News - Tired Of Waiting For Schematic To Cool Down. Watch This. Warzone 2 Zombies

mw3 zombies fast cash

While they still do get repetitive, they're not like the same contracts that we've been doing for the entire year although I would love some new contracts that would be pretty fun and once again even though it only says 2, 000 points it's going to give us 3, 000 points there's a glitch in the UI there's Quick Revive ooh and a mortar strike and I'll take this time to show you the build of the HRM 9 that I'm using this game again nothing special I managed to get that 50 round mag on it but other than that it's pretty meh now I know I have enough points for tier 2 Pack-A-Punch but I haven't I've not been around the tier 2 Pack-A-Punch yet so we're going to keep on grinding these contracts, now the last game we just had this contract was up on that Tower over there is that going to be the same thing even though doabe is there no it's in a different spot Isn't that cool this guy's a disciple this might be a little bit difficult without Pack-a-Punch 2, not unmanageable.

mw3 zombies fast money

Definitely a lot slower than usual though all right we're in the neighborhood for two Pack-a-Punch and that should be good now believe it or not this ether extractor contract can be done fairly quickly that being said I do wish I had death perception on although in tier 2 you do have to do five of them which can be pretty difficult but especially in tier one these guys are not bad whatsoever, boy who's right there no all right finally moment of Solace we can get this done and that should be it boom.

Nice and we're right close by to another cargo delivery, and this contract should get us really close we're just a couple hundred off here which is why you probably should be looting a lot more than I did but I think I'm going to try to do this ether Nest see if that gets me any points at least some zombie kills we can do some extra zombie points in here see what's in the registers a couple hundred, and in here there's another 100 not going to lie I thought it'd be a lot more than that luckily I have one thing turret circuit that we can sell at this buy station and now we have enough for pack three now this is probably not the best idea but we're going to take this basically damaged car and we're going to go here into the tier 3 area where the storm's actually at my that's crazy isn't it and critical damage already let's, go.

mw3 zombies fast points

And get ready, get ready; we're in here at 2137. 2137 and we'll see how good it does obviously it's going to be a little bit better cuz we accidentally put on that epic Rarity but with a tier three pack-a-punched gun we could still do quite a bit of work to this horde right here look at that that's pretty darn good and with this instakill it's going to be even better look at that a yeah that's so good more or less that gave us 20 minutes inside of tier three which again honestly kind of surprises me now 20 minutes is still 20 minutes it's still pretty darn good but as I'm doing this the natural next question is when can you go into tier three without a triple pack-a-punched gun like if you don't have that pack three Crystal can you go into tier three with like a blue pack 2 gun or a purple pack 2 gun like what's the Rarity you need to counterbalance not having that tier three Pack-a-Punchinteresting, question that I'm definitely going to go over in a different article so be sure to subscribe for more and finally our third and final game, this game we are not using any Pack-a-Punch.

Game 3

Game 3

But I am most excited for this game. This is going to be a true test of how long it takes. Now I'm going to try to keep this rare ether tool without accidentally misclicking. These guys and clearly we are going to have to do some tier one contracts first now it's been a while since I haven't had a Pack-A-Punch on my gun here so we're going to see just how terrible it really is and you know what it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be I thought that would be way more annoying, because we already got it done look at that not only am I going to pick up this cargo contract I'm going to come over here and I'm going to smack the Pack-a-Punch machine because I want to keep my gold camo on this gun I'll throw up the class because this is actually not the wsp Stinger or it's not the wsp Swarm either it's the wsp 9 and I got to say there's like no recoil on this gun it's super fun ooh Deadshot schematic isn't that nice now we have enough points for Pack-a-Punch, one.

mw3 zombies pack a punch

And that's what I feel like some people would do, but we're going to try to be a little bit smarter than that, you see, especially in Tier One, where there is a contract reward of a pack-a-punch one crystal that is fairly common, so instead of wasting 5, 000 points on pack-a-punch one, we're just going to do some contracts so that way we can get up even more points for pack-a-punch 2 at the same time as grinding out that hopefully.

mw3 zombies pack a punch level 2

Pack-a-Punch one crystal, of course. This is probably going to be the one game where I don't get a pack-a-punch crystal really easily again. Not so bad with just a blue ether tool; that's a lot more and another. But Sport Control cargo delivery all the good stuff you know all right if this doesn't have a pack-a-punch Crystal, then unfortunately, dang it yep we're going to have to go do Pack-a-Punch manually actually never mind there's a cargo contract right there that we can do all right hopefully this has a nope okay all right well I am curious let's see how a raid weapon stash contract does in tier 2 with no pack-a-punched gun not as good as I want it to be obviously, but who knows maybe this could add some excitement into this.

All right we dealt with some hordes we just had to train them around a little bit but overall this was very doable, and still nothing bummer that being said as I make my way to Pack-A-Punch there's this cargo delivery that just popped up so we'll do that again looting the registers that we can no Pack-a-Punch Crystal dang it all right well let's head on over to Pack-A-Punch then we'll have to do it the normal way but that is a good strategy for you to utilize if you're doing pack one contracts.

mw3 zombies pack a punch level 2 schematic

There is a decent chance of it dropping a pack one crystal, so instead of just Pack-a-Punch and using the 5, 000 points, keep doing tier one contracts until you get that crystal, and then you can just hop leap rock over to tier 2, but I think for our test here this is a pretty good experiment of doing it all the legit way, and then if you get lucky with a contract, it's just bonus time, so I like it all right there's pack two and we are really close to pack three already, and just like that, we've got enough for tier three Pack-a-Punch, and luckily it's fairly close, so we can just go up on this crane and jump off.

There's some Mega Abominations going ham on some people already; dang it all right, let's go, let's see, well, actually, let's see, this is Tier 2. This is a rare Tier 2 Pack-A-Punch. Yeah, it's not great. I wouldn't recommend this for Tier 3, but it's definitely possible. Look at that. Yeah, not great for contracts, but definitely possible.

The Tier 3 Pack-A-Punch crystal schematic has an insane cooldown of 3 days.
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