News - Updated" Tombstone Dupe Glitch Warzone 2 Zombies After Patch

I will go buy one to show you guys exactly how to get one the best way possible. I also recommend buying a triple plate armor for yourself; however, the triple plate armor can be bought in Tier 2 buy stations, like this one right by me. Here, triple-plate armor is in the second row, all the way on the left.

I also recommend buying a self-revive, because you will not have one. The self-revive will save you from any situation, so if you go down, you may use it just for the last game you were not allowed to have; otherwise, the glitch would not work in this game. You can buy one as well as a monkey bomb, so that way it will help protect you while you are trying to buy the large rug sack from Tier 3.

I would buy two if you have the money for them, but make sure that you have enough points to buy the large rug sack. As you can see right here, I have $941, 000. If you're one of those. I have plenty of money to go buy the large rug sack, and just so you guys know, the large rug sack costs 10, 000 points, so make sure you have at least 10, 000 points before you buy any of this.

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Getting the rug sack is the number one priority. Once you've bought it, you're going to want to make your way back to the crane, open your map, and look for the buy station in Tier 3. Now there are a few bu station spawns in my game; the ones that we got were this one and this one. Not every game will have two bu-station spawns, so just be aware of that.

I'm going to mark this car right here and fly right to it, and if you guys have armor, I do recommend putting it on. This is just so that if anything attacks you, you will have some sort of protection. Now that I'm in the car, I'm going to want to take it all the way to the bus station, and of course the car just caught fire.

Hold on fire, hold on wait, technical. These just blew up that fast. You guys get the point. As soon as you get a car, you're going to want to take it to a buying station. That was not supposed to be that low, but apparently it was, and so here we go. Now I'm on foot, which is why I do recommend taking a car just because of the number of things that will chase you.

As you guys can see on my mini map, we are almost at the buy station, so I'm going to go ahead and run straight to it. Now I'm going to put this in slow motion right here, so that way you guys can see where it is. As you guys can see, I bought it super duper fast just because there were a lot of zombies that were by me.

I bought the large rock sack, so now that I have it, I'm going to want to make my way back to my tombstone. Once you make it back to your tombstone, you're going to want to open it up and stow everything that's inside of it. Once you have everything inside your rug sack that you came in the previous game with to duplicate, you are going to want to take the bad signal portal.

The bad signal portal spawns with the actor mission that I told you guys to equip. Just before we started this game, I recommended taking one of the cranes because, with them, you can fly right off. The bad signal portal is just coming over to the edge, and you can go ahead and jump right off. The bad signal portal is just in front of the tornado.

Spawns in the exact same spot every single game right over. Here, as you guys can see, I'm looking right at it. It is always going to be right in front of the tornado. It spawns in the exact same spot every single game as long as you have the act for bad signal mission equipped. Now if you click enter anomaly, it is going to give you the option to vote yes or no to enter the dark ether Rift.

If you pull out your map over here, it is going to give you two options to vote. Yes, or vote no. Go ahead and click vote. Yes, it's going to start a countdown, and as soon as the countdown finishes and you see the purple screen, you are going to want to close your application, just like I am right here.

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Now we're going to hit Close, and just like that, now we're going to open the application back up, and everything that I had inside of my rug sack will now be in my inventory. Now the same exact method works with Xbox; all you do is just close the app as soon as you see the purple screen. In this next clip, I'm going to show you how to do it on a PC.

One of my buddies recorded this; I'm going to put it up on screen, and now here we are. Go, it's F4 right there when you see that once you load back into your live, you're going to want to click on gear, and you will notice that everything that you had inside of your rug sack before you closed the app is going to be in here.

Once you've done that, all you want to do is hit unequip. It tells you what button unequip is right here on the screen. You're just going to want to click that button, and everything that you unequip will go into your acquisition stash. I appreciate your time. If you guys have any questions at all.

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