News - These Pro Mechanics Will Help You Get More Sr Warzone 2 Ranked Play

I'm thinking right, my centering is off, and I need to reposition, so I'm going to get behind the cover. The second I'm behind cover, I am so weak here that if he pushes me, I'm dead, so I decide to kind of camera him. What my goal is that his centering is going to be on me. He's probably expecting me to stand here, so straight away I'm going to jump out of the way, so he has to adjust his aim, and I'm going to shoot him as I jump out of the way.

I'm adjusting my aim, and I end up killing him really, like efficient stuff there, because I was in a bad spot and I was able to make it work. Right now, we go up to the to the top pair. We see one person in front of me as I jump down. Now I spot this opponent right here, so I'm thinking that as I go through this, this opponent probably isn't expecting the re-challenge.

Same thing; I'm going to jump around the corner and center on the opponent, so let's back off slightly. We go through Jump Around the Corner, we center onto it, and we take him out, and I want you to notice that as I'm centering around the corner. I'm also backing away just in case he hits me and makes me one shot.

I'm able to get away from invasion control. What can we do here so we're going through? And this, once again, is going to be the short jump. I saw this guy on the hill. I'm like, Let me back away, you know what? He probably won't expect the re-challenge right now. The game's basically done, but this is just a great example of the short jump.

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I'm actually going to just play it out and show you how it looked in the game. So we go through, I go away, okay, cool going to back away. As I'm jumping around the corner, I end up shooting, and he's just not expecting it. It's just a really effective way of getting those kills, so look at this.

I start jumping now I basically start shooting before I'm even around the corner, we go through and we end up taking him out really effective stuff there now we go over to Rio what can we do in Rio so you see we're going to go through here this one was a bit of a strange one cuz I actually played it wrong, but you can see just by me sliding around the corner I'm able to camera him so I think I should have died here to be honest I think I cut too much air I'm not even able to see it so right now I'm going to go around the corner I know they're on P1, so as I slide around you can see I'm not really expecting it I actually have my centering slightly off but I'm able to adjust really quickly go through and take him out but for me the most important thing there was as I shoot him I'm backing away cuz I'm not expecting to win this gunfight.

So I'm trying to back away in case I need a second chance. Let's see what we do on the same map here. So going forward, this one was actually a good kill here, so I go through and I spot him on top, so I'm thinking, Right, where is he right now? So I'm jumping through and getting some. And here I am, like, okay, you know what?

I was on the stream, feeling a bit confident. It's time to well start this guy, so as I jump off here, this is going to be excellent centering, in my humble opinion, so we're going to go through going to jump AC Crosshair, as I'm jumping and landing. This player has a chance to react, and then between me and him, it's about who has the faster reaction.

Who can kind of get their shot ready? So instead of doing that, I'm like, okay, instead of reacting to the opponent, why not prepare for the worst? So I don't know if he's going to be there, but I jump around the corner. And because he wasn't prepared and I was it's an easy kill you can see I'm shooting him he's not even aiming in it's a very easy kill and that's just kind of how I play the game I kind of go around the corners making sure I'm prepared for the worst, same thing here I don't know anyone else is going to be there but I'm sliding around I'm being careful and guess what he's right there so we go through we take him out let's rewind it and this is why people can say this guy might be hacking because, scenarios like this when you just see this 5 10 second clip it looks like I know he's there I don't know he's going to be there I just have a feeling he could be there based on the mini map, so we go through take out one again I think they might be watching the flank now so we go through again we slide across I go through I take out the second.

Sorry about that. Going through to the next clip on Rio once again, let's see what we do here. I don't actually remember this one. Based on the mini map, someone's actually behind me, so straight away I'm going to turn around and reposition. You see, we take out one, okay this is interesting so the second we take this first guy out as soon as we take him out I know someone's behind me now realistically if that opponent is looking at me okay let's just think out loud if that opponent is looking at me, and I stand still here and turn around he's probably going to kill me so I have to use some sort of movement while I'm centering around to get the kill there and that's what I end up doing now I think he should have killed me regardless, but I think I did the best thing I could do in this scenario.

So I get the first kill straight where I jump to the side just to kind of mess his centering up and I'm able to get the kill on him again I think he heavily messed up but we'll take it going through to the next Hill here we are on Karachi, straight away I spot this opponent by the door now as he's looking towards me I want to slide away this is very important your whole point of this slide is to get his centering away from you so you can see his Crosshair, his Crosshair is not going to be as fast as my slide so as I slide through you can see I land I'm now Landing behind cover it's an easier kill to get as soon as I kill it I'm going towards the left I see his teammate on the other side here I'm expecting somebody to be here okay just before I even see him so I'm going to slide, as I slide I spot him now what I'd like to do is when I slide add a bit more movement in it just to make it harder to kill so we get the first guy we slide we then jump backwards, just to make ourself a harder Target again really effective stuff, here.

This next thing is going to be the short jump once again, something I learned from Obes and I've shown you earlier in the article we're going to go through. Here i spot the opponent on the right, and as soon as I see him, I'm like, Okay. I'm under cover. He has the advantage. Okay, what I see some players do when I'm coaching, maybe like the golds around that level, is they might stand here because they think they're kind of trapped, or what they might do is they might strafe out like this; they might strafe out and try to shoot the opponent.

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