News - Warzone 2 Ranked Play : How To Solo Queue Like A Pro


We are back for an inside look at the M off first of Modern Warfare 3 rank play. Sit back, relax, and let's see what we can do in this Lobby I'm currently going to, and this one looks like a sweaty Lobby, so starting off, I'm going to go to the right-hand side here. We want to kind of trap them in security, so I'm going to go to the right; there's one.

Now I'm going to jump behind it. Pillar perfect; that's two down. We actually want to keep them trapped here, so he got a great head shot at me. So my goal there was to keep them back in security. I wanted my teammate to go through the front of here and kind of just trap them in. Now I'm looking at the mini map, and what looks empty?

Well, the PL side looks empty here, so we want to keep this. Remember, the new spoons are flipped here, so P2. We want to keep this left side here. Okay, so we go, plane. So far, so good. We've got the hull from the front going to slide out, so I saw them spawning back there. You guys saw one with me, so we know there's two fronts.


I'm just going to hold it. Remember, I'm going to St. count to the left, so you see what I'm doing right now. I'm holding the front plane, and I'm holding the books here. I'm just trying to hold two angles. That guy's weak. We're going to back off. We don't need to overchallenge anything. We just need to hold the angles, so there's at least two at the back and at least two on my left, so you see they're getting a bit aggressive.

I'm actually going to back off and hold the front. Plane, so I'm just going to hold this front plane for a second. Once I get a kill, I can progress a bit further, so the only problem is that he might have snuck through. Yeah, it looks like they snuck through, so I need to back off slightly, okay?

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So the team that died there was a bit random, like the guy didn't push me to play. I kind of played the 50/50, and he went, so I got great timing there. One, we're getting great timing right now; we SN through; two, we get a lot of three-pieces; they should spawn play side now. Yeah, I mean, good play right there; we get a three-piece, going to go through; and right now, we're just trying to, like, we're going to go through the new hard point.


Okay, so what we want to do is watch left and right, so my teammate should pick up my book. I'm going to hold left there, so hold left as I go around. I'm just going to make sure I go for the head shots. Get the easy, kill, so we look at the mini map right. We got middle and we got left open, so I'm going to hold the left my teammate should hold, middle there's one, so the last guy should be booked here, so I'm going to ping it to my teammates so they watch it.

I'm just going to Ping it so they watch it again. Solo Q doesn't have comms right now. Okay, so there's two people on my left here. I'm going to back off. I'm going to hold this wide left. Okay, that's all I'm going to do. Hold my left and absolutely fry that guy. I am weak where you go, so again, I'm kind of just trying to help my teammates, so I want my teammates to help me out on the left.

Now I'm going to go through once again, but the left is still empty, so I'm going to hold. That guy's really weak there in the corner going to hold my n cook it perfectly; he's got a trophy there, that's fine, that's fine; we're chilling through the new who was Burger, so we're going to hold this; I know he's back in the left corner, so we're going to Ping.

Yeah, I kind of tried to make a play there just to stop them all. Though we do have spawns right now it's going well it's going really well here, so it's going to push. Through there's one my teammate kills him here. I'm just going to watch across here. That's perfect that's three guys up. Have a quick look at the mini-map.

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It looks like they're kind of spawning; they should still be spawning. To be honest, hold the front. I heard someone there. You go big-kill now. My teammate's behind me. This is big, so look at the mini map, right? What's empty is still left. I'm going to watch, and the fact that he cruised tells me there's going to be another one here.

Guys, my far right. I'm just trying to hold over my teammate here, so my teammate's got my rights. So right now, look at the mini map. What's empty what's going to be left? I'm going to take my time. Out, I'm just like that we get another big 15, so again, it's all about looking at the mini map and identifying the gap.

Okay, with 10 seconds left, we should be back to the new Hardo here, so I know they spawn back SK, so that means someone could push his head glitch right, so I'm not going to get too aggressive. I'm going to take my time. I'm going to go through it out just in case someone's on the head. Glitch, okay, that's fine.

We're going to get to the top third. Now that I'm in the top third, I know again that this is a very powerful spot. Get rid of the trophy just to make it easier for my teammates to break. It's that guy's one shot, man, absolutely one shot. So far, we're definitely in control of the game. We spawn in security though, so the problem is we're spawning quite far okay, so we want to go through, so we got we both got bad spawn there, we kind of got a split spawn there, parallel spawn so we spawn next to each other.

That guy's dead. Okay, now look at the mini. I look at the guy's books. I see him, books Soone watch over a that's kind of unfortunate there my teammate just pushed it as well the guys front I'm just going to distract him while my teammate flanks there you go perfect it's a guy behind us turn around.

Take him out. There are 10 seconds left. This is our time to rotate. Now look at the mini-map. Where's my teammate spawning back security? Okay, so I'm going to go to Burger. They might be behind me. We're going to sneak through perfectly. We want these back-spawns again. Okay, so I'm going to hold left once again.

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I'm holding left, and now I'm literally going to sit on this whole left-hand side. Now I've got my teammates watching the middle and the right, and you can see I'm just controlling an area of the map by myself because I'm playing solo Q, so I want to, like, so right there I got a bit overly aggressive.

I could have just stayed back, and I probably would have been chilling there; to be honest, I probably would have been. Fine, so let it back off. Again, this is what I mean by it's not all about the kills; it's all about the map control, so my teammate gets another three; there's two there. I'm just going to hold this right.

Angle, again, was over CH there. I got the kill, although I died. My teammate now knows he's on the left-hand side, so you can see that without communication, we're still being very effective. That guy's dead. One more is on the left, and I think the majority of the map I've held is on this left-hand side.

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