News - Top 5 Meta Smgs Warzone's New Patch. World Champion Tips

Builds that you can use, and now let's move on to this next weapon. This is going to be here on your screen; it is the HRM. If you guys watch my stream, you know this is my number one. SMG now, it's not the strongest SMG; it does have a really insane time to kill, so it definitely competes, but it's not 100% the strongest SMG.

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We'll get to that one in a second, but this one overall has the sprint of fire, the range that it holds, the movement, and the mobility. I love this build specifically; it's going to shoot something like that. As you can see, it has a little bit of an initial jump, but after that initial jump, it's pretty accurate, especially with the high-grain ammo.

You know that the initial jump is a little bit worse, but it's something that's super manageable. You have good speed, and on top of that, you just have really good mobility, and again, the Sprint fire speed on this gun is the reason why I like it so much. It is going to have an 81. Millisecond, sprint to fire by still holding a pretty effective damage range in the time to kill, and the stats are pretty good, and then the mobility and the tactical sprint speed are at a 7.1.


So it's just an overall, really good weapon for me to use I feel the most comfortable with it and also using this gun hip firing sliding and hip firing feels really comfortable for me so this is my number one build on it but let's give you a few more the other way I would build this weapon if you don't like the initial jump just take off the high grain ammunition, and throw a z compensator, on it still a very accurate weapon still really good Sprint the fire speed and just in general, a little bit more accurate it's going to be a little bit more fun to use probably for more of the Casual player or even really good players use this exact build too not everyone takes off the muzzle that's kind of a just a personal preference so this is just another way to build the faster moving HRM 9 and then one more build for you is going to look like this and here you can see we're using the gr iron sights it's really just, super satisfying, to use this gun this one has basically no recoil.

I'd probably use this one more on the big map because of how good of a build it is; it's still pretty mobile. It has really, really good range, a little bit more than the first build that I was showing you guys, and just this iron sight. There's nothing better than this iron sight, and it's so satisfying to use, so again, this is a build that I've experimented with too.

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Just a little bit more recoil control if you're really struggling and you do not care about being fast, but still, this build is insane. This next one's definitely on the lower end of The Meta Guns out of the top five, I would say, but it's still. 100% usable, still very good, as you can see from the stats on your screen.

It does compete, but it does have a little bit of a damage range drop-off, but these are the attachments I like using, and just overall, when I use this Striker 9. I feel kind of mobile, but I also just feel really accurate, and it's just a very satisfying weapon to use. As you can see here, the sprint to fire is still pretty good in the 100 range.

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It's, you know, at the higher end on the sprint of fire time, which is something that I really do value a lot personally for my play style, but it's going to be mobile, and this is also going to be mobile and accurate; it's going to shoot something like this. And you can see here it just doesn't have that crazy of recoil, and these gunfights that you're taking from farther range is just not going to be like super consistent you're not taking 50 m gunfights with this so within this 10 meter range which is like that threshold, even the 25 M range it's definitely something that you're going to be able to hit your shots with it's going to be viable and it's just going to be satisfying to use something a little bit different if you're just kind of getting bored but if this gun's a little bit too slow for you, this is the coolest thing about the striker 9 is you can actually build this to be an absolute Speed Demon and still kind of be able to be accurate with the attachments right here on your screen and now these attachments are crazy because this is not something that you're going to use for range, or the damage drop offs a little worth with the stubby Barrel this is, 100%, a speed.

crowder meta loadouts

Demon, class i would probably use this more on Vondal, or if you're just really, really aggressive, you can use this on the big map when you're inside of the buildings and all that stuff, but if you pull up the stats here, you can see that the sprint of fire on this gun now is at 68. And you're just moving at the speed of light; the tactical sprint speed is 7.3.

Right here on your screen, with these attachments, is the way I like to build it. The one downfall of this gun, in my opinion, is its mobility and sprint of fire. That collection of things is kind of why a lot of people don't always use this gun, and the only way to really make this gun usable in those categories is by using the demo buffer tube and trying to make it as fast as possible, but if you make it as fast as possible, sometimes you lose firing game stability and recoil control, and it's just very hard to find the balance of both personally.

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I think this is the balance of both right here. This class right here with the Jack glasses optic now being an option is really, really nice because the Jack glasses optic gives you that aim stability that I always keep talking about in these articles, and you're going to see that it has some jump, but again, if you're keeping this within the 10 meters, the 12 meters, the 15-meter gunfights.

It's still very, very manageable, and it's going to be a good gun now. If you go look at these stats, you can see that the sprint to fire at 150 is actually not terrible, but again, this is going to be a little bit harder to just control because you can see how much you lose when it comes to gun kick recoil control and all that stuff with the buffer tube.

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That's why you need that compensator. And now that I don't have the buffer tube, this is going to be a lot more manageable, recoil with the Jack glassless optic, and it's going to shoot something like this too. As you can see, this has a lot less jump, is a lot more accurate, and is still going to hit like an absolute truck.

Top 5 META SMGs in Warzone's new Patch! World Champion Tips. Your Favorite loadouts just got nerfed! Come check out the new META SMGs for Warzone.
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