News - Tips To Prepare For Season One Reloaded Warzone 2 Zombies


So with season 1 reloaded that's coming in just a couple of days, we're getting a brand new warlord, that's just like the one that we got on the map right now and will probably be just as equally tough, if not maybe tougher, so let's go through some of the things that can get you completely. I appreciate everybody stopping by the article today.


Man, we're on the road to 10, 000 subscribers, and we are right there, so one of the very first things that I would advise you guys to do before we get this warlord is to go down to the location where they're going to be spawning and just get familiar with that tower downtown. Now there is several ways to get up top of this thing there is the elevator, if you go down to the very bottom there's an elevator, inside of the building that'll take you to the top also there is those three yellow cranes that are surrounding the building you can jump off of each one of those and end up on top of the building or you can take one of the Rifts and end up just dropping out of the sky on top of it now when we have the warlord, here I have a feeling there's going to be so many enemies and probably helicopters, that are flying around this thing so it's going to be harder for you guys to land in on this thing I think there might be a lot of things trying to shoot you out of the sky so just be wary of that next let's talk about how you guys can be farming up some of the best Acquisitions.

So that way, you guys can have the easiest time taking down this warlord and getting rewards from them. Now one of the rewards that likes to drop a lot from the warlord that we have already is the scorcher, case, and as of right now we don't really have a guaranteed way of getting a VR, 11 case besides trying to get it out of the dark ether, and that's not guaranteed it could end up being any of the Wonder Weapons, so I'm hoping that killing this warlord will be one of the better chances of getting that vr11, case.


But speaking of the scorcher, this is going to be one of the main things that you guys can use to make making Modern Warfare 3 zombies incredibly easy, especially for farming in the red tier zone and doing the contracts out there and even taking them into the dark ether. The Scorch is going to make doing all the contracts in there incredibly easy, and if you guys do want a full in-depth guide on doing the dark ether solo, I do have other articles up on the channel.

Another tip that I can give you guys for farming up some of the best acquisitions here in Modern Warfare Zombies is to be one of the very first people out of the red-tier zone. I think that's kind of one of the reasons why people don't be finding a lot of good loot out here is because they're waiting until, about halfway or 3/4s.

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Way through the match before they finally make it out here, when they're geared up enough by that time, a lot of the things in the red tier zone have been completely picked clean. Now you only really need one thing to deal with the red-tier zone, and that's going to be stamina. As long as you're running with your fists out, have plenty of map knowledge of where everything is, and equip yourself with decoys and throwing knives, you should have no problem dealing with the red-tier zone.


Next is going to be farming, the mega abominations. And making use of those turret mods. I know I've talked about this before several times, but I cannot stress enough how useful these things are and how common it is that they are found all over the map in the first-tier zone, second-tier zone, and third-tier zone.

Once you place these mods inside of these turrets, man, they just delete the mega-abominations. In seconds and megas are always known for dropping things like crystals and ether tools, three plate vests, large L backpacks, and anything else you could probably need in this game mode, and these things are honestly way easier to kill than I think a lot of people make it out to be.

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The next thing you guys can do to get some of the rarest acquisitions in this game and maybe get yourself some of the schematics that you don't have yet is to complete the red worm fight. Now I'm going to throw up an interactive map here that shows you where all the USB sticks are. You guys need to set this thing up now.


You can go to the first location and find out exactly where the four locations are and where these USBs are going to be spawning, but I just like to go around and check all the locations where they usually are, and it doesn't take me that long to gather up all the USBs. Nine times out of 10, you'll have a lot of people who want to join you.

The community has been one of the best and most helpful communities I've ever been a part of. I just can't beat the zombie community. It's so refreshing to see this side of Call of Duty. It's honestly crazy, so that's going to be about it, guys. That's going to wrap up the article. I appreciate everybody having season one reloaded.

I hope everybody's really excited for season one to be reloaded. I hope we get a little bit more than just the warlord—maybe a little bit more incentive—a new schematic or maybe getting that VR1. Case from defeating the warlord, or possibly even the schematic for that thing. Yeah, I don't know.

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I'm just hoping for a little bit more. Anyway, that's going to be it. I appreciate you guys stopping by the article.

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