News - First Look At Warzone 2 Zombies Season 2 Dlc - Everything We Know So Far

modern warfare 3 zombies

We're talking Modern Warfare Zombies season 2 leaks. It's fair to say that season 1 reloaded was an extremely disappointing update, but within that update, data miners have managed to find strings of code that relate to content coming in season 2, which is only two and a half weeks away, so we really don't have that long to wait as we get into things.

I'm Alex over on Twitter, and he has discovered strings for the season 2 Story Mission that we'll be getting as part of the update, unfortunately. Just like with season 1, it sounds like we're only getting one new act, Mission. That's what it looks like, at least from Hey, I'm Alex's tweets. These are all worded as being a quest and involving a rift, just like what we saw with season 1.

The first part of this new mission is called Rescue Fletcher, with the description to go to Fletcher's last known location, which is labeled as a stronghold now. Fletcher refers to Zakay ev's right-hand man, who is also leading the Terminus Outcomes PMC group, so it seems rather than us going after Zakay again, we're going to be going for Fletcher.

modern warfare 3 zombies season 2

Our first objective is to investigate the nearby distress signal. Once we've done that, the next objective is to defend the remaining survivors until the ACV is ready for reboot progress percentage during the mission but remaining survivors. It sounds like wherever we're going is somewhere pretty dangerous, but the next objective is where things get really interesting because it says to regroup at the ACV with the remaining Terminus agents.

Meaning that some of these Terminus agents are going against Zakay EV's back here and want to betray Fletcher somehow as they're now working for us, but this is all involving an ACV that needs to be escorted, and then after that, it says to escort Terminus to Fletcher's last known location, with a vehicle health percentage, and then we get to the final two parts of the mission, which sound extremely interesting because there is an abbreviation.

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For an enemy that we fight, which is labeled as an EMP. Enemy is something that we have not seen before in Modern Warfare zombies, so the first part is to investigate the source of the signal disruption, and then we need to eliminate the source of the signal disruption while protecting the AC's. Health This sounds like this could be a brand new boss fight against a new zombie type, which is an EMP enemy.

The last time we saw any type of EMP, zombie inside of cod zombies was back in EXO zombies, so I really hope we don't see that return in any way shape or form, but I'm hoping that this is going to be a massive enemy, which has EMP-like abilities, which I think would be really interesting to see how that affects In General Zombie Game, we saw an ACV escort mission for the Act Two story Mission, but there was nothing threatening the ACV from its movement or its health necessarily, but this could be the shakeup that we've all been wanting to see with regards to a new enemy type in zombies, and then at the end of this, we're obviously going to get a new storyline and a cinematic cut scene to continue on the story Beyond the Story Mission.

mw3 season 2 leaks

There is a chance of a new item. Easter egg Quest, just like what we saw with season 1, the four items needed to open the dark for Rift, as according to ActPod Warfare Forum on Twitter, they have posted a tweet containing strings of items relating to Fletcher that we, the player, can physically collect and also upgrade, in the exact same wording as what we had with the items in season 1 that we had to upgrade to then place down on the plimp at the dark.

EA Rift, so it sounds like we'll be collecting items from his past that open a new EA Rift portal. If that's going to take us to a new playable area, then that is extremely exciting. Now this tweet shows what the four items are as well as an actual in-game description of what they will read when you hover over them in your backpack.

Also read:

So there is a drum, and there are tattered MMA gloves that will spark with electricity. And the description from him says the gloves seem to be embroidered with a message—a place to exhaust the body but charge the spirit with a pristine mirror. We have an eerily pristine mirror with an engraving on the back with the sentence.

mw3 zombies

Reflections are hidden in depths written backwards and a perforated target with the description of a target filled with various bullet holes with the insignia of a snake. To me, this actually sounds pretty hype, and it shows that there is going to be some sort of hidden quest with season 2, which I think is something that we are all wanting, and that sounds really cool, and of course we'll be solving whatever this is on the channel when it releases.

mw3 zombies content

As for new schematics, it's been leaked that the VR11 is going to be a schematic, so we'll be able to build and craft our own VR 11s. and for a while the bloodb burner bike has also been a rumored season 2 schematic and according to Allen the 390 on Twitter discovered that the blood burner schematic will craft you a vehicle key which you'll then use to summon the motorbike, now I have no idea if what I'm about to talk about is going to be coming in season 2 but I would imagine that try would want to add some new contract missions around the map and according to Allan II he has managed to find some brand new ones in the code such as Hunter the Merks cargo Chopper which sounds like it could be similar to outbreak where there was a chopper flying and if you destroyed it you'd be able to get some loot from the remains of the helicopter, a new contract called summon where you charge EPA amplifiers.

And it will pull an elite Bounty out of the dark EPA, and you have to kill it before it Retreats back an objective centered around defending a turret where you'll find one nearby, and you'll have to protect it from taking damage until it's rebooted, and whilst it's going through a reboot stage, the frequency of the turret will attract Undead until it is finished and some sort of new objective called hostages, involving mercenaries.

mw3 zombies new act

AI, and then friendly AI who are scientists, and the objective will be to rescue the scientists. From the Mercenaries. By the Svit, there will be completion if you saved all the scientists, or if you saved some of them, and finally an objective called survive, which is essentially the same thing as the holdout objective from outbreak, where you have to survive in an enclosed area for a certain amount of time where you are not allowed to escape, and again, this could all be stuff that is coming later down the line.

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