News - This Makes Guns Overpowered Warzone 2 Zombies. Easy Schematic Farming


With a few more shots, there he is, nice and easy. I mean, it was easy; it wasn't the easiest, and it wasn't as easy as the vr11 was, but it's still pretty easy to be honest with you, and that is the most powerful thing that we are going to come across in Tier 3, so if we were still able to take him out with relatively ease—I mean, we didn't go down or anything like that—then we pretty much should be fine to go ahead and graft the whole of Tier 3 and even the dark EA without any problems.

We got a bounty in here that we're just quickly going to grab. We didn't expect him to be there. Grab this we do need to get some bullets for our Wonder off, and we do have a disciple, as the Bounty contract, so let's have a look where that is. That disciple is over there, and then we can replenish our ammo there.

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So what we're just going to do is we're going to use this rudder to get over there nice and easy. Okay, grabbed ammo. Now let's head over and take out this guy. I reckon we're going to be able to take him out pretty quickly. I'm going to predict at least four or five shots at the most, but I probably don't even think it's going to be that much, to be honest with you.

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Let's see if we missed one or two. I think I only hit three shots. I shot five but I think I only hit three I would say it's about a three or four shot on a bounty contract that's a disciple and that's really good because if you guys take on tier three disciples a lot that are Bounty contracts you guys will know that them guys are crazy, strong so we don't currently have any more Bounty contracts in the tier three Zone so what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and take out the storm cooler or at least attempt to take out the storm cooler and see how it goes we do have a mega Abomination, here and a disciple so we're just going to go ahead and take these guys out real quick whilst we're here and then we're going to go over and deal with the storm coer so that deciple died within one shot which was actually pretty, good.

And we didn't get an IE again. I don't believe, so I don't know if we can get eyes with the Wonder Wolf. I generally don't think we can; I could be wrong, though, and because we are next to the ammo refill, we can just pretty much go crazy on this Mega Abomination. With these bullets, we can go ahead and get more bullets anyway, so it doesn't really matter that much, but to kill Mega Abomination, you guys are definitely looking at least most of your bullets in your clip.


If you are taking on Mega Abomination. I would highly suggest that before you go into that fight, you guys have gone ahead and made sure that you have replenished your ammo because if you do go into that fight with half ammo, you're probably going to die or you're probably going to run out of bullets at least whilst you're in the fight and then that's going to cause you guys a big problem because then you're going to have to run away get more bullets and come back and as you guys will know anytime you come out of sight of a hvt or something like that then their health just Regens, which is really annoying so you guys could have got his health down there all the way down ran away to get some bullets come back and his health is all the way back up again I mean it really does suck but I guess that's the way the game is as you guys can see we do have the disciple, right there which is obviously going to be the storm caller what we're going to do is we're just going to drop down and go straight for him I'm predicting.

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At least five bullets. It did take three bullets on the normal disciple, and obviously this is the stor caller, so his health is probably going to be a lot worse. And we gave him like five shots, but we ran out of bullets, so we do need to go get some more bullets and come back. I thought I replenished my ammo when I was in Tier 3, but so far it only did look like it was about two or three shots, so we're probably going to only have to shoot him one or two more times and he probably will be dead, so one two, so that's pretty much five shots, five clean shots.

I would say on the Storm Caller to get him down, and that's really good to be honest with you. I mean, that's still in the same realm as The Supercharged, vr11, and also the Tona, but I guess we could say that this is also one of the best weapons to go ahead and take out the storm coer you guys will just need to have it supercharged, in order to get the most out of it okay so we're back in tier three and we do have a bounty contract over here that we're going to quickly grab there is quite a lot of stuff on me so we're just going to do deal with all of them you have a disciple there that's going to dive in one or two shots.

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I think we also did see a Mangler somewhere so let's quickly go ahead and grab this so we can lock it in, and then we're good to go ahead and take out all of these other stuff but look at this one shot and all of those zombies they are pretty much going to die because with the Wonder wolf they actually sort of get train damage so if the zombie next to them are taking damage then that damage is going to go over onto them as well and it's going to have a knock on effect onto all of the zombies, that's what makes this weapon so powerful so now that all the zombies are dead let's just go ahead and take out this Mega Abomination but what we are going to do is we are going to use a dog bone because we no longer have a self-revive and I don't want to die, so we're just going to have that dog bone.

As extra protection just in case we do go. Down, we're going to go down. We're going to go down. Be very careful. I'd say about two or three more shots, and he's dead just like that, really easy, and all of the zombies are dead as well, so we pretty much just came and wrecked everything, and now we can move on.


Easy and he died. I told you lot that always happens and it happens quite often I don't know why it happens because no one's here to have killed him he just died out all on his own as I said it happens quite often, at least once per game I would see something like that happen quite strange and it's quite unexplainable as well I don't really get why is happening but that contract is now finished so we do need to wait for another Bounty contract to spawn so we're just going to take out this Mega Abomination, we're going to do that last disciple, and then we're probably going to call it a game because that means we would have taken out everything in tier three as well as the storm coer and you guys can see for yourself that you can pretty much deal everything.

Solo, so it did look like we just got an eye on that Mega Abomination just then, and I didn't think we could get the eyes on the Mega Abomination because this game it didn't seem like we were getting any crit hits on the eyes, but clearly you can because we just got an eye and this guy's going to die real fast.

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He's trying to put work in on our dog, but that's okay. It means all the pressure is on the dog right now, and we can just focus on pretty much killing him, and he's going to die any second. Now, one, two, and then that disciple can die as well, and then our dog is now safe. I did see an air strike on the floor, so let's grab that.

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