News - Updated" Tombstone Dupe Glitch Warzone 2 Zombies After Patch


Welcome back to another article. Today I'm going to be giving a noontime guide to the Tombstone glitch. There's been a lot of confusion about it, but today I'm here to clear everything up so that you guys know exactly what to do no matter what platform you're on. So without further ado, let's just get right into it.

First, you're going to want to click on Gear. I recommend having a large rug sack before you do anything. Once you have a large rug sack, fill it up with everything inside that you want to duplicate. Once you have everything inside the rug sack that you want to duplicate, you are going to want to head into a game.


Once you head into a game, this is very important for you to pay attention to. If you already have a tombstone in the game, you are going to want to take everything out of it. It once you take everything out of it. Like I said once you have everything that you want to duplicate inside of your rug sack this is the next step here you are going to want to buy Tombstone now, sometimes the tombstone perk machine will spawn inside of the tier 2 area, however I'm going to show you guys what to do in case if it doesn't which is going to be the case for most of you just because the luck of it spawning inside of your area is just very little you're going to want to look inside of the tier 3 area and you're going to want to Mark right here in E4 where it says their Wonder Fizz you're going to want to Ping it next up you're going to want to go to the big building that has the three cranes, over here and you're going to want to get on the crane that is on the left side once you take the crane all the way up you're going to want to climb to this little ledge right here as you guys can see it is 612.

M away from here that is just about the exact distance if you are in this spot this is the best and perfect spot to fly straight to the Wonder Fizz machine just straight, right to it no skydiving, just jump off and pull out your pair of shoes so I'm going to fast forward it. Here. As you guys can see, that took me right here now.

Once you get to the perk machine this is really important that you guys do it super fast you're going to want to open the perk machine and the bottom left perk is always going to be the tombstone perk every time you open up the machine sometimes the perks take a second or two or maybe even three to load up all of the perks, and in tier three this is not exactly a place where you want to risk taking too much time so as soon as you come in you're going to want to buy the perk that's on the bottom left, and you're going to want to run out instantly.

The reason I say run out instantly is because a lot of you guys may have trouble trying to buy your tombstone and surviving afterwards, so like I said, the bottom left perk is: as soon as you buy it, run over here, jump off that ledge, and parachute out. Once you have your tombstone and you have finally made it out of the Tier 3 area, it is always good to put your tombstone in an area where you conveniently like it anywhere on the map, so wherever you want your tombstone to spawn in every single game, you should get everything that's inside of it, whether it's money or duplicates of guns.

Whether it's schematics or anything else, anywhere on the map, you can pick where you want your tombstone to spawn. Once you have a spot picked out on the map where you want your Tombstone to spawn in every game, you're going to want to do exactly what you see right here. First, you're going to want to double check that you have no self-revive.

As you guys can see right here, if I pull out my rug sack and go to my load out, the self-renewal is empty. If you have one, the glitch will not work. Now, once you have picked out a spot where you want your tomb stone to spawn in every game, you are going to want to go to it, kill yourself, bleed out, and leave the match instantly.

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The most popular way that most of the people who do the glitch do it is they fly over to any spot where they are high enough and they can cut the parachute, bleed out, and then lead mat, so I'm going to demonstrate that right here in this next clip, just over the building, cut the parachute, bleed out, instantly.

Big, match. And with that, you'll be loading right back into the lobby. Once you've loaded back into the lobby, you'll notice that your large rug sack is actually gone, which is supposed to happen. Also, anything that you had inside of your loadout, tactical or lethal, will also be gone. The next thing you're going to want to do is load into a new game, but just before you do, one thing that I do recommend is that if you have another operator that has a large rug sack.

I recommend equipping them. Neither of mine does, but even if it did, I'm going to show you guys exactly. How to get a large rug sack If you're like me and do not have an operator that has a large rug sack, if you already have a large rug sack, this will be much easier for you as you will not have to go and buy yourself a large rug sack.

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So all I would just recommend is that as soon as you get to the lobby, double check if you have a large rug sack with an operator, and if you do, equip that operator. If not, no worries; just load up another game. One more thing that you need to check is to make sure that you have it on; otherwise, the glitch will also not work.

You're going to want to look at the bottom right corner of the screen where it says Act One welcomes operation. deadbolt You're going to want to hit select. You're going to be brought up to the screen where you are shown the three acts in the game: act one, act two, and act three. Right next to Act 3, there is an arrow.

You're going to want to click that arrow, and Act 4 will pop up. Once you've done that, you're going to want to hit select. Make sure that you equip the mission, and it says equipped. This mission is the bad signal, and this mission is needed in order to do the glitch. Once it says equipped, you are all good to go in your game.

once you load back into a game you're going to want to head straight for your Tombstone as soon as you load into the game you should see your Tombstone, on the map if you zoom, all the way out on your map you will be able to see your Tombstone, that's the easiest way to find it so if you guys are having trouble finding it because of all the other things that are on the map just zoom all the way out and you'll be able to see it once you see it Mark it and go to it once you guys make it back to your tombstone.

You're going to want to take everything that's out of it, but you will notice if you had a large rug sack originally and you spawned in with a small rug sack in this game, you will not be able to fit everything, which is why I said. Equip an operator that has a large rug sack already so that you do not have to go buy one at this point, but in this case.

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