News - This "ram 7" Loadout Has No Recoil Warzone 2. Best Ram 7 Class Setup

best ram 7 class

It's epic here, and in today's article, I have a no-recoil Ram 7 class set up here in MW3. Let's get right into the attachments. All right, for this build, I'm trying to go for a no recoil build with the Ram 7 since this thing does have a lot of recoil at longer ranges, so for the muzzle, I'm using the Cronin op 44.

Now, this is going to give you vertical recoil control gun kit control as well as horizontal recoil control. If you look at the stats, it's going to give you 18.8% for the gunet control, 15.3% for the horizontal recoil control, and then 19.6% for the vertical recoil control for the underbarrel. I'm using the Bruin pivot vertical grip now.

This is going to give you gun kick control, vertical recoil control, aiming idle sway, and firing aim stability. The reason why I use this on the majority of my weapons is because it gives it literally no recoil at all at longer ranges, as you can see in the stats for the gun kit control it's going to give you.

149%, and I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be. I think the positives and negatives are a little bit messed up in this game, but it's going to lower your ad speed a little bit as well as the horizontal recoil control. But really, there isn't any horizontal recoil control with this gun, but at least you're gaining 12% towards the vertical recoil.

best ram 7 class modern warfare 3

Control for the magazine, I chose the 40-round mag, and personally, I'm pretty sure it starts off with 30. I really don't think 30 is a lot. I use this gun just because I feel like it does take a little bit to kill, but the 40-round mag is a very good option to use because you're not losing as much mobility as you would with the 60-round mag.

But if you guys want to run the 60-round mag on shipment, I wouldn't blame you just because it's a small map, but I ran the 40-round mag for the rear grip personally. I use this on every single weapon that I'm going to use a rear grip on, but I always use the one that gives you recoil control and G-kut control, and in this case it's the 90 grip tape.

best ram 7 class mw3

This is going to give you a firing-aim stability gun. Kake control as well as recoil control, and at the stats, it's going to give you 10% towards the gun control and 7% towards the horizontal and vertical recoil control as well. And then finally, at the stock, we have the ultra-light stock pad. This is going to give you aim walking speed, ad speed, and movement speed, which is going to help us move around the map faster as well as give us a little bit of a better strafe speed.

As you guys can see here, you're going to get 3.2% towards the movement speed of 5.55%. With Crouch's movement speed and movement speed, you're going to get 7.5, and then for the ad speed, you're going to get 4.5. You are losing a little bit of recoil control, which isn't too much. 4% really isn't too much with this gun for my secondary I have my SMG retti set up for the tactical ad stim shot lethal suex field upgrade.

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Munitions box: for the gloves, I had scavenger boots; I had tactical; and then for the gear, I had a mag-holster. For the vest, I had the demolition vest, and here is the full classic. Be back on the screen if you guys are new; make sure you guys like and subscribe; and I'll see your next article. Peace, all right.

best ram 7 class setup

Today we are using the Ram 7. Now, funny enough, I almost forgot about this weapon. I almost thought this was an MW2 gun until I noticed it was an MW3 gun. I'm pretty sure this was one of the first DLC weapons we've ever gotten in this game, and in my opinion, I really don't like this gun. It does have some pretty bad recoil, and this is the only class setup I've really been running with it, or running with whenever I use this gun, just because it has zero recoil.

Swarm, it's fine. You could destroy that all you want. I got the swarm. I'm pretty sure I had a slight hand in this class. I'm not sure if I have a black jacket, but I'm not going to lie. I always use a slight hand the majority of the time, unless I have a black jacket in my class. It really just depends on the lobby, like if I die at grenades 10 times in a row and reload in the last game, I'll put it on for the next game just because I'm expecting it.

best ram 7 class setup mw3

El, there's no freaking, way it's all good. It is whatever died off, my. I knew I was going to die from some stupid crap in this in this match my I really wasn't even nervous about streaking, either. My God teammate is blind and has no headset right there strictly on the 50 or 100 in TV. I don't even know how big TVs get.

Reload we have two minutes. I have two minutes. I can play as slowly as I need. To there we go, Jugger, obviously not with the Ram 7, because I did get with the pistol for the last kill, but you know what I mean, basically got it with the Ram 7. Me, there we go. Swarm is going off right now. I really do have to pay attention to time.

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I feel like my teammates are just going to sit on the hill the whole time, which is not too mad since I do have a bunch of kills.

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