News - This Sniper Rifle Is Just Too Good. Call Of Duty Warzone 2 Zombies


This article is part of a series that I'm doing on weapons in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 zombies that are not necessarily important but are really fun to use and extremely efficient at helping you navigate the Tier 3 or difficult content in zombies at the moment right now. This is something that doesn't usually get picked up by zombies: a sniper rifle.

Today, we're looking at the longbow. Let's go, generally speaking. Due to the fast nature of the combat in Zombies, sniper rifles are often the last weapon that you would try to field while going in and doing some of the more difficult content in the game. However, certain weapons in the game, when they are pack-a-punched, get a unique effect that is just for that weapon, and the longbow is exactly something like this.

This is what the longbow actually does once you pack a punch. Every time you pull the trigger, it actually shoots two bullets instead of one, so what we can try and do is build a weapon that capitalizes on this but gives us a super fast reload and high mobility and essentially changes it more from a sniper rifle into something like a marksman rifle or a battle rifle, which tend to be really strong in zombies.


If you can capitalize on hitting critical spots with those two bullets per trigger pull, then this weapon is really going to start shining, and you're going to be able to see how fast this thing can actually melt bosses, which is absolutely where this weapon platform excels at. Does it mean that this doesn't work for crowds of zombies?

Of course it does, but you have to get used to a little bit of a different play style where you shoot reposition, shoot reposition. Because that is what you're going to need to do to be able to deal with multiple enemies running at you. However, if you start to do some VIP contracts and basically kill some of the more difficult enemies in the Tier 3 area or go up against some of the bosses, then you'll really start seeing the damage that this weapon can deliver.


So looking at the build and the one that you're seeing in the footage in the background right now, the three most important tenants of this build are high mobility, meaning that we want to be able to fill this gun but move around as if we're holding a submachine gun. Second, we want really fast chamber speeds; we don't want that slow reload that we see on a normal sniper rifle since that will defeat the purpose and basically turn us into a sitting duck; and last but not least, we want something that allows us to aim downside shoot, aim downside shoot, and be able to move fast in between those movements.

And when we look over here, we have in the muzzle the VT7, Spirit Fire. This is just a really good suppressor because it actually gives us bullet velocity and basically more damage as well, so it's good. And then for the optic, we're using the Pro 99 long barrel, which is essential just to give us a little bit more damage.

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As well, for the optic, we're using high-grain rounds, which is going to just give us a little bit more speed on the bullets. And then for the optic, we're using the in-last cast 14, which actually also gives us a laser, so we're getting two attachments for the price of one there. I think the choice of optic here is up to you, but the point is that you want to try and keep the magnification as low as possible so that you don't actually push up your aim down side speed, and last but not least.

I think the secret source here is probably the no stock on the stock because what that's going to do is give us all of that blazing fast mobility and basically turn this gun from a sniper rifle into something weird, like a battle rifle or submachine gun hybrid, as The Meta stands right now. SMGs are probably the most used weapons, and rightfully so, so they are almost perfect in a way for this mode, but as we come to the end of season 1 and things start getting a little bit stale.

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I would say, and we're waiting for some new weapons to drop some new content to drop. I was looking for something a little bit different, something a little bit out of the box, and the long bow in this configuration, absolutely delivered. If you're looking for something that can just melt bosses and you can have some fun, maybe you can run this while somebody else runs an LMG or an SMG and they basically do front line and you just chunk passes, then absolutely give the longbow a try; you won't be disappointed.

And that's also the end of the article. As we are about to clear season 1 and season 2 drops, we will definitely see some new weapons coming in as well as some new content, so I'm hopeful that we will see some spicy new combinations and maybe some additional aftermarket parts since these are also pretty damn good on the weapons.

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Nonetheless, all of that will come to the channel. I appreciate you, and as always, it's just super important to me that you have a fantastic morning, afternoon, and evening wherever you are in the world until the next

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