News - Warzone 2 Settings You Didn't Know You Need To Change



Better armor plate behavior

It's G on my keyboard; if you're on Control, it'll be a different button. I'm not sure what it is, but you have to spam that button multiple times to get all of those plates on, which isn't good because, if you imagine that I'm in a fight over here and I've shot a guy over here and he's ripped off my plates, then I have to darken, to cover, and I know that he's pushing me.

I need to put on my armor, but continue moving because I can't just sit here like a sitting duck. I need to try and probably move over here—maybe even get through this window. It's not a good situation, so what can we do? If we come in here and we're going to change the setting to search for armor in here, it's called an armor plate.

You can find it in the gameplay area. For me, it's on the keyboard or mouse. For you guys, you'll find it on the controller if you're playing on a controller. You'll find it here in the gameplay area, where you're looking for armor plates. By default, it's set to apply one behavior, which, as you'll see, means that if I press G once, it puts on one armor plate, but then I have to press G again to put on another armor plate, making it difficult to do multiple inputs at once.

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So what we want to do is change this to apply, all right, so in this example. I've got three arm plates in my inventory, and I've got two plate slots available if I press G once and take my hands off the keyboard, as you'll see. I put on both the armor plates, so that would mean I can press G once, and then I can move around, which is incredibly important, so that's setting.

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Easier crosshair placement

Easier crosshair placement

So the next one here is all about your crosshairs. Around the center, if I look right, it sort of moves a bit to the right and then bounces back to the middle; if I look left, it moves to the left and bounces back to the middle. Now, whilst this might be some kind of immersiveness, some people might like how this looks.

I can't imagine why this is not good for doing what we call centering, or what a lot of players in other games like Valor and stuff would call Crosshair placement Crosshair placement is the idea as we move around: to have our crosshair trained on the area where we think we might find enemies. This crosshair bobbing is bad for that, so what we need to do to change this is in the name; I just said it's called "crosshair bobbing," and it's in the interface area.

Less recoil on all guns!

Less recoil on all guns!

Okay, so for this next setting, I thought there'd be no better place to go than the firing range because this is all going to be about recoil, specifically visual recoil. Now that it's even worse and more apparent in the game these days in Warzone too, what is "visual recoil"? If you guys don't know, a lot of you might already know what it is.

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It has nothing to do with the actual recoil of the guns; if I shoot this model of 762, I get a recoil pattern that goes up the wall. It has nothing to do with that; it's actually to do with how your screen bounces around when you start shooting. My screen's bouncing, the sight's bouncing, and it makes it incredibly hard to stay on target even when the gun isn't recoiling that much, and we want to reduce that as much as possible.

best warzone 2 settings

Luckily, it's very easy to do so if you come into your settings, go to your graphics area, go to the view area, and find out where the field of view is. This is for console players, and for PC players, you'll hopefully have already turned up your FOV to Max or near Max, but we also have these two other options after it, which are ads FOV and weapon FOV, so if we have it set to "affected," then our field of view when we actually zoom in with our gun is affected by the increased FOV we've set here.

So by default on Independent. I've got my 120 FOV, but then when I zoom in, it zooms really far in because it goes to the default ad FOV, which isn't good; what we want to do is give ourselves an improved FOV while ads, and so to do that, all we do is change this to "affected," and you'll see now when I scope in.

Now it does have a slight negative because the actual target you're shooting at looks like it's further away because you're not as zoomed in, but quite honestly, look at this: you can easily keep on the target now because your gun isn't bouncing all over the place. This is probably one of the most crucial settings you're going to see in this article, so make sure you've got it set up as.

Most important movement setting

Most important movement setting

Okay, let's talk about movement. We still have the tactical sprint that we had from the previous Warzone game, and here I can't activate it, so here we go, but I can activate it there again for a little bit.

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You activate it by double-tapping the sprint button, so on a PC, that's going to be your shift button. Just double-tap that, and you'll do a tactical sprint. On a controller, push the stick in twice, and you do a tactical sprint there. There are two pretty significant problems with that first one, which is actually just overall damage.

To your peripherals and your body, it's not healthy to be clicking like that all the time every time you need to tap Sprint. It will actually cause a lot of ongoing injuries if you play the game a lot. It's also bad because there's no visual indicator as to whether that tactical Sprint is available for you to use, so I just have to sort of guess.


Warzone does not enable automatic tax sprints. The way you do this is by setting the setting to automatic. Sprint select whichever one is best for you, whether it's your controller gameplay setting or the keyboard gameplay setting area. Automatic Sprint by default will be off. You want to turn this into an automatic, tactical sprint.

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