News - Top 5 "meta" Loadouts Warzone 3 After Update. Best Class Setups

You want bullet velocity on your guns in this game so you can hit those long-range shots and, of course, shoot people out the sky because there's no Spa protection, so shooting out the sky now is a very viable option if you can hit your shots. All right guys, moving on to the fourth attachment, it's going to be a stock, and it's going to be the TAC V core stock, which does its absolute best for controlling the recoil.

meta loadouts

This thing ped up with the brw and heavy support grip is going to have you absolutely beaming. Now we have one more attachment here just to make this go. It's a good G right now. This nice attachment is going to spice things up and make this thing hit like a trap. Now the attachment to make it hit like a chunk is going to be none other than high grain.

As you probably know, I like high grain. I use high grain on a lot of my weapons, but that extra damage goes a long way, as does the bullet velocity. Being huge on this game, I'll definitely rock high grain on most guns if you can, but if you can't, it's fine to drop it, but on this gun, that's what we want.

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Rock Here's the full build. Make sure you have a screenshot to try out, because this thing is absolutely amazing. Now I do want to add that if you do want to drop high grain, you can put a red dot, but trust me, it feels much better with one right guy now onto gun number four; it's going to be none other than the cat AMR.

top 5

Now, I'm sure you've all got a build that you rocked or stole from someone else, but I'll tell you right now that this is the best build to use. I'm not even a good sniper, and this build carries my ass, and I managed to get wins using this thing and a lot of kills as well, so let's jump in the build so you guys can also give it a try.

Things are off in the battle, guys. We're going to use the Zang 34 to battle the damage range and build velocity. Sniper rifles in this game, especially the cat, have amazing build velocity, but you know what's better: amazing build velocity. Extra, amazing build velocity Okay, so I'm going to use the Zang 34 barrel here.

It gives you that extra velocity and will help you land those long-range shots right onto attachment number two. It's going to be the Precision stock, which is going to help you when you're aiming down sights and your gun sways too much. This is going to counteract that so it won't sway as much, and it'll definitely help you land more head shots now onto the third attachment, which I'm going to imagine everybody rocks, but it's going to be the ML, quick.


Bol just rechams your gun faster; it's a must-use, actually, if you're using the sniper. If you're not using it, jump on now, because it is definitely the Met attachment to rock on this gun. Now the fourth attachment is going to be the Phantom grip, which gives you sprinty fire speed, aim down sight speed, and you always have gun kick control and recoil control, but it's such a minor loss, and honestly, like gun kick and reco control, it doesn't really affect snipers, so you're actually.

Perfectly in the Phantom grip, now on to the last attachment, which is going to be ammunition. Now it's not going to be high-cal rounds or high-grain rounds, which you probably thought I was going to choose; it's going to be the 50-cal Spire Point rounds. This is the best round to rock on your cat sniper; it gives it insane build velocity and insane damage range.

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Now you lose penetration on your bullets, but generally, you probably aren't going for wall bangs, and if you are, they're probably not landing, so rock the Spire Point rounds to guarantee those one-shot head shots at very long distances. And here's the F build. You can grab a screenshot. Do you have to do it?


But definitely give this one a try. Jumping on to the fifth and final weapon, if you're rocking the cat AMR, then you're going to need good sniper support. That's where the ram seven comes in. This gun is so good with it's fire rate in ttk. This thing will just shred for enemies like it's no man's business.

warzone 3

I'm pretty sure I've seen some as well that statistically have one of the best ddks, if not the best in the game, so let's jump into the build so you guys have the best and most accurate. Ram seven possible the jump to attachment number one we looking for the stair, 45 compensator this gun has a lot of recoil, and that's where this comes in this has a lot of recoil control which is going to help you with those long range to mid-range engagements next up to counteract the recoil which the ram 7 has is going to be the best for grip in the game the Brun, heavy support grip now I know it's a of support you want to be somewhat fast the rest attack are going to help this gun be fast but you really need this just to counter The recoil in this gun and you have your ability to take longrange gun fights to mid-range gun fights and win them quite efficiently now onto the third attachment is going to be a barrel now we're going to be looking for the Cronin, headwind, long battle actually gives it insane build velocity, aiming idles and finding aim stability, and the build velocity being a huge thing, as I said, it's one of the biggest factors, if not the biggest factor, right now in War Zone 3, and this battle here does best for this build, and moving on to the fourth attachment, we're going to go for ammunition, and we're going to rock, high-grain rounds now.

High-grain rounds, you're going to lose recoil. We're going to increase build velocity and damage, which makes this gun hit even harder than it already does. Now you're probably worried it's going to have a lot of recoil. That will just do the damage, and you're set up to win any gun fight possible.

The last attachment, guys, is going to be ammunition. Of course, if you're rocking solos, you want to use a 40-round mag. If you're rocking anything above solos, I would recommend the 60-round mag, but of course, if you're rocking solos, I would use a 40-round mag on my Ram 7even. That's the final build.

Grab screenshots do what you have to do. Guys, tap the subscription button. Tap the notification bell. Peace and love.

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TOP 5 META LOADOUTS in Warzone 3 After Update! Best Class Setups. Check me out live here.
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