News - This Gun Is Overpowered With Mags Of Holding Warzone 2 Zombies

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So there's also a mimic here. Let's see what sort of damage we can do to a mimic that's like a three-shot. Maybe yeah, I mean, that wasn't bad at all. I mean, obviously. I know the other players took it out as well. Also, a massive shout-out once again to everyone that is becoming a member of the channel, which is absolutely insane to me.

I did not expect people to start becoming members of the channel through zombie content, so if you are one of those that has become a member of the channel. Every single article that I do put out, your guys' support means the absolute world to me. I wouldn't be able to do this if it weren't for you guys, so I really, really appreciate everybody's support that is showing love and just coming through and supporting me on these zombie articles.

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You're the absolute goat, but let me go and start this HVT. Target, and we can start seeing what sort of damage we can do to a bounty in Tier 3. And then once this contract is completed we can look at tier three Pack-a-Punch in the gun as well of course because we do want to try out to be the very best gun that we can so let's start this contract up let's run out let's try and find wherever the heart value Target is going to be we've got a mimic, how quickly can we drop a mimic let's just see real quick I need to be a little bit careful here cuz I could end up going down yeah I was didn't realize I didn't have plates I'm so used to running around with the golden plate thing, that it just threw me off that I actually didn't have it but yeah that mimic.

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Should be about dead there it is the mimic has been dropped where is his high value Target I don't know if I'm going to get that bonus before my team does they they're already on smoke going towards it hopefully I can get there but it's not looking too confident, my there is a Mangler I need to be careful once again, of my health and what sort of damage these are going to do to me, so yeah the Bounty targets already got dropped I didn't get to get there but that Mangler should now be able to get taken down it has my game's Frozen, which isn't ideal but then there's a bunch of zombies around yeah no problem easily just get through the zombies the boss zombies doesn't matter what's around us as you've seen with this gun you can get through the zombies very easily, but let's go and get the loot out of this reward Rift and then we can also go ahead and tier three Pack-a-Punch the gun to make it its best possible version.

I mean, just look at how easy we've taken down at disciple. I mean, I let it just get some more health because I wasn't paying attention, but yeah, that thing was getting melted ridiculously fast. To be totally honest, my teammates can't seem to finish it off for some reason, but yeah, we just melted through that so quickly that it's not a challenge for this gun whatsoever, and like I said, we have now got enough to tier three Pack-a-Punch it, so let's go ahead and do that, and then we can obviously start testing the gun a little bit more.

modern warfare 3 zombies

Okay guys so we are coming up to the tier three Pack-a-Punch now we're going to be for Pack-a-Punch as you guys can see the final evolution of this gun we should start M through zombies ridiculously fast I mean you've seen how quick the gun already is but there's a disciple in the tier three Zone I mean, that disciple just got absolutely ripped for I don't know how much health it had but it got absolutely obliterated like that thing got taken down so quickly it's kind of crazy how fast that was, and of course I need to keep taking down boss zombies to actually get the camo unlocked that I am trying to unlock with in this game as well so taking down these boss zombies Is Not a Bad Thing whatsoever I'm glad I'm taking down some of these bosses let's see what sort of damage we can maybe do to a mega Abomination let's maybe just have it out and just see what we can do to a mega Abomination, with this gun.

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The one thing I will say is that I hate this Mega Abomination fight simply because there's just a lot of other zombies around, like, as you can see, there's a whole bunch of zombies that are just going to run at you. You got things coming from every single angle. Okay, so it's going to fire another laser at me.

We should be able to get that second head popping real nice and easy. Yeah, I mean, you can see just how fast this is going to take down a mega-abomination. It's just a ridiculously powerful gun when it comes to boss zombies and things up Mega Abominations and stuff like that; it's just ridiculously fast, so it looks like it's going to fire that last laser.

modern warfare zombies

Let's see if I can get the angle. I couldn't quite get the angle that I needed. I need to be careful. I have a lot of health left. Okay so the last Mega Abomination head should open up we should, get that popped of any luck to be totally honest there we go Mega Abomination dropped really was not too bad of a fight there this gun is just so powerful especially at taking down things up Mega Abominations and stuff like that as you guys saw that was a very quick way of taking down a mega Abomination never struggled at any point it's just such a good all round gun to use it's a very powerful gun to use, and hopefully we can get it into the dark ether Zone as well so we can see what it's going to be like over there but yeah we got a disciple high value Target Round Here see what sort of damage we can do to this if we can find it quicker before my teammate does, is it going to be in here somewhere I really don't know where it actually is yeah it looks like it is going to be under here see what sort of damage we can do it head is glitched through the floor I think.

Let's just keep spraying at it. I can't work out where the disciple head actually is, I mean. I don't know what just happened there. I'm going to be totally honest. I really do not know what just happened. But yeah, once you put the mags of holding on this tire, it is a ridiculously, ridiculously crazy gun.

modern warfare zombies top 10

As you've seen, you can fight off zombies easily. You can fight off boss zombies easily. It doesn't matter what's going on in the game; the times are going to make it ridiculously easy to complete. Again, we've got another disciple in front of us. Let's see what sort of damage we can do to this disciple.

Here, we stop letting it heal up off of us. I mean, just look at how quick they drop bosses like it's actually crazy how fast you were going to kill bosses on zombies in this game; they're not even bad against normal zombies either, which is the best thing about this gun, like you can quite easily fight off normal zombies with it where it's going to really thrive is against those boss zombies.

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Mega Abominations mimics manglers things like that, and that's where this gun is going to get ridiculously good. I just can't get over how quickly this gun actually takes down boss zombies. It is crazy, crazy fast. As you just sit there against that disciple again, it just melts through them like it literally melts them like they're not even there.

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