News - This Sniper Build Dominates Warzone Solos

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Okay so today we're going to be using the cat AMR sniper, in war zone solos you guys know how much I love this gun anyway but just recently I've been hitting some really nice shots with this thing and I woke up today and I was like you know what let's get some solos on the board haven't done some for a few days let's see what we can do and obviously built my little cat load out I think I'm going to pair it with the BBY sniper support, and we're starting off this round with a lovely little solos underground cash run you guys might have seen this in one of my previous articles but you can tie four of these underground caches together and get pretty much all the money you need for a load out almost, instantly so from just three of the cashes I've collected 14 Grand there are a couple of men around here though there is a fourth cache right here I just heard a glass, break thank God for this loudness Equalization honestly it really picks up some of those quieter noises guy's driving off over in the, distance, he just peaked out of the window over there, there he.

Is, thought I'd try and go for the bullet pen kill but didn't quite make it and that's it literally load out within a couple of minutes of starting the match it really doesn't take that long to get it done and so many people still I don't see many people doing this when the circles over here I thought it would be more popular in solos by now but you can do four of those caches, that quickly, now someone's obviously noticed, that I'm up here there are a few men sort of roaming around, here and as you can see on the on the mini map there we got a guy just to our left and then one further towards the edge of the map that guy on the edge of the map hasn't moved and yeah pretty sure this guy's AFK I mean when you look at him when I snipe him you'll be able to tell that this guy was was.

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The AFK thing is that though it's such a sheer slope, you do have to move quite close to the player in order to be able to see him, and he was blended in quite well with the black and white character. Black and white rocks you. Know that's our second kill first with the AMR, and then there were just some shots down here at these two little ammo bunkers.

I think that's what they are, and of course, being a Westy mouse and keyboard player, we don't push buildings very often; we just don't do it. We just wait for people to, you know, come on out and let us know where they are, and then that way I can get the kill from the comfort behind a rock. That's right, some tactical holding.

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I went back and watched some of my VDANCE articles. Actually, we coined the term tactical holding instead of camping. There's nothing wrong with tactically holding, guys. There's nothing wrong with it. Everyone out here is telling you it's a bad thing, Footsteps; you could actually see that guy on the right of my screen as I came over the rocks.


I just didn't notice him in real time, but yeah, like I said. I went back and watched some of the Vdance articles, and the amount of tactical holding we did there in solos was incredible, and you know what? I'm going to fully embrace it. I mean, it's my kind of play style anyway. I will sit at range.

I will wait for someone else to make the first move so that I'm not the one making the mistake, and then we benefit from it by taking a PRD, and we're going to hop over to the next. Rooftop, so four kills early game, which is always good. One thing I love about sniping is that sometimes you can just not make yourself the target or you can just enter into gunfights that you're not sure you should be entering.

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I mean, that guy, the only reason I knew he was there was because there was like the Tracer going across of the sniper, bullet, that guy picked out the footsteps that was kind of insane this loudness equalization on PC guys you have to run it if you have the option available just search up loudness equalization windows and just learn how to turn it on cuz if you can, you can pick up footsteps from so far away it's such a benefit to run it, nice armor break there always try the pen by the way always try the penetration shot you never know when you might get it, there you go six kills down already, and here's high alert as always saving my.

Life feels like a pmot that feels like a pmot; lots of bullets are dropping into it. AO, I forgot the guy did that. He always put down the mortar for a little bit of cover. You never know; he might then get the warning on his screen and do a little bit of a wider flank. He actually caught me with my trousers down a little bit here.

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There's not much cover for me. He's tempered, so he can play up. Quicker cheeky, thermite too far; the angle wasn't really with it for that one to be. Honest i really should have landed that shot there, but yeah, there's the reason I like this cat. The build that I've got anyway is the tack Force Delta optic, or something; I think that's what it's called.

katt amr

It gives me a perfect balance of range so I can zoom in, which gives me a good zoom, but it also doesn't hurt the ads too much. Snip, I don't recognize that, player. Do get the armor broken. The enemy sniper here didn't get the finish, though. I'm not in the best position, I've got to admit. The rocks are kind of against me because people could push up, and over the top, I have the cover.

If I went right up against The Rock, then I might be okay. I am very visible, as you've just seen somebody try to snipe me from behind. I sort of took this opportunity to be like, Let's move up to this buying station. It's time for a little reset. Half the lobster's gone. 50 players are left. Six kills, doing pretty decent.

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We need some supplies. I got myself a UAV. It's just finished pinging. I got a second one in my pocket that I've just popped off. Moving here, that green marker just in front is pinging this guy who was for some reason just hanging around on the edge of this rock. It might be the same guy that I was shooting at earlier that I moved away from moving.


Here, but I thought I'd make a little push. I do have the BBY as sniper support; it's decent. Gun got the armor break, ran out of damage range, and recoil control with that BBY there; he kind of just disappeared. I think there's a gap in that wall right there. I think there's a gap. He's just down there, on the right by the right by the red container.

I don't actually see him at this point, which is why I'm not looking at him. I didn't actually see him, so I got lucky there. I got very lucky because if he had a sniper, I think he would have taken me out. There's actually quite a few players down here; I don't know if you saw it on the mini map when I pinged off the UAV.

This KATT AMR sniper build Dominates in Warzone Solos right now - being the only one-shot headshot sniper in the game makes it extremely powerful and disruptive and I think Solos is the best place to use it. Make sure you try this Warzone KATT AMR best class setup best loadout and add it to your Warzone best class setup list.
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