News - This Is Actually Hurting You Vondel. Warzone Tips And Tricks

al bagrah

Ladies and gentlemen, with Modern Warfare 3 coming out, this is the last thing that I want to see. This man has literally looted this little area. I'm not even kidding for the past like 5. Minutes, there's a lot of loot here some great weapon choices but honestly again just get the basic necessities and dip, dip to run away from this area dip to get to the buy station dip to go push some enemies just move momentum is crucial no matter how you want to play I'm tired of seeing people sitting in corners cross walking around Pro calling around just because they think it's going to give them easy kills Remember, easy kills do come, and they're cool to get, but you shouldn't force that.

Because if you force it too much or end up getting shot in the back of the head of the UAV, no. I'll be honest, it looked like he had $7,400. He still has $7,400, but regardless of whether he bought something or not, he should have bought a UAV. He's got the money for it, and now he's just running away to sit in a corner.

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This is what I'm talking about. Savage How do you know where I was because he has a brain? It's cool that you guys want to go hide, but it's not cool. Stop it you had money to find out where enemies were. Very few people are going to be ghosted right now. Very few people have stealth vests right now, so why not just throw up the UI?


It's an early game; it's still a brand new match. Why are we not throwing up U? I know in wars, people were so against UAVs because everyone rocks go savage. It was the dumbest mentality ever; it's still stupid to this day, especially at the beginning of the game. Now I understand that there are some things you might want more of, but he'd still be alive if he just bought a UAV.

That's all right. Moving on to Doc Holiday Now look at this position. Here he's advertising. He's looking around. I don't really care that much, but his entire right hand side was vulnerable, so the fact that he was slow-peaking was kind of crazy, two things. I'm glad he didn't go for the execution, and he transitioned to the enemy, which was actually the threat.

That's actually a huge W for your boy dot. On the enemy side, instead of smoking a dead body, which I get, the loots there smoke themselves too. Smoke's big the smoke between, the smoke between your body and the loot and it'll cover, both all right Here we are, Doc Holiday, buying a UAV, playing the edge, trying to look for bodies.

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We spot an enemy. I wouldn't shoot now because you cannot secure that and kill him. Playing the head like that and moving there's no way, so now we've lost our element of surprise, and we also alerted more enemies of our presence over here. Not really a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but if someone's close by, they can collapse on us, or if this enemy decides he wants to fight us, we don't have the leverage.

Surprise, also. I'm not a massive fan of spamming nades in the exact same spot; if you get a hit on the first one, for sure you know to throw it again, but I like to try to lead the enemy left or right; that way, if the left one doesn't hit, maybe the right one does, or vice versa. Someone's got a laser; someone's in this water with us.

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Area well correction: there was one on the side by the port, but technically not really, because, but you get what I'm saying: these underground tunnels that we have in Fortunes Keep that we have in Asica that we have in this map create this weird dynamic where people can just throw allowed to play, like [__].

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Right, it's not really what you want to do; they still fit these two enemies up again. You've got to treat this mode like it's Team Deathmatch. Don't forget to come back, especially in the trees and quads. Solo is not so much, of course, but it's just crazy to me how scared people are. We should have gotten that kill, no doubt about it.

We had the enemy cracked. All we had to do was just finish shooting. Now, I'm not too concerned with fishing; I'm not too concerned with dolphin diving. I'd rather you guys develop some kind of movement that gives your body some momentum, but at the end of the day, it's going to change when the next game comes out anyway, and then I'm going to be shoving slide canceling and all this other [__] down your throat.

Maybe we'll see what slide ends up doing, and if be hopping ends up coming back and [__] like that, but I am excited for the new Call of Duty. I'm excited for players to have a chance to improve at something better than just sitting still and praying to God. They can out-aim the enemy, because even though this game doesn't have the best movement, it still does have movement, but for some reason players just don't want to.

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I'm not sure. Is it too much? Is it too hard? Can your hands not hit all the buttons? I'm genuinely curious; I'm not even trolling; I really am just curious. Why, if you guys can't hit all the buttons, man, make sure you guys check out aim controllers today. Shameless plug, but check it out. Literally, controllers, it's great company.

I've been using their controllers on games for the last several years, so once again, to no one's surprise, here we are playing on the edge of the circle, and Holiday isn't the worst player in the world. He had four kills; he's sitting on four kills. Why aren't we getting out there and getting a little bit more aggressive?

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You guys, I never really saw a boot on that car. You guys, I promise you right now that you would get a lot more kills in these games if you just tried. If you just tried, If you actively push buildings that don't stand under your own clusters, if you actively chase down UAVs and bounties, chase down audio.

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Follow tracers and fight teams; you guys would drop PRs you never dreamed were possible. You know how I know because I've done it; that's how I've been able to hit 30 kills. 32, 36, 34, there's a reason why it's not because I'm better than you; no, it's because I'm out there moving and trying. Do I die a lot, damn right?

I do guess what you guys out here playing like you guys out here playing like this are dying a lot too. Why not just use your opportunity and maybe take a chance, get aggressive, and drop in a PR game? Everything that I tell you guys is literally from personal experience. If I say it, I've done it.

If I make fun of it, I've lived it. That's why I'm sitting here. Everyone's all like Savage. You're so mean. Shut up i'm not mean. I'm literally making fun of myself from years ago. We've all been here; every one of us has been here; some of us are still here, and I want to help you guys guide you by the hand of this loving embrace.

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