News - Warzone 2 Made Me Hate Myself Today

I'm going to fully send it. A stronghold is there, but someone's already doing it. But you know, I don't even care. I'm just going to run in there and see what happens. He's above me. We're going in. It's scorched let's go it's our right shield. Have a bit of that. God, he's done me good. Direct try to run up to me with this stupid ride shield and melee me not today, sir.

Okay, this is where I live now; I've got my load out, and I'm watching it in case anyone else gets the message that was a call. Why is there a guy in the back of the car? Are they teaming in solos again? I think yeah, looking at my health—0.1 percent there or something—I'm going to have to leave this on the roof.

I can be a man; I've got no bullets left. There are two left. I can hear one right next to me and another airstrike, please. Okay, I guess we'll go back in here, foreigners.

Warzone 2 solo games are brutal. Let's use some tricks, buy the new sweat skin and see if we can get a win.
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