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get more kills in resurgence

Out of the trenches and into 2 KD territory, and so on and so forth, 3 KD and 4 KD There's a lot of people that watch these articles that are now better than me, believe it or not. It's not hard to believe. There's a lot of people that watch these articles, a lot of people that start off with very bad KES and are now having five KD players.

It's crazy what just getting out there and putting yourself in fights will do for you as a player. Come on, man. Why let's talk about streaks. Streaks are such a distraction, and normally they don't do If you happen to have a streak, find a streak whatever, but going out to the buo station and risking death to buy a streak is crazy, especially when I even get the kill.

Remember, streaks pop up alerts, people can rotate, and you're probably not going to kill. Get the kill anyway. On top of that, today I was playing quad. I was playing quad today. Mazra, and at the end of the game, we had one team at a portable launch with seven streaks on top of us. I'm not kidding, seven streaks, and they didn't kill us.


We ended up killing them, and the point of me saying that is that instead of using your guns and trying to fight the enemy, you just rely on streaks. We shouldn't streaks are good at times. It's great for suppressing enemies that have you gate kep; it's great for maybe leading enemies that are rotating in that they have nowhere else to go.

You might get some kills. It's great for a lot of things. Forcing enemies off a rooftop is great, but just buying them to hopefully get a kill is the wildest concept. But the best thing you can do is actually try to outfight the enemy and save your streaks from when you have to rotate out in the open like this and dick for done on a rooftop starts blasting you and there's nowhere you can go because you don't have cover.


It's such a great tool to suppress enemies; it's my favorite reason for streaks. I love keeping streaks just in case of those moments. You guys ever watch my gameplay? Just notice how I use streaks. It's very rare. I just launch them to execute. It's very rare. I just launch them for fun. I usually hold on to them till the end of the game or until I'm in a position where I absolutely need it so I can rotate from a bad spot into a better spot, because how many times have you guys been called out in the open without cover or concealment?

You have to run to a building that's being held by four people. There's nothing you can do, right? That's where those streaks would help, but here we are moving to boost the band. Now, Boost Band is a special player; he's got 11 kills, but this is how he plays, and playing patient and passive is really good for some people; it really is; however, I'm not a huge fan of it.

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His knife wasn't bad, but his aim was terrible in that fight. However, I got to give him a compliment and thank God that he was the third party in the fight. I don't get why Boost is playing like this, sitting in corners going in. Bookcases, I guess not, but I don't get this at all. All I get is that you want that extra Zoom, but look how little that Zoom does for you.

new resurgence map

You can look around; all it does is close down your F guy up top too; you saw his. Head, how do we have 12 kills? Is he trolling me, right? Now, how many of you guys think you're better than him, but it's hard for you guys to drop more than 10? it We've only spectated him for a few kills, but guess what the one kill we did watch was?

The third party to fight There are ways you guys can maximize your ability to play this game without becoming the best player in the world, and the third party is one of those, as you can see right here. I'm assuming that's how he got his most kills, because there ain't no way he's going a one-vs.-one fight straight up, ain't no way, ain't no way not trying to be an [__].

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But, like, damn, what are we doing? And look. I like Von Del, but this is one of the reasons why I don't play Von Del that much anymore: because I cannot stand these multi-level endings where people just wait until the gas collapses, and that's how to win games. We've spectated so many of these, and I've played here in so many of them.


These are the worst things they could ever do. They really need to develop a system where the last circle pulls away from a Now, he's relying on the fact that he's got a durable gas mask to survive the gas, but you're playing a very risky game because enemies could have it too, and you've now locked yourself in on the far side, so the moment you open those doors, they're probably going to be staring at you.

I don't think boost Bandit wins this game, and it's unfortunate he's been spectating him for the last what 7 minutes, 8 minutes, and he's had the same amount of kills, and I don't know if this is like this is a confidence thing right here he's got kills so clearly can shoot. This is where this is where it changes right here this is it get ready get.

resurgence how to

Ready look at the zone. Who do you think's going to favor the guys on the high ground? It depends on how they play it, though if I was if I was on a level above us, which it clearly is, and I had a Dury. I'd play the gas because, boost Bandit, the guys on the ground are going to come out first, most likely, and you can just shoot down on them.

Then he knows it's coming to us; it closed dead center on this guy, so now we're guys on the rooftop guy above us, and then here, I'm assuming this is [__], psychotic. All right now, the hunt is on to find himself. Reses I mean, I don't think you're going to find much in here. You're probably better off looting bu-like rooms, and, damn, he might actually be able to pull it off.

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There's so much [__] over here, but again, he's looting stuff he doesn't need. Why do you need money? Big dog, go find boxes, son. He's still able to pull it off. One guy's already dead. It just really depends. I don't know if he's got a self or not, and I don't think he does. Open the my if you wouldn't have sat there looting [__] the whole time and you would have done that from the initial, you could have done it.

resurgence tips

However, again, I'm not a fan of those endings. I'd rather fight to the death. I hate this passive ass [__] that unfortunately Activision is created, especially in the Resurgence game mode, where it's supposed to bring action and bring skill, but unfortunately this is what it's turned into. You all have a good one, and I'll catch you in the next one.

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