News - Use These Settings For Warzone On Console (ps5/xbox)

HZ refresh rate on a capable TV. Now I actually still have to get the red cables, but I'm currently playing on 1080p. Because I don't have HDMI 2.1 cables to go to my capture card, you can actually play in 1440. I have a 1440p monitor, but it's sadly set to 1080 because I don't have the red cables yet.


But it is what it is regarding f/v. Now, f/v is very important, as you can see in this image. Your f/v is how zoomed in your camera is in the game. Now I play on 120 f/v, but I also sit very close to my monitor, so that definitely plays. Kind of a role in my favorite now if you guys cannot see your enemies and not see your targets.

I would say going down to 110, 105, or 100 would be the best for you because 120 is definitely very zoomed out, and it's going to make your enemies and your targets a lot smaller now. This does not affect your aim assist or anything like that; it just affects how big the target is looking on your screen.

Camera movement is set to least; that's kind of like motion blur, but the default is on 100, so this is a setting a lot of people miss because as they're running around and stuff, their screen is going to be shaking for no reason, which again is never good. Make sure to set this to the least, and that is the most important graphic setting you'll need.

Audio settings

Audio settings

Let's go on to audio. Now onto the audio settings here. What I found personally going from PC to console. The best setting for consoles so far that I've seen is Soundbar. I don't know why it says it has a tighter dynamic range in EQ. Whatever that means Soundbar I've tried headphones because I do play with earbuds actually I've tried headphones base boost I've tried home theater everything that I've seen so far and I've heard while I'm playing definitely Soundbar is the best but again, the problem is with audio and stuff when there's things going off like Precision air strikes mortars things like that it's very hard to hear, now I have all of my War tracks cinematics all that stuff off the dialogue volume is when your character's calling in a Precision air strike or a UAV, or things like that I have that on 30 and then my effects on 100 that's going to be audio footsteps things like that that's pretty much the most important setting for audio.

warzone 2 best settings

Dr music off, and obviously your hit marker sound effect is preference, but I play a modern warfare that is just as you're shooting somebody what it sounds like when you're hitting them with hit markers, so going down to color customization.

Color settings

Color settings

Settings here: the way that my game looks so bright and colorful is because I do have my HUD palette on Tritanopia.

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And then I do have my filter 2. On both, and that can kind of brighten up your game and give it a little bit more color now for YouTube articles and stuff, because I see a lot of people being like that. Joe, your game looks so good that it is just a stream filter on OBS. So my game looks like this for me, the same as your guys game does, but for streaming and stuff and for articles.

Interface settings

On the topic here, I have my crosshair dot on and the center dot off. Because I think that there's times that as I'm fighting. I see some people that just have a crosshair dot on or things like that, but I actually like to see where my crosshairs are on my screen to help my centering, which is going to be one of the most important things in Call of Duty, which I'll be touching on in a future article.

warzone 2 settings

In a future aiming article, centering and all that kind of stuff will be in my crosshair settings, which I think a lot of people always pass over now with the server latency and packet loss. I do have that on CU. I do want to see if I'm lagging in game with the server latency and packet loss. Yes, you can turn this on the console.

I see people wonder about my current articles and my new console articles; it's like you're still on PC. That doesn't make sense on the console. Yes, it's literally right here. You can turn on your server latency and your packet loss to see while you're playing in the top left of your screen if you're lagging or if you have packet loss.

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Obviously, gameplay tips and tools have this off because otherwise it's just an annoying popup while you're playing. Make sure to have this off.

Account & network

Account & network

Now last but not least is crossplay, which I am on PS5, and I got to be honest. I tried to play crossplay, but I could never find a lobby. Apparently, it does take some time, but if you guys don't like playing against PC players, which I don't blame you for, I would hate to play against them.

PC players like myself, but I tried to play with crossplay off. I couldn't find a lobster. Some people said it takes like 10 minutes to 15 minutes, and my patience just couldn't wait that long for a Lobby, so I just play crossplay on and still drop some bombs. But if you guys are trying to play against just console people, you can turn off crossplay and try it out.

Now that is going to wrap up my console settings article.

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JoeWo reviews his BEST Console settings for Warzone players playing on Playstation 5 or Xbox Seriex XS. JoeWo goes over the best settings for aim assist, controller sensitivity, crossplay, Warzone audio, slide cancelling, and more.
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