News - Top Meta Smgs Loadouts For Rebirth Island. Warzone Season 3

coach crowder cod

Is going to be a big difference I know we talked in the wsp 9 the 18 the 20 is not that crazy I think you're going to have a lot more gunfights, between the 11 to 13 M range so having that really fast ttk in that threshold is probably going to save you a lot more than you think it does so that's why I think High grain ammunition is definitely necessary on this build and that's why I took off the thorn Barrel that a lot of people use the thorn Barrel as well for the Sprint speed and the movement which is definitely, understandable but I just think this one with the high green is still super controllable, and it's going to be able to get that extra 2 met of effective damage range which can definitely be a really big factor in a lot of those close-range gunfights especially towards the end game in rebirth especially if you're playing ranked and even if you're not playing ranked and you are playing just regular pubs I think this gun can save you a lot so I think this is probably the best build, that you can use on it just for the overall.

coach crowder loadouts

Just feeling the HRM 9, it AIMS in fast; it has that movement. But there's two other ways that you can build this: you can take off the high green and you can just throw on the barrel, and this is going to give you more movement speed. You can see that you get some sprint speed, some tactical sprint speed, and some better sprint to fire, and I totally understand if that's kind of what you want to use too.

I think the high green's a little bit more necessary than the thorn barrel, but that is just my opinion on it. You can still use this build and absolutely fry. You're still going to kill really fast, regardless of what build you use. Now, these two HRMs are definitely what you're going to see most, I would say, and again, that's probably why I would recommend them.

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Also, people tend to like this iron side a lot, but lately. I have been using this build, and weirdly enough, you would think this kind of slows you down, but when you use this long barrel, it gives you that effective damage range all the way up to 14 M, which is a little bit longer than the other one that we were just showing you.


It doesn't really hurt your ad speed at all, and it does hurt your sprint to fire just a little bit, but honestly. I'm kind of willing to take that for the extra range that you get, and the bullet velocity makes it even easier. Sometimes, if you're shooting someone, like trying to SL from the sky or doing a quick rotation, and you have your sub out, you can actually hit people with this gun from longer ranges.

And it doesn't hurt your movement speed; your tactical sprint speed stays the same even if, without the barrel, the only way it gets faster is if you use the thorn barrel, and I think you just move fast enough anyway without that, so I've been using this in Solo versus Squads, and I have absolutely been frying.

If you guys watch my live stream, you will see that I definitely use this when I'm playing Solo versus Squads, and I'm trying to get cracked with it, and obviously at the iridescent rank level too. I think this is my favorite build. I wouldn't recommend this as my number one option again just because I think this one's a weird one compared to the other ones.

cod meta changes

I think those are a little bit more practical. But this one personally just fits my play style the most, and that's a big thing that I'm kind of showing you guys with all these loadouts is that even though this one fits my play style and I've just liked these iron sits a little bit more, it fits personally for me.

You're going to see a lot more of the other HRM, so whatever fits your play style is always what you kind of have to cater to too. That's why I'm trying to give you guys multiple builds when it comes to just showing you guys different Striker 9es and different WSPs. Still controllable, still manageable.

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But you definitely do strafe a little bit slower, and it doesn't feel like your typical SMG anymore, and that's where you're kind of losing me with this one overall. I think this one's probably the best, or you can try the XRK edge hand too, whatever you kind of prefer, but regardless.



Very good build probably my number one hm9 for me personally but again you can kind of pick and choose through those three builds now let's move on to the statistical, fact fastest time to kill gun in war zone right now they say and that is going to be here just when they nerfed the renetti they made this gun this gun has still been good it's always been good this was not a buff this was no secret buff or Nerf or anything this gun has just always been insane, even on the big map in war zone season 1 I'm pretty sure I made a article about this on Christmas Day if I remember correctly I dropped this article, and this gun's still insane now the one thing that's different between this gun and the retti and the reason why I don't know if it's the number one option is it does have the fastest time to kill you saw from the stats earlier it does have that crazy you know ttk.

cod mw3 loadout

Difference, but the thing is. I do think this gun's a little bit harder to shoot than your typical SMG, and the reason why is that it has the conversion kit on it, and the way the conversion kit is that when you shoot it once, it shoots, and then when you let go of the trigger, it also shoots, so every time you hold the trigger, one shot, and then you let go of another shot, so if you tap the trigger,.

This it could shoot really fast where it feels almost automatic, but the thing is, when you're constantly pulling the trigger like that, it's kind of hard to control your aim sometimes, so that's why I think this gun is not bad, but it definitely can be weird to transfer on people and to snap on people and obviously hit your shots, and at the end of the day, no matter how fast the gun kills, if you cannot control your shots, hit your shots, or feel comfortable while shooting the gun, it will not kill fast enough because bullets that aren't hitting the target are not going to count for the time to kill, obviously.


So, I like this gun a lot, and I do use it, but I'm not sure if this is my number one meta right now. If I were to play ranked or not, we're going to have to kind of wait and see, or maybe it's something where I'm just not fully used to it yet, and the more I use it, the better I'll get at it. Obviously, the more you practice, the better you get with stuff, so maybe I'm just not fully comfortable with it.

100%, either number one or two. I'm not too sure I'd put this; the strikers are really close; number three is the striker nine; but those are the statistically best metas right now. I would say, but we have a lot of other guns to show you guys real quick too, and one of them actually might even be within the statistical best meta too, but I'm going to consider it an off-meta weapon for a couple reasons, and we'll get into that right now first off bet a gun that's definitely not statistically.

Top META SMGs Loadouts for Rebirth Island! Warzone Season 3. Today we are going to talking about the best meta secondary weapons to use on Warzone 3 Season 3 Rebirth Island! Enjoy.
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