News - This Gun Is Overpowered With Mags Of Holding Warzone 2 Zombies

mw3 tyr

It's crazy how good and powerful this gun is. We also get a legendary a to that is perfect a nice bit of loot coming into tier three you probably don't need another self-revive to be totally honest either, as you can see a mangl melted like the gun is just so powerful it's crazy and there we go Ser tonight camo is unlocked, getting us one step closer towards Borealis as well absolutely perfect that is worked out really nicely managed to get another camo done work towards the camo that I'm trying to get completed but also use a very overpowered gun and make a good article on an overpowered gun at the same time, but I mean I'll tell you what guys these tys, make grind in the tier three zone so, so easy like it doesn't matter what you're coming up against as I've mentioned multiple times you're going to do really nice damage to every single, zombie that you're coming up against whether it's a boss zombie a normal zombie a base zombie an armored zombie mimic Mangler disciple Mega Abomination you're going to do really good damage to absolutely all of them which is what makes this gun so good for grinding tier three and the dark ether zones.

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I mean, just look at how quick it pops Mega Abomination heads, even when it's just got a critical shot available. You can just do such good damage to him. It's actually kind of crazy. I don't know the fact that there's two Mega Abominations around, if I'm honest. I mean, look at all the stuff that's around us right now; it doesn't matter, like the putting mags of holding on this tire should literally be illegal in this game.

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It is crazy at how fast you can just get through absolutely everything you have Mega Abominations going on. We can pop ahead on that one. Got another mega-abomination? Let's try and pop ahead on that one. I mean look at this we're just taking on two Mega Abominations at the same time with no real problems to be totally honest we are pretty much doing decent damage to both of them, so there's the first one drop let's see if we can get this second one drop as well at the same time let's pop that down do a little bit of damage to it as well so there we go Mega Abominations down mimics down manglers down there's all sorts going on around us but we're just easily able to take it out with his Ty and we haven't even run out of ammo at all that these guns are so powerful in the tier 3 zone I'm telling you guys that now they're so good, okay guys but we are going into the dark ether zone now to test these guns in there and I don't think they're going to struggle at all let me tell you that much.

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Okay guys so if you saw my last article as well you would have known that I was talking about the bounty contract not being a Mega Abomination and actually being a mimic, and that was the first time I had seen that in the dark EA Zone in this one but apparently the Bounty Target could literally be anything at any point like you guys telling me that Harry you can literally end up fighting anything within this game and I genuinely, after all the times I've grinded this dark ether Zone have never seen anything but the mega Abomination, so, kind of crazy that you guys have been telling me that actually there's a whole bunch of different ones that you can get I didn't even realize that I don't even know if I'm going to get to fight this Mega Abomination.

Simply because of the fact there were going to be all my teammates are already there by the looks of it taking on this Mega Abomination so hopefully we can get there and do a little bit of damage to it before it does actually get taken down but if not it's not the end of the world, okay so it looks like it's only on half health so we should be able to get some damage done to this Mega Abomination, when we do get there let's run in let's get to it and let's start firing away with these tyr, let's get some critical shots on that eye that was open a little bit just then so it looks like together we should get this Mega Abomination down pretty quickly I do want to sort of try and hope for a critical shot but I don't know if that's going to happen.

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Okay, we managed to get one there. It looks like so far it's lasers, and that should be ggs for this mega-abomination. There we go, perfect, taken down nice and quickly. I mean, none of that I'm actually too worried about taking, to be totally honest, so let's get on to the next contract and keep grinding through this dark ether zone.

We do have a mangler here, so let's test it against him. Why not do some damage to him? There we go. I mean, it's just going to get dropped so quickly. Another disciple is in front of us again. Why not test it out? I mean, I need to be a little bit careful. To be honest, I haven't got any plates on or anything, so I need to be a little bit careful.

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I don't know if my team knows exactly where the contracts are, so I'm going to go start the next one up. We can get that Outlast contract started and just grind through the dark ether zone, but these guns are going to make it ridiculously easy. As you can see, normal zombies are going to get dropped in a couple of shots.

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Deciple wants to roll up to see what sort of damage we can do. I need to be a little bit careful about what's going on around here. Deciple is going to get dropped pretty quickly now. There we go. That should be the end of the disciple, not too bad. They did take it out pretty quickly, to be totally honest.

This is the elder dark ether zone, so it is a little bit more difficult; it's a little bit more. You know, the zombies take a bit more damage; they're going to take a little bit more to take out the game, and this gun just has absolute light work on it, like it is not going to struggle at all at taking down any of these zombies.

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Like, I mean, just look at them. They're actually insane. How fast they're going to take stuff down. I need to be a little bit careful. I can't believe I've just gone down, but this disciple should now be able to get finished up there. We go finish off that disciple. They're just so good. They're so powerful.


I don't even know what more to say about these guns. They're just so fun to use. They're just so good to use. So it looks like my teammate is going to go ahead and start actually completing the contract. So we can go ahead and start actually completing the contract. Let's get over there pretty quickly and see if we can get one done nice and fast before everything else does turn up.

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