News - Warzone 2 Has Some Serious Problems



I really do think it's time that we talk about the state of Modern Warfare 2 in War Zone 2. I do want to preface all this by saying that I'm not sitting here to just complain because that is unproductive and accomplishes nothing for any issue or problem that I'm going to talk about in this article.

I'm going to provide a direct solution on how to make these things better because otherwise, there's no point in making a article like this. What .

Mw2 skill-based damage

The first issue that I'd like to talk about is something that actually kind of recently came to light, but it's something that I've kind of noticed in the experience of playing Modern Warfare 2: skill-based damage.

For quite a while now, there have been some ridiculous conspiracy theories going around about skill-based damage, skill-based hit markers, and skill-based hit detection. It sounds kind of dumb right now, and it almost nullifies the seriousness of skill-based matchmaking and how much it actually influences the gameplay.


Well, here's the thing: if any of this stuff is actually true and can be proven, then this could seriously be a breaking point for both Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer and Warzone 2. And unfortunately, there. There have actually been some clips recently shared that show us different things happening in the game that actually just straight up look impossible.

I'm talking about the MK2 Marksman rifle getting a literal one-shot kill, killing to the toe without the player taking any previous damage, which just makes no sense. The MK2 is not able to get a one-shot kill at that range and at that location of the body, and on top of that, there are clips surfacing.

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In Warzone 2, players report losing melee fights even though they melee the enemy first and melee them more times than the enemy with the same amount of armor. How exactly can that be explained literally? If that's not proof of skill-based damage, I don't know what it is. There are no stim hit markers, no battle rage is being used, it's a level fight, but it's not a fair fight, and if that wasn't bad enough, there's Aimbot, hackers running rampant again, so that's a cool look.

I don't want to believe that the matchmaking is being manipulated to this level, but it can't be ruled out entirely when there is actual footage that says otherwise. We're starting to see more and more of this evidence stacking against them, and I think Activision needs to actually just come clean about skill-based matchmaking and or engagement-optimized matchmaking systems in these games so people know what they're really investing their time and money into.

Mw2 camo progression is broken

Mw2 camo progression is broken

But moving on from that, let's talk more about the season 1 reload and specific changes and things that are going on with the game somehow. The camo progression has broken again. Once again, make no sense for what you do and don't have unlocked in the game at this point for Modern Warfare 2, as it's hard to tell what's a bug and what's actually a feature in the game.

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I've also seen multiple tweets and comments from people saying that camo progressions have reset again, and if I'm not mistaken, this happened at the beginning of season one as well, but Infinity War did undo this issue and they did eventually restore the camo progression, so that is good, and hopefully, they'll do that again.

Another strange thing regarding camos in this game is that they appear brighter in the preview, but it doesn't look like they were actually changed in the game again. Is this a bug or a feature?

Mw2 riot shield nerf

warzone 2

next up Let's talk about the riot shield because it was nerfed hard. The changes that Infinity Ward made to the riot shield make using it less viable, but you can still put it on your back and be a complete Out with it.

There is no issue at all. Now look, we have no clue if they have data to back this up, but nerfing the riot shield this hard seems like Infinity Ward intentionally wants it to be harder to progress riot shield camos for players on shipment; there can't possibly be any evidence to show that the riot shield was broken and overpowered and that it needed a serious nerf.

I mean, this is now the weakest riot shield in Call of Duty history. You move slower, it's harder to use throwing knives paired with the riot shield, and it's now a three-hit kill in core, and what really doesn't make sense is that turtleing, which is the process of putting the riot shield on your back and just using a primary weapon as your other gun, has started to become the meta once again in this game and is a very annoying and frustrating one with changes like this, it actually just feels like an Infinity War doesn't even play their own games as multiplayer.

and I really feel strongly that Infinity Ward should undo the nerfs that they did to the right shield; it just seems so unnecessary, and I do feel strongly that they should nerf how the riot shield performs when you put it on your back; you should either move slower or the right shield should be able to be broken or deteriorated in order to discourage people from playing like complete idiots.

Dmz building 21 gameplay

Dmz building 21 gameplay

Next , let's talk about building 20. Z mode, and you can extract and have the card, but you can't even access this area yet. Infinity Ward says that it's a surprise or secret, but we really don't know how to get into the building. Some people are speculating that the DMZ might have a similar kind of like the Warzone nuke challenge, where you'd have to exfil five times in a row to get access to Building 21, or they'll just randomly release it; who knows great communication?

Warzone 2 combat record release date

Guys are speaking, and there are also no combat records for War Zone 2 yet, so when are we getting combat records? Well, guess what it is. TBD because of issues tracking the data. Include all of our war zone stats from the very beginning of the launch of Warzone 2, but if they don't do that, then none of your past or current progress right now will be recorded for your combat record, so please just keep that in mind before you start pouring in more hours into this game.

Mw2 killfeed update?

Next up, let's talk about the kill feed in the game. Wait, there's nothing to talk about because it hasn't been improved. This is truly one of the most bland kill feeds in a Call of Duty game; it only shows a maximum of four kills, and new kills instantly push old kills out of the kill feed. This kill feed functions worse than Call of Duty games that are a decade or more old, and there are no settings to change things, and they haven't improved it on their own at all.

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On top of that, there's still no kill feed in Tier 1, and there have been no improvements to the user interface in Tier 1. My suggestion for the kill feed to an Infinity Ward is to just make the default kill feed more like and also give us some kill feed settings.

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