News - Warzone 2 Season 2 Reloaded Easter Egg Guide. New Dark Aether Rift, Mags Of Holding, New Schematics & More

Just shoot the zombies with the proper AAT, and you will kill them quickly, and then you will get the upgraded golden mirror.

Unlock new dark aether with sigils

Now you're ready to go into the new dark ether, so when you're ready, go to the hill across from the new Rift in Tier 3 and place each item on its correct pedestal. This will unlock the new dark ether portal.

bo3 zombies

You'll now have permanent access to the rift; you'll just need a regular sigil or an elder sigil. The regular sigil gets you access to the rift; basically, think of it as the regular dark ether, and the elder sigil gets you into the harder version of the dark ether. The first time that you activate this new portal, an HVT mimic will spawn, take him down, and activate the rift.

He will drop a sigil for you, the regular version of the sigil, so you go in there and get that one first. All party members then need to accept, and you'll be teleported into the dark ether.

New dark aether schematics

New dark aether schematics

I'm going to show you both the dark ether with the regular sigil and the Elder sigil together, as the locations and types of contracts that you need to complete are the same, but in the Elder sigil version, the contracts will be much harder to complete than the regular sigil.

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I highly recommend that you bring in a Scorch or Wonder Weapon, at least for the ElderSigil Dark Eternal, probably both, but at least for the ElderSigil Dark Eternal, as well as golden armor and as many Casmir grenades as you can carry, and I truly mean as many as you can carry, because they will come in extremely handy.

This is obviously going to be much easier to do with friends, party members, or whatever than it will be solo. So if you're doing this solo, good luck to you. It's not as hard as I think the previous version of the dark ether you know down by bad signal was, but it is still difficult now. Keep in mind that you can only get the new schematics.


In the ElderSigil version of the dark ether, the regularSigil will get to one-time use Acquisitions. Okay, the first contract that we're going to do is located in a warehouse just behind and to the right of where you spawn into the dark ether. It's on the second floor, and lots of zombies will spawn, so get in and out of there quickly.

This is an HVT contract at the beach. Which is far away from where you are now, so make sure you're using your scorcher and boost over there. In the regular sigil, dark ether, you'll get a mangler or a mimic; in the Elder sigil, dark ether, you're going to get a mega abomination. If you have a sentry gun score streak, this is a good time to use it.

Take down the target, and in the Elder Dark Eternity, you'll receive a new schematic. You have the chance to receive a new schematic. In the regular acial dark ether, you'll have a chance at things like mags of holding, the blood burner, or other legendary items, but it will be a one-time use acquisition, not the schematic.


Okay, next, use your scorcher and boost into the air to find the next bunny on this roof and activate the Outlast contract. By the way, if you're if you're having trouble finding any of these blue bunnies just listen out for them what I did the first time I went in that direction and just listened I tried to keep track of where you see the bunnies head off to and I just headed in that direction and just listened they do make quite a bit of noise, like children laughing and playing, so if you can't find them, just keep your ears out for it and go to the location on the map to start your contract.

cod zombies

You've done Outlast contracts in the past. I'm sure, and this one works the same way, but you may need to use a Casmir or two here to survive, it's at the very tight area especially in the Elder sigil version of this can get quite difficult so use your Casmir and stay alive and then collect your reward from the rift, the last contract is very easy to find cuz it's at the very top of the mall just use your scorches to boost up there if not there is an elevator inside the mall that you can take to the roof again the scorcher is like the best thing that you can bring in here for this it's fantastic.

This is an ether extractor contract where you have to interact with three different rockets. Okay, if you're at a party, I recommend you do it exactly as I'm about to show you here. Have one person be the lookout, and another person will be the person actually interacting with the rocket. If you have other people in the party, they can also just help as lookouts.

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The lookout will basically land on a roof nearby. They're going to throw a Casmir grenade down near the rocket, and then have the other team member that's going to interact with the rocket get down there as quickly as possible, interact with the rocket, and then use their scorcher to boost away, or if you don't have a scorcher, just run away quickly.

cold war zombies

The Casmir is still going off, and then you're basically just going to repeat that exact same process for the final two rockets that you have. If you're doing this solo, just use your scorcher if you have one again to get to a roof nearby, throw the Casmir down right near the rocket, and then quickly get down there.

Interact with the rocket if you have the scorcher; again, boost away up into the sky; if you don't have a scorcher, just run away very quickly as the Casmir is going off; and again, just repeat two more times to get the final rockets. Don't forget to get your rewards, and now you need to head far away, so boost into the sky, like the triple boost if you have the scorcher.

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The fill is going to be quite a ways away in the F1 section of the map. It's right at the very edge of the map. Get to the xfill, and you just interact with the xfill, and then you are gone. You have your rewards. And subscribe, and I'll catch you guys in another one real soon. Take care.


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