News - The Updated "ram-7" Is God Tier Warzone 2. Best Ram 7 Class Setup



So I've updated my Ram 7 build here, and I wanted to make sure I shared this one with you guys because it's actually pretty good. It has a very fast ttk. I'm sure you've used the thing, but the one downside of the weapon is its kind of crazy recoil. Now here's what I've discovered: it's not real recoil.

If you remember back in Modern Warfare 2, a lot of the weapons just had a lot of crazy visual styles of recoil. The iron sight's balanced around a lot. There's a lot of visual smoke and stuff. Now it doesn't have any of that visual noise, I would say, but it does like to just straight-up bounce.

I found a way to make this thing. I'm not going to say insane, but it's extremely fun to use.

God tier setup

Let's get into In the attachments, I'm going to start my build here with an optic now; as always, this one's a preference, but I definitely want you guys to try the Nidar model in 2023. I tried a bunch of scopes on it.

best ram 7 class

I tried the iron sights, and this one just felt really, really good for some reason. It felt like I was very accurate while running the Nar model in 2023. So again, you don't necessarily have to run this one if you don't like it, but I highly recommend you at least give it a try now. For a stock, here you're going to want the HVS 3.4 pad, and that's going to give you a large increase to your gun kick control and, again, a larger increase to your base recoil control, which obviously is one of the downsides of the weapon, so by doing so, we are gaining 20% towards the gun kick control.

best ram 7 class mw3

997% for the horizontal recoil control, and then 11.8 for the vertical recoil control. Now we have an underbar here in the brew and a heavy support grip. This is going to give you gun kick control, aiming idle sway, horizontal recoil control, and fire aiming stability. Now if we were to look at these statistics, you would think you need to target the ver iCal recoil right; it's higher than the rest, and that's what I originally thought, and that's how I built out my weapon originally, but in order to get rid of some of that visual recoil.

I realized I actually needed to target some of that horizontal recoil in order to make it shoot a little more straight, so the horizontal recoil really didn't play much of a factor in the actual recoil of the weapon, but it played a big deal in the actual vertical side of things. That being said, gun kick control is obviously something that needs to be controlled, so this did that as well.

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104% for the gun kick control, 12.9% for the horizontal recoil control, and. 5% for the vertical recoil control. Kind of weird. It does say it takes away vertical recoil control, but it actually helps it somehow. I'm not sure how that actually works now for a muzzle. I have the S and tread 40.

best ram 7 class setup

When it comes to the unsuppressed muzzles, the Modern Warfare 2 muzzles actually knock the Modern Warfare 3 ones out of the park simply because they give you much more in the form of recoil control, so looking at the S Trad 40 here—22.4%—to the gun kick control 12.9% to the horizontal reco control and 22.7% to the vertical recoil control, which is why it's not a big deal that I wasn't running a vertical recoil style of underbar on this attachment.

227% there is plenty when it comes down to actually controlling that very vertical recoil, and for a barrel, this is what really makes the weapon look a lot different from my last build. I have the XRK, core Mark 40 heavy barrel; it just makes it longer. We're going to get some gun kick control, aiming idle stability, recoil control, and then bullet velocity and damage range to make it less of a peashooter at range, so looking at these statistics here, negative, or I'm sorry, plus 12.5% toward your damage ranges, and then plus 15% to the bullet velocity, our damage range is now at 37.1.

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M, meaning it's going to be consistent. However, with many shots to kill at that range, we are also getting some small statistics towards our recoil control, but I did target this mainly for that increase to the damage range and bullet velocity now. The Ram 7E was one of my favorite assault rifles in Modern Warfare 2019.

It had no recoil and a fast fire rate, which means you could play aggressively but also take long-range fights in this game. It's not exactly the same. The recoil, or visual recoil, is much more extreme, and I'm not sure why they did that. I didn't consider the Ram 7 to be overpowered in Modern Warfare 2019, and I really don't think it would be overpowered in this game either; it would just be more of a well-rounded choice, and it's definitely very good for aggressive players.

It still does that. It's still very good for aggressive players, but I kind of miss that. Just satisfying, no recil, shoot from enemy to enemy across the map with this thing. I don't know you guys. Did you like it? Modern Warfare 2019, or do you think they need to make some changes to make it more on par with that one?

As always, let's get over to today's gameplay. I hope you guys enjoy it.

Terminal mgb

Terminal mgb

I'm going to get a little personal with today's article. I have been a nicotine addict. SL, dip-SL chewing tobacco user for the past over 10 years, basically since I was SP. I think I first did it for the first time when I was like 15, and then I was really kind of addicted to it at, I would say, 16, obviously.

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I don't know the exact numbers, but it's been a long time to keep them. Simple, and it's something, of course, I'm not proud of. I have done a lot. Wait, is there a guy back here? He just got twerked on. Let's just keep it simple. I'm about weak. I am a weak, nicotine-free person, and I couldn't be more proud of myself.

best ram 7 class setup mw3

I'm not looking for any kind of you know sympathy or but for any of you who have had any kind of nicotine addiction, you understand how much of a challenge it is to keep going. Forward and keep yourself after trying to quit. Keep you in the right state of mind to do it because to stay. I'm not going to say it's clean because it's not like I'm addicted to drugs, but it's so difficult to keep a positive mindset when you have all.

Let's just say Tak fire. The side effects of trying to quit include raising blood pressure, which means you get frustrated really quickly, headaches, and stuff like that, and I'm just super proud of myself for actually attempting and trying to fully go through with it. This is because it is no easy task, man.

It's no easy task. I can't push this freaking door. Out, I still can't push. This is right there in the corner. There we go. There's still another one in there. I need assistance from the squad. Here, I was going to say somebody was there. I don't want to hit this advanced UAV just yet, but I kind of do, due to a lack of information.

The UPDATED "RAM-7" is GOD TIER in MW3! Best Ram 7 Class Setup -Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. The UPDATED "RAM-7" is GOD TIER in MW3! Best Ram 7 Class Setup.
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