News - This Is The Fastest Lmg Warzone 2. 556 Icarus Weapon Guide



All right, howdy. These are my goldfish; their names are Keck and Chunk, and yes, they can predict the stock market better than you can.


already looking at a brief overview The Icarus is locked by using the M4 until Level 18. The Icarus has the lightest weight, if that makes any sense, and great mobility.

The gun feels like it's the beefed-up m4's older brother that decided to do some juicing in college but stopped before it became too powerful in terms of damage compared to other LMGs, but it has a high rate of fire to make up for it. Overall, the Icarus is a great weapon in multiplayer, and I think it's an even better one in the war zone now.

If that synopsis didn't tickle your fancy, stick around for the article. Let's take a closer look at some statistics.

Quick pause

Hey, what's going on YouTube? I just had to take a quick pause. I noticed in the editing that I'm speaking pretty quickly in a lot of these areas. I get nervous when I record these articles.

I don't know why I don't have a big phobia of public speaking, but I just want to apologize if it is too quick at times. Lower it to 0.75. I do my best to have all the important stats show up on your screen, so even if I'm speaking too quickly for you to understand, you should still get all the information you need to know.

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So back to the article, thanks.

Damage stats & ranges

Damage stats & ranges

Looking at some damage stats and ranges, it's going to do 34 damage to the body up until 24 meters, dropping down to 26 at 40 meters, and then finally 24 at 40 plus meters. However, unlike the M4 assault rifle, the ACR does have different body damage values, but not really. I'll explain a little.

That later, at most ranges, on average, the arms and legs and lower torso do between two and three less damage, with the arms and legs being the least. What that means for you is that Icarus feels similar to the M4 and is very consistent across all ranges. This also means that, across all ranges, body shots to the torso and head will kill faster than only leg shots, so keep that in mind.

Speaking of shots to kill, assuming you hit the torso shots thicker, it will be a three-shot weapon until 24 meters, then 4-40, and that goes all the way down to 5 at 40 plus meters. Looking at headshots, the 556 Icarus has a 1.4 X headshot multiplier, which helps at close range, but it will still take three shots to kill.

However, at farther distances, going for headshots will help because it means that you need one shot less to kill. The gun also has 779 rounds per minute, which is slightly slower than the 811 RPM of the M4, but the higher damage and magazine capacity easily make up for it, especially at close to mid-range, which is much better than a lot of the other LMGs.

Bullet velocity for this gun is 700 meters per second, which is faster than the M4 and all other assault rifles but slower than a lot of the LMGs. On average, they're around 700 meters per second, but if you have a little bit faster muzzle velocity, it's at 730 meters per second.



All right So looking at mobility with the Icarus, it has the fastest ad time of any LMG, which makes sense since it's supposed to be; it feels like a beefed up M4, but doesn't quite feel like a proper LMG.

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well, quickly, and especially with positive attachments. The Icarus 556 really does feel like a big M4. I know I said that at the beginning of this article, but it's the best way I can describe it.

Movement penalty

Now, this probably doesn't make any sense, but for some frame of reference, the M4 is slightly faster at 4.65 meters per second, and the F/A-18 Hurricane is even slightly faster at 4.79 meters per second.

Now, for the most part, all guns in the game have the same movement speed; I just used the examples of the Hurricane and the M4 because that's the same gun family tree. Reload times on this gun are on the slower end but not the slowest; a regular reload is going to be 5.67 seconds if there's still ammunition left and 6.47 seconds if it's fully empty. Given that it is a belt-fed magazine, this makes sense, but it is faster than other belt-fed LMGs in modern warfare.

Recoil pattern

Recoil pattern

Finally, quickly touching on recoil patterns because it's all different in this game, there's a lot of variation, but, for the most part, it's going to be mostly vertical for about 25 shots, after which they're going to start to pull towards the right.

It's still going to be mostly vertical, but it's going to slowly start moving towards the right. So, keep that in mind during your gun fights, and you should have no problem with the recoil of this gun.

My thoughts

Moving on to some of my thoughts on the weapon and where it fits in the game, it fits very well if you treat it like a light LMG, which I think makes this gun more competitive in Warzone than people could credit ARs for, and Warzone doesn't have the same.

That they used to, you know what I'm saying, so build this gun from ability and accuracy, and you might just find yourself liking it more than the M4; hey, it saves you a magazine attachment comparing it to other LMGs, though overall, don't think or compare this gun to something like the Roll that favors high damage and is very effective against vehicles and helicopters.

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The Icarus is obviously great against them, but I feel it's better suited using that attachment elsewhere, to promote it being a lighter weight lmg. So with the Icarus having naturally better mobility and slightly lower damage than LMGs but great for ARS, which like I said is really how this gun should be looked at as a heavy AR, let's take a look at a class that I've built that I've found a lot of success with let's get into it.

Personal class

Personal class

Alrighty, so looking at the class that I found a lot of success with, we're going to be going with your choice of optic.

I like using the Cronin mini Red Dot tuning on this, which is just going to be full in-democytes, and then having the eye position farther. I'll show you what I mean with this. It pretty much just means that your position is something I found useful, and it makes it easier to control. Next, we're going with the Ravage 8 stock.

No tuning on this or on any of these attachments freely; it's up to you, but I'm not messing with them too much with this; we're getting better aim down sights, crash movement speed, and sprint speed; this is really helpful to keep the LMG maneuverable. We want to highlight that mobility next, and we're going with the X10 grip again for maneuverability and aim-down sights.

Howdy Internet! Finals suck and I haven't had the time to create content but with my semester winding down I'm excited to continue this Modern Warfare 2 weapon guide series for you.
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