News - Warzone 2 Is So Bad But So Good

And also, in a lot of instances. I found myself and like a few teammates at mine fighting other enemies on the other side, for example, for a solid 30 seconds to a minute, and it made for some really fun cinematic. Moments it kind of actually almost felt like I was playing a Battlefield game it was really cool it really felt like you were just kind of, shooting at the other team they were shooting back you were trading bullets off it was just so much going on right they were throwing nades at you they were getting a few shots on you were getting a few shots on them they were trying to out flank you and all this happened within a minute's time and it really felt like a cinematic experience it was a great gaming experience, modare 2 you're not going to get that you're all going to die within.


10 seconds—that's just how it was in Moder Warfare 2—was so Twitchy. I also found in Moder Warfare 3 that it is way less campy. I literally did not see any campers—maybe somebody who was recovering their health. I do like tactical games, like I said, but you kind of did feel bogged down. You felt like you couldn't really move your character like you really wanted to not a mar 3 You're fast, and you're snappy.

You feel like you can play as fast or as slowly as you want. I've also found the gun play, the guns, the impact, and all that to feel so good in this game. I don't know what it is, but shooting a gun in Modern War 3 feels amazing. Also, the improved gun sounds are so satisfying. I don't know if you guys have noticed, but the gun sounds are so crispy.

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Yet, at the same time, they have that strong sound to them. It's very extinguished as well; right in Moder War 2, every gun kind of sounded the same, which may have been a little more realistic, but in Moder 3, every gun kind of has its own character to it; it all has these unique gun sounds, and they're all really crispy.

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Some guns feel so heavy, strong, and strong and Bassy, and some guns feel kind of tetany. Maybe they have a fast fire rate. I don't know why all the guns have such characteristics, and that's pretty much all I have to say. Go on, like, subscribe, and have a great day.

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