News - These Pro Mechanics Will Help You Get More Sr Warzone 2 Ranked Play

The problem you have is that right now the opponent in front of me has all the leverage; he can control the gunfight; he can slide right and slide left; he can do what he wants, so, like I said. I want to be the aggressive player here, so straight away I'm actually going to jump because when I jump like this, you can see I can see him a second earlier, so although he shot me, jumping just allowed me to have the advantage, so I jump, get a great shot off, and I'm able to get the kill, and I probably shouldn't have gotten that we go through.

This is going to be a search and destroy round. I'm sorry, control round where actually what's going on here. I don't know why I thought it was a search and destroy scenario; let's just see what happens here, so I believe in this scenario. I was trying to play for my cruise missile. Yeah, that's right, so in this scenario.

I was trying to play for my cruise missile; there were only three of them left. I want a two-star streak; if I can get one or two, it makes me closer to my Cru, so we start off by getting one. We're going to go through to the top here. So as I go through now, I'm going to jump across. I spot him right there, so we're going to go through.

We're going to take him out now. I'm going to slide away, and again, just using that movement to your advantage, we're going to slide across here as soon as I see him. My first thought is that I need to use some sort of movement so we can go through. We end up jumping backwards. Okay, so just about manipulating, kind of your controller by jumping and sliding.

Wherever you need to do to get that advantage to camera your opponents, that wasn't exactly cameraing but it's just how you can use those movements to your advantage, going through here the exact same scenario I'm on the hill by myself I know he's going to be here so I'm going to use the cover and then jump and I want you guys just to know, what you can do with these kind of mechanics I'm going to go through I'm going to reine my shot here so it's very important stuff here so I know he's weak and I know he's on that head glit so as I go left here I'm tracking him based on the centering I already had I hope that makes sense based on the centering I already had I know he's going to be right there so he's going to be behind that head glitch so as I go left.

I'm slightly adjusting my centering right, like that and there you go now I know he's going to be on the other side of this wall I jump across and I am able to take him out, really effective stuff let's show you that in fast motion cuz I think this next two piece was really good here we go through we take out the first guy the exact same thing on the right I spot him after I reload so we go through I jump and I'm able to take him out really effective stuff there for the two-piece, going into Rio here don't worry we only have one minute left of gameplay I'm going to try to stop pausing it and just let you guys see this now so we're going to go through we take out one we're going to slide down, okay I'm going to keep on rewinding it and keep on pausing it cuz this is very important whenever you have some sort of elevation like an escalator like this.

The first thing you want to do is slide down if you know where they're going to be. Because it makes you so much faster, the momentum is going to carry on, so as I slide right now, I'm going under his bullets; he can't even track me, so we take him out. I spot the other opponent on the right, so I'm going to back away and try to get into cover right now, and the exact same thing happens: he jumps.

What do I do? I'm not going to walk around the corner. Because I want to jump around the corner so as I jump it's easier to get the shots off like I said you want to be using that short jump so let's rewind it we slide we take out the first guy we wait for him to push us we then short jump and take the second guy out really effective stuff, looking at the mini map where's my team my team are all spawning on my left, that means, they're going to be coming through middle, or this side here so I'm going to go through my teammates have this side of the map, the only thing empty right now is the right of these stairs so I'm going to go through I'm going to adjust my Crosshair to watch these stairs, and guess what he gets right in front of me we're able to take him out and win the game let's move on to the new map six star and see what we do here and this is very, very interesting cuz we go through we're on a flank here we spot the first opponent again let's pause let's take a look at the mini map my teammates are coming from the right.

Based on that, I'm assuming the spawns are on the left. We take out the first guy; I don't want to be stuck. I don't know how much time I have, but the second I get that, kill. The second I get this kill, I'm going to either jump or slide away and center towards my left. Okay, I want to center on this area, so let's rewind it and show you what I mean.

So we're going to go around the corner, take out the first guy, slide away, center onto the second, and take him out. On this map, I actually started frying them, so let's go through. I think this is really interesting, so again, jump around the corner. I spoke about this earlier. I don't know where they're coming from but you want to just assume so right now I don't know if they're coming from my left, but I think you know what they could be so I'm going to jump around the corner, as I jump I more ready for the gunfight than them and that's all it's about just being ready for the gunfight we go through again we take out the third for the threepiece same thing here I'm going slide across there's one we take him out, now what other information can we used I can use a red dot right there on the mini map he's going to be on this side so just to get closer to close that distance I'm going to slide I'm going to slide keep my Crosshair on him we go through we take him out easy stuff there jump across making sure my Crosshair is on point here as I as I jump across again just making sure my Crosshair, is going with me to back to kind of go back towards him we take him out based on the mini map where they going to be well.

I don't really know, but it looks like they have to be coming from somewhere in front of us, so I'm going to slide across. I'm going to get to that point, shoot him, and back away, just using that movement to camera them this clip here to end the article. I think this was the best clip to be honest.

The next one or two clips were probably my favorite ones, so yeah, it wasn't this one. I think the next one was my absolute favorite, so we go through just kind of using movement again. We're just going to prone drop shot and take him out, but this next clip here to end the article I think was my favorite play of the day, so we're going to go through here.

I'm going to straight away look at the mini map my teammate needs to pull, so we're going to watch over him the second I kill him. All my attention is on that back spawn we're going to go through. We take him out. Okay, you know really good stuff there. There's a two-piece. Now I'm going to push through.

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