News - Top 5 "meta" Assault Rifle Loadouts Warzone 2. Warzone Best Loadouts

best assault rifle warzone 2

For the underbarrel family, you're going to want to go in upon the FSS shark fin underbell as well. On the next attachment, make sure you put on the 45-round mag for your optic. Make sure you put on the AIM OPV4 now. This class is interesting because, you know something. I do feel a difference with the ammunition rounds, and maybe one day in the future we could try to get that with no recoil as well, which is what I'm going to be working on next, but this class setup has no recoil and it literally shreds.

So for your aim opv4 optic, you're going to put your ads speeds all the way up and put your eyesight to work. For your barrel, make sure the recoil state is set to 0.40. Make sure you max out the damage rate completely now; for your muzzle recoil setting, this goes up to 1.0. And bull blasty goes all the way up, and lastly, for your FSS shark fin, make sure you put your recoil stability at 0.70 max out aim walking speed.

With this, though, we're also maxing out mobility.

Best cronen squall load out

Best cronen squall load out

All right, guys, the last gun is the Cronin Squall. I don't even know if that's how you really call it the Corona Squall, but it definitely reminds me of the EM2, but listen, this weapon is one of my favorites because it just feels the best now. For the barrel, we're going to put on the LR6.8, a 22-inch barrel.

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I like that one because it feels good in the hand. It's going to be off that damage range and bullet velocity now for the next tattoo family. You do get recoil with this weapon. I've seen some YouTubers actually go ahead and put on things like these muzzle tips. You really don't need a muzzle tip, and I'm going to tell you guys whether you can actually believe it or not.

best class setup warzone 2

You could actually do this. You could actually put this thing right here. If you put the Polar Fire S silencer on, you're actually going to get bullet velocity damage, range, and recoil control in one attachment, so it's kind of a no-brainer to not use it now, family. When it comes to the next attachment for the optics, I'll have to go ahead and drag on the aim ops V4.

It's just the best and cleanest site for your assault rifles in War Zone 2. Now this is when things kind of get a little complicated, because this kid only has 20 rounds. Now you can either upgrade to the 30-round mag or the 50-round mag. I like to use the 50 because the 30 rounds are not enough now.

Now this is just good for the best recoil stability now, after Tunes we probably can bump up Mobility a little bit, so for the mop V4 optic put your ads times all the way up and max it out to far range, now for your barrel recoil stagness up to a 0.40 damage range all the way up Spirit silencer, recall smoothness 1.12, ball blossom all the way up, so your last attachment being your demo clean shot re-coast facilitation 0.70, and walking speed all the way up.

best loadout for warzone

That far range will not be shooting, but anybody in the medium range can go okay, so this is more of a medium-range type assault rifle that you could use. I appreciate it. We're locking on 5000, and I want to hit 10,000 over 10,000 at the end of this year. I'm hoping that we can hit it anyway. Anyway, guys, I'll catch you on the next Warzone 2 article

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