that this is off; you'll see here that it will open the parachute only by pressing jump, so if you don't press the jump button and you fall in, you will splat, and you will just die.

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That's your fault at that point, because having it on means that the parachute will open automatically. You hit the ground, but you're going to get beaten down, and you're going to miss out on gunfights. It's not going to be very fun for you, so get used to having this off; it improves your gameplay experience, so, much like , that's all the settings we've got today.



If you guys haven't set these up as I've shown them, go sort those out. It's going to make the game so much better in general for all of those little situations I've pointed out.

It's going to help you win more gunfights by getting down to the floor a bit quicker and keeping your recoil. Check all the really important stuff in the warzone too. The Nvidia control panel and the best way you can set that up to just push that performance a little bit further than you can with just the in-game settings is going to help you out a ton.

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