News - This Is Just Disgusting. Embarrassing - Warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded

It's just that these bundles are so cringe-worthy, man; they are such a ripoff, and there's so many idiots just straight-up morons out here that can't see it and they'll even defend it, and they're buying up all these soy boy bundles as soon as they drop; they're hyping them before they even drop. I see [__] nerds out here on Twitter constantly.

mw3 rage

Here's the new bundles coming with the season next week or some [__]. like it's just all it's all [__] It's all toxic, and these nerds out here eat it. Up, man, so we like we got the bundles the store was working we got the bundles, You got [__[__]] like this nerd right here spinning around Aimbot.

Like walls for the whole nine. And you know he's playing the game, right? But the girl tells us in the beginning that we need to appreciate them fixing an update that should have never been released in the state that it was in. We need to thank them for that. They need to be praised, and we need to appreciate it.

You got [__] like this, and they don't have to worry about [__] but we need to appreciate them. Staying up late and working a little bit of overtime to fix the mess that they made. See, this is the behavior; this is the mentality that created this problem in the first place. Call of Duty knows that they can get away with this.

mw3 ranked delayed

They know that they can release an update like they did yesterday because they're going to have people like girls in the beginning. They're going to come out here and they're going to praise them for it, and then even defend them for it, going at other people who have a problem with the update in the first place for a game that they've already paid for.

Call of Duty took those people's money, and they're not happy about that. I never asked for Call of Duty to be a live-service game. When did we ever ask for that? If you ever talk to any OG Call of Duty player, they'll talk about the Golden Era of Call of Duty. Cod 4 to Black Ops 2: I loved every single one of those [__] games.

Also read:

None of them had skill-based matchmaking except for Black Ops 2. We saw it a little bit in the beginning, and then they dialed it back. We didn't have skill-based matchmaking or EO matchmaking back then, and we didn't have most of our quote-unquote content—all the good [__] locked up in expensive as hell bundles with a skin for a first-person shooter; we didn't have that.

mw3 rant

Back then, they introduced little micropacks in Black Ops 2. For like two bucks, you got a camo that worked on all your guns. It didn't matter what gun you were using; you had that camo for that joint; it didn't matter what attachments you were using. You had the camo with some calling cards and [__] little micropacks.

I am completely fine with that. We didn't have these cringy as hell bundles in those old games, and we definitely didn't have any goddamn live service, and even back then, when we got updates, you didn't see [__]. Like this, nowadays we get more updates. We get all these little updates with just stupidity in them—a whole bunch of bundles and [__]—and they break the game more.

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And this girl wants us to appreciate it and stop [__] complaining because they stayed up, worked some overtime, and fixed some of their mistakes because we still have problems over here. Man, I'm still seeing people complain about problems. I've been running into problems. I played a couple of games last night and played a quick game today, and I actually noticed that I don't think I have any gameplay of this, if I do.

mw3 sbmm sucks

I'll put it in here, but I actually noticed that I made a new class with one of the very few blueprints I have in this game, and anytime I try to remove an attachment like it, it comes with this stupid scope, so I was trying to take the scope off, and anytime you tried to remove it or switch it out for something else, it would just kick you back to the main menu, so I ended up making another class, and I tried a different blueprint that I have, and then I tried another one, and I was just trying to remove.

Attachments to see what happened and only one blueprint, it would allow me to switch up whatever attachments I want the other blueprints if you tried to take off the scope or you tried to take off this attachment or swap it out with that, it was kicking me back to the main menu man. I mean, it's just bugs after bugs, glitches after glitches.

But we need to appreciate it. Shut the [__] up and stop complaining, though, right? It's that mentality. But hey, we got to shut up, stop complaining, and appreciate it.

Call of Duty worked some overtime and fixed some of the problems we had with the launch of season 1 reloaded. There's some people that think this deserves to be praised defended. While there's still a ton of problems with MW3, we got rage hackers going crazy in Warzone without consequence.
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