News - Warzone 2 Dmz Easter Egg Guide: Samum's Story


It seems like there are quite a lot of the secret treasure hunt Easter egg quests in the DMZ. They all have these special notes in them that you can read and they tell a story normally, they involve getting lots of different keys and going into different areas as soon as we investigate one somebody else lets me know on Twitter that they found something else so if you find any of these special notes so you use a key to open an office or a lock box or a locker somewhere and you find one of these special notes with a bit of text inside please, send me a screenshot on Twitter it helps me a bunch we can go investigate, it try and find the entire chain.

That's what we've been doing today with the salmon quest. So when I woke up this morning, three people were on my Discord. Scrambler and Scotto had found a couple of these notes and keys starting in the Rohan oil fields in the tunnels underneath there that opened up the locker that's in that tunnel that had led them onto a series of quests that they'd found a couple of parts of; we found a couple more parts of it, and I think by some kind of weird glitch we've actually seen the end of this.

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You could even do it now to you know save you forgetting later. Also, consider subscribing and turning on your notifications. Like I said, this seems to be a kind of circular story and it revolves around that massive explosion of the Rohan oil fields, you know, as one of the tankers is blown up and there's a load of destroyed cars around it.


This story seems to be explaining what happened there, and it's quite cool that it's almost like having an Intel in the original war zone that we're now getting the kind of stories of what's happened through these notes. So the first one that Scotto, mine. Scrambler, and mine Scrambler and Gokatavi found was a hastily written note in the locker underneath the Rohan oil field, so there's a key that says Rohan.

Oil tunnels locker, key, or something like that, and it says hastily written note if you're reading this, the deed is done, so I'm guessing that's blowing up the oil tank, number one Burns, but I don't think I'm done yet. It's time to retreat into the tunnels, where they won't find us. I forced a worker to reprogram the access code; the code is in my original notes that I lost back on that ship, and this is a signed salmon.

dmz easter egg

So, this obviously sent us looking back on the ship for the code; that was the next place we wanted to look, but I'm still a little bit intrigued by this note because it talks about not being done, and it says that he's going to retreat into the tunnels where they won't find us. And, having had the access code at work reprogrammed, we now know what that code is thanks to the other piece of Intel, but we can't find a keypad that we could use to enter it.

The ship talked about in the note we found is the Haffid Port ship, so this one in Happy Four is docked there; it's got shipping on it; it's got loads of containers, and if you go on over to that ship, there's a locked thing that's called the first mate cache. To open this one, you need the half-in-ship first mate cash key, but if you have that, you can open up that cache, and then you'll find another note inside.

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This one says, Note from Sailor to Captain. The object is called a handwritten note, and it reads: The captain and I found this in his bunk, so journalistically damaged, but I transcribed what I could make out of it: Boat this sea; I may never come back. Once upon a time, two of us ate seven whole loaves of bread and called it good.

dmz ee

Why, then, does that banging never stop? I think the captain wants me. Sam, I'm locked up. I should make sure he doesn't find these notes; they know it was me who started the fire. I can hear them coming down the hall; they think they have me trapped. I need to jump overboard and head off to Tarak.

So this seems to be kind of the beginning of the story, but obviously we found it because the Rohan one told us about going to the ship, but basically the person on the ship. I desperately want to find that. I said it might be in the Rohan area, but I'm not sure. But anyway, this note ends with him talking about going off to Tarak, so there's another key that you need to find to get to the next bit, and it's called the track tunnel workbench cache key.

Now, we actually think that there's some kind of bug going on around this section, and the bug starts when we get this key, so we've basically lost this key. We really need some more of this key; there are so many keys—like 87. It's super hard to find them, but that would be a massive help if you had one.

dmz rohan

But with this track tunnel, workbench, and key, you can go into a tunnel underneath racks or underneath the sort of bombed area of that Village Track Village, and you can find this workbench. If you open that up, you can find another note; it's called a scrolled note, and it says, "Scrolling of a Madman." "Friends, I think this explosion may rock the region." Now, how do I get this on TV?

Downtown Al Mazda has a station; perhaps I should give it a visit. Again, it's signed "Salmon," and this one actually comes with a specific key, and it's for the Channel 7 editorial office, which is at the top of the TV station building. So we next went up to the TV station to the channel 7 editorial department.

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We opened up that room, and we have looked all over and can't find anything—we can't find another note, we can't find another key, nothing. That seems to point us in the direction of what happened to Salmon or where we're meant to go next, and we tried this repeatedly. We opened this door repeatedly.

dmz samum

We opened up the workbench, again using the key, and then we still got another Channel 7 editorial, "Apartment One," so it definitely meant to go to this room, but we can't find anything, and we've searched the entire TV station building and can't find the next piece of it, so I kind of think this might be bugged, and we had that with the golden skull one, where sometimes we'd go to the post office.

Someone else on my Discord, not you or me, went to try and sort of trace the same steps and went to the Rohan oil tunnels again, opened up that locker, so where we started this whole thing, and they got a different note for us. They got a notice called "Hasty" written though, and it says the new station was a waste of time, make sure the ingredients are correct, and they will have no choice but to cover this story.

dmz secret

Wait for my signal. Sama so, it seems like that's kind of the end of that part of the story, but then it loops around to when he's blown up tank number one and talks about going into the tunnels and having the access code and things like that. It seems like that would just loop around. And, obviously, that next note where he talks about blowing up the thing that then led us onto the ship goes back to the beginning from our perspective.

We keep finding more secret Easter Egg Treasure Hunt Missions in DMZ - with the latest one you'll find all the DMZ intel about what happened at Rohan Oil and who was responsible, and where they fled to.
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