News - Warzone 2 Ranked Play : How To Solo Queue Like A Pro

So my teammates know, okay, AR's got the left, so they're just going to watch over the right side, so we're going to go through. Now that we see the mini map, someone's at the back here, so where is he? He's dead now they could be spawning. Yeah, I'm going to say they could be spawning behind us.

There's a big two-piece, and now what we want to do is we want to push through and block the spawns at the back here, so the guy in the plane is going to watch the window for a second. My teammates know he's on the plane, and I am worried about being on top here, so there you go. He got me from playe, so, unfortunate all, though my teammate's playing, we're spawning Burger; it's not the world head 40 seconds, left right, so let's go through my teammate's in the hill.

I'm just going to watch over for a second big kill. I'm just going to play off-angle here. I know they're going to come up in our skies, so the only reason I knew there were skies was to think about how we spawned here, and I knew the other spawn points were going to be back. Let's go through. Okay, perfect again.

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Start rotating start rotating going to go through Burger. Take my time. There's a guy. I see him in the back spawn. Okay, so I see Sak through. So I have a feeling someone's watching this. As I said, I don't see anyone, so there's two, so we get a huge kill. I'm actually going to live my life if I die; it's not the end of the world.

I want my teammates to help me out a bit. Yeah, see, there's a guy at the back there. I was hoping my teammate could help me a little bit more there. Who's there but all is well, and now you can see we're spawning out, but we're absolutely frying them. We've been in control the whole time here.

Let's go through a different route here. There is a guy in books. I took it for information. I know these books. I'm just going to slide. I'm going to slide across from my teammate; he's on the right there. You go, so right there was a bait and switch that didn't actually work out there. My teammate ended up dying, but in this scenario, because we have such a big lead, it's really not the end of the world.

We just don't want to overcommit here. We're just going to try and contest it. That's three down, three down, so perfect. The last guy should be on the hill. Great pre-fire I'm absolutely going to go behind the desk. I see my teammates at the back now, so I assume they're going to spawn a plane on me, so I'm going to hold the plane.

There you go. I'm just going to hold my front plane. There's going to be Burger now, and to be honest, we could probably win this. It'll be very close. I'm just going to hold the front. Assuming he's going to push me, there you go. I mean, look, my teammate got 30 kills. I think we did that really well, and that's how, in my opinion, Solo Q can win hard points.

Okay, it's not about getting the most kills. Pushing out too far, of course; communicating is definitely better, but if you're in scenarios where your teammates aren't coming, you get someone like me not coming. That's, in my opinion, what you need to do to win the game. Make sure to drop a like.

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We're having a pretty good performance, and yeah, I'll catch you guys for another article tomorrow.

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