News - Use These Instead. Top 250 Player Reveals Best Long Range Meta For Warzone Season 2


Tolerance so that covers our three medium- range ARS our three long range ARS or lmgs and now let's cover two snipers if you guys did not know the xrk, stalker was a sniper that was not, one shot headshot in previous updates but now it is up to its first damage range drop off and what you can do to tell what that is you simply go in and as you're building a weapon we're going to look for What's called the effective damage range, after that effective damage range that first drop off you will notice it no longer one- shot head shot but has 300 damage to the head up to 75 M but it all depends on the build so when we go in here and we throw on This fishing Barrel it helps out our damage range but if we were to not have that on all of a sudden the one shot headshot range would go down to 61.

resurgence meta

Or the Sonic suppressor which helps out our damage range it all we're trying what we're trying to do, is find the right balance with this build that we still get a onot head shot, but since it's only one shot headshot up to a certain range we want it to be a Snappy or faster almost like quick scopy AR now the developers are never going to bring back something like a kar98 or a Swiss but we're getting closer especially with the build that I'm about to show you okay so we throw on a laser keeping in mind that this is meant to be a kind of quick scoping gun, but keep in mind this is 50 m so it's still one shot head shot do 50 M plus another 25 M so it' be someone way down range that's still a viable one- shot headshot.

Honestly, outside of sniping someone all the way across the map, you can still reliably identify them, even if someone like this has an AR. Peek a corner and rip someone's head off in a really fair gunfight, as I miss multiple bullets. The nice thing about this is that this scope is the hinor scope, which I am a huge fan of because that makes my ads faster, but we can change the zoom.

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If someone's coming up really close or we wanted to get involved with some quick scoping, we could do that with the H RoR as well, so for me, it's the ideal scope where I can both get active and Mixie up close for some quick scoping, or I can bring it all the way down range, hold my breath, and hit a long range shot.

top 250

Now we're going to rock the Sonic suppressor, and we're going to throw on the 50-cal high grain because that once again extends it by 15%. So an extra 10 m onto our effective damage range, we have the fish and barrel, and we have the laser Hawk, which helps out in two big ways: one, it helps out our ads; two, it helps out our sprint to fire well; and actually, three, probably most importantly, it helps out with our aiming walking steadiness so that way, as we're walking, our scope isn't shaking around.


I've seen some alternate builds for this gun, and I'll just go ahead and show it right now, so go ahead and take your screenshot. This is mine. Build, but what other people have been recommending is ditching the optic and throwing on a no stock and what that no stock does is it helps out our ads even more brings it down to 550, keeping in mind that the traditional sniper that we've been using the cat AMR is in the high 600s, so it makes it even snappier and the razor Hawk helps out with some of that aiming idle stability, issues, my thing is I don't like, how much this scope Zooms in like it covers so much of your screen I'm not a fan of it but I've always, and then like if you're trying to like turn, up and close it's just such a high mag ification it just for me I'm not a fan okay, this is a build that I've seen people running I totally understand if you would like to run something like this that's not my build of choice but if you want to try it out this is another really solid.

Okay, from there, we've thrown on high-velocity rounds, which help out by 20% for our bullet velocity, and we have the Coro laser, which helps out by 6% for our ads, which is actually better than the FSS oev. Laser. We have the Hinor Hybrid Scope, which helps out once again with our ads to make them even faster, but more importantly, it gives us the ability to both go long range and short range, and then finally, we have the ephemeral.

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