News - Warzone Audio Is Broken Again. Urzikstan Audio Guide


I got two of my boys to shout out. Kyle, my mod Batu, we hung out on twitchcon; it was lit, okay, so I have loot you guys are above me. This is a common complaint. I'm just going to do an AB, and I'm going to have you guys just run around above me a little bit. Are you guys? bad Keep doing your movement.

I'm going to go out and look at y'all. Let's see what you're doing. That's what you've been doing the whole time. Shoot your gun if that's what you've been doing the whole time. My god, okay, keep doing it. Okay, so this is stock, audio, and home theater. I can hear their slides. Can you guys just run and maybe slide a little bit?

Less i hear them breathing, and I hear them running a little bit. Not a lot has changed from the previous game; stock audio is not great now. I also tested some other versions of the audio. I tested spatial audio with Windows Dolby Atmos and Windows Sonic enabled on the hardware device. I tested just the loudness EQ.

7.1 surround sound

The spatial audio sounded terrible. It's very fishy—even more fishy than my old tune kind of sounds. Spacey really didn't like either of them. Loudness EQ seems to not work as well in this game because there is so much background sound now. I don't know if this is from an unfinished mix or if this is intentional and an attempt to kind of Nerf that, at least on its own, but it just doesn't hit the same note.

You can hear footsteps. Sure, but if you shoot your gun or a streak goes off, the amount of ducking and compression that happens because of how loudly EQ works on the whole signal makes it very hard to hear any kind of faint sound underneath. Now, what I'm going to show you is my old tune modified for the new game, for which the configs will be available at the end of the article, but I've made one small change, which I also tell you at the end of the article: it's not an EQ tweak; it's actually a config file tweak.

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Make sure you pay close attention to the sound of the light in the room. What is that? Mother if you didn't pick up on it, the difference between those clips is huge. That buzzing light that's right above me—I even remarked about it—in one clip is obnoxious and loud; in the other clip, it's pretty subdued.

art of war

The chests in the other clip are still loud, and I can still kind of hear the footsteps. The other thing to note is that this is only a config file change, and I'll show what it is at the end of the article when I give you all the instructions, but this is really starting to feel like kind of a wink towards the audio tune because the config file line does mention about a 7.1 mix, but more on that later.

Why do I think audio is so bad, Ukhan? Well, number one for me is that the map is a bunch of maps. At least in my mind, I don't know anything about game development on the inside, but I would imagine it would work something like this. You have a map where we can see the buildings and their textures.

art of war audio

All of that, then you have the map of player collision, where a player can be where they can't be where they can walk, then where they can be shot where they can't be shot, where they can be seen where they can't be seen—all of these different layers to the map that we all play. I think there is also an audio map that defines can I hear this person there or can that person hear me and I've given these settings to some streamers that I work with and they've been testing them and there are times where sound is just not produced and I think we're in a similar situation that we were early release of Al mazra where, footsteps would just kind of appear out of nowhere and I think there are things miscoded maybe in the audio occlusion system or on the audio occlusion map maybe the walls are a decimal placed off and they're like super thick and so we can't hear anything but there are plenty of times I've watched people testing my audio and I've been t in my audio, somebody that I feel should I should hear running down an Alleyway I don't hear until they round the corner and I'm already dead so that's a major issue in the game Yeah.

art of war warzone audio

I'm not sliding, just running; the chest's kind of chalking it, but I definitely hear you guys. Okay, I can hear them well here, but as soon as I go inside and this chest is here, nothing happens. We got a streak too, nice. And I also want to say that it could be linked to the issue with Resolute that they pulled.

Daddy i'll show the tweet here on the screen right after Z Smith tweeted about Resolute showing Daddy popped, so I mean, it's an iw9 engine, which is a new engine, but it's also a spaghetti engine made up of all the IW engines that came before it, so I wouldn't be surprised if in an attempt to add this perk it accidentally popped Daddy and then it got pulled, so it's a little sus The last thing that I think could be contributing to it is the new perk Flex, which I tested with my tune Flex perk.

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It works fantastically—not as well without my tune as with my tune. But there's a small chance in my mind that they could have chocked the whole audio by adding that perk, because, what's to say, they didn't change the state? of the audio, like, how do they figure out what's a buffed state? Did they debuff what the standard state of audio is?


Do you know what I mean? Did they nerf our standard audio in order to give Flex an upper hand? If that's the case, we could be waiting a while for an update, but that leads me into my next point. I know I said I was going to update the entire audio system, but that seems risky to do right now. They've acknowledged the audio issues.

I'll show Raven's tweet here on screen, and they're looking into it; they've heard us; hopefully they see the article; and this breakdown is helpful to them, and we can get a fix. But until that point, I am just going to update the config files, which we'll get to here in a second for my old tune. Before we get into the updated settings section of the article, which is largely boring.

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I wanted to show off what I was able to achieve with the settings I'm going to suggest to you all today, so here's a couple clips from the last 40 hours that I think really exemplify I know how good the tune can be when it works, but I want to add an asterisk. That's when the game gives you an audio queue, because the audio queue system right now is so hit-or-miss.


I am just not putting a lot of faith in anybody getting an audio queue at any point, and that's why I'm not updating the settings until they update anything because I really stand by my work. I like to do a very good job when I put out work, especially if I'm booking appointments for them. This will mainly be a standby tune until Raven says something about their adjustments to audio, so before we get into the settings, let me show you guys a couple examples of the audio that were able to come up.

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