News - These New Warzone 2 Zombies Changes Are Incredible. Season 2 Reloaded Secrets

Trying this without any perks is a little bit risky, but this is what the mag hold is going to do. I have faith in it all, right? I have faith, so I'm going to try this first with the tier sniper. Here we go; we're just going to absolutely spam away, and this is crazy. Look at this. They're just constantly going after any zombies that stand in my way.

mw3 zombies new secrets

They're not in my way anymore. Maybe I've not built this absolutely, for the best build of this possible, but still, this is just so op now for the tack we have ready. I think this tack is going to absolutely rip. Yeah, it's ripping there. You go look at it. You just spam away. I don't even have to think.

Let's see what we get from that reward. Rift Quick Revive Brain Rock is not the best of rewards at all, right? Let's try it again. I must have a really bad build on the Tier Sniper because it is trash. It was trash. This gun is not the best for taking up bosses, but inside the Tier 3 zone, it's a one-shot on every zombie, and that's honestly pretty powerful, and the fact we never have to reload either is a huge benefit for the attack over here, man.

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It is great, right? I want to find another bounty. Wa, my game crashed then okay, so now we've got this thing where mags are holding and we've Deadshot Airi, so this now should really be a one shot, there's no excuses not to unless I'm just a terrible aim, and yeah, this is just straight RI, and I love it.

mw3 zombies new update

I love it, right? mega bomb mega bomb, all right Bounty time, and then we're going to test it against one of the strongest weapons in the entire game. We've got a mega bomb, and I'm just going to unload into it with our tack, Evol. Here, let's get up on a bus if we can, because they won't be able to hit us otherwise.

God, I love how I just don't. I don't even need to worry about reloading. He's lasering, and look at this. You just never have to stop. I'm getting poo thrown at me. Stop throwing your meat at me. All right, we eventually took it out, and what do we get? Absolutely nothing, okay? So now we're going to test it on what is absolutely meta right now, the Haymaker shotgun, so let's go ahead and upgrade this, and look how much ammo we have in 240.

mw3 zombies season 2 reloaded

Ammo, my this thing's destroying, and we saw by default we had 40 mags, but now look, you just have it's just infinite damage, which is actually unreal in most scenarios with this shotgun. You probably could get cornered and you'd be able to get yourself out of it, but due to needing to reload pretty quickly afterwards, you might take it down, but now this thing's unbelievable, and I think this really goes to show you how much this one thing can elevate certain guns to be even better than they were before.

There are so many bosses here, so here we go. Just see the absolute destruction we can do here, and again, it's just on tap power, no reload. I'm getting a bit cocky here; there's just too much going on here, okay? Oh my God, yeah, confirmed this is absolutely OP; the gun already was, but the mags are holding really have just elevated it, but another weapon that gets absolutely incredible with this is the RGL, and I know what you're thinking.

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Yep, the RG. Everyone's favorite for Tier 3 is taking down bosses. I think it's a terrible weapon to use, but for crowd control, yeah, I think it's a no-brainer. I think something that the mags are holding adds to the game, which we didn't even realize we needed. It's just a lot of fun, and the beauty of the mags is that if we get any ammo from the zombies, we just go ahead and run over it.

mw3 zombies season 2 reloaded changes

I need to actually find some ammo to drop first so I can actually see the beauty. If we just find any ammo in the ground, boom, we got that thing right back up to Max Speed Cola, who yeah, let's go ahead though, and Pat the rgl, and we now get 66, which is just ridiculous. I need to get a PhD. I don't want to go down here.

Can we go? Can we take out the mega? Yes, we can. I don't have any Rarity on the RGL, but you can just see how explosive this thing can be in Tier 3 when it's full Rarity with the mag holding. It's very cool, and it's nice to see that Tri has done this to make a lot of the worst guns in this mode a lot more viable, not necessarily better because it doesn't increase damage in any way, but there's just a bit more usability and additional choice with what you can use, and I think that's always a positive It's a game changer for sure, but is it going to change the whole game to the point where there's suddenly an insane amount of replayability?

mw3 zombies season 2 reloaded explained

Absolutely not, but it is definitely a welcome addition and something that I would like to see in future zombie iterations. But the final big new change that has definitely gone under your radar is that Triarch secretly added challenge tracking inside of zombie matches. This was detailed in the patch notes under multiplayer, but this is also crossed over into zombies if we go over to a weapon that you're trying to get a camo for, like the ram 9 as an example.

Now, when you go over to the camo options underneath, there will be an option to add a tracker. If you add it to a tracker, you get a prompt on the right of your screen, and when we go in game, the moment you pause, you'll be able to see a box that contains all of the tracked items, so you can have up to five camos that attract all at once, and this can almost be used as a kill counter while you're doing any of the challenges and camos that have specific kill requirements.

mw3 zombies season 2 update

These also update in real time in the game, so anytime you can pause, you can see the numbers update. This will also allow you to track battle pass classifications and sector challenges. And we have other challenges as well. Now the beauty of the track challenges is that for the camos, they update in real time, so if you need a higher level for a weapon to start earning a camo, it will not only show you the level required for that challenge, but it will also update to that challenge in the same game if you hit that rank on the weapon.

Overall, I think the mags of holding are really going to change up some of the Mets for what guns people should run in zombies. The containment levels add an extra reward for those that really play a lot of zombies, and if you can get that on all of your operators, it's going to make future zombie games even easier for you, which rewards those that have been playing for a long time.

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While the challenge tracking would have been great when everyone was doing camos back when the game launched, the fact they've listened to feedback and added this in is really good.

mw3 zombies secrets

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