News - The "ultimate" Guide To 30. Kills On Vondel. Warzone 2 Tips And Tricks

vondel map guide

So that I can start to figure out what's going on this way I'm just in a really bad spot right now and I don't want to put myself on the edge of gas so we're quickly going to get in the water, now the moment you get in the water you got to get out especially in lobbies like these where there's probably a good chance somebody Sitting In The Water Somewhere With An ftac Siege, so I'm getting out as soon as possible we're going to go ahead one to my left side here quick reach out there's a sweaty player right there with the Groot skin we're able to get that kill, now I'm going to go ahead and focus on the buy station now this next decision right here, is a 30 kill game decision, okay we grab the armor box we grab the UAV notice what's going on around me here let's go ahead and throw plates down the 30 kill decision is here in a second notice that one enemy is On My Level to my right side so let's go and challenge this guy immediately we're going to try to figure out where this guy is he's right there notice we get that kill 19.

I do get a little bit overly aggressive here. Okay, I get a little bit overly aggressive. My whole goal is to keep as many people out of the circle as possible. We're able to get that down right there. Now we are able to get that guy right there. We're able to get that guy right there. We're at 20 right now.

vondel tips

We still have people down. We're going to fly across right here. Notice the people on my left side. There's 22 there's another down right there; there's a kill; there's 23; there's another down right there; actually. I think I broke that guy; there's another down right there; and then, unfortunately, my timing is awful here.

My timing could not have been any worse; as soon as respawn is disabled, I end up dying. Thankfully, my teammate's clutched; this guy got 27 Grand; he's going to rotate to the buy station; he buys back, So. Sometimes you know that when it comes to dropping a 30-kill game, you just need your teammates to clutch a little bit.

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I'm going to be totally honest with you. I'm not going to hide it. Thankfully, my teammate clutched up. Now, my thought process in this moment is that if I can get enough cash to buy my gun, then I'm in a really good position. But that doesn't happen either. By the way, notice the lobby, not the lobby right here.

vondel tips and tricks

This is a pretty normal lobby for four circles. You know, nine teams and 20 people are still alive, especially in quads. We have 24 kills, so again, if you are subscribed, we talk about 4466. It's a really tough end game because when you're playing on your high ground, there's a few of these malls that can be tough, and the university can be tough.

City Hall train station or whatever the Central Station, a lot of the bigger buildings are this way are really tough end games because you can play your high ground but people can just kind of play the nooks and crannies of the different rooms and you can't shoot down on people. That's really what we're looking for, and you're going to kind of see us have to get a little bit more aggressive.

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If you want to play a little bit more aggressively to try to get a 30-kill game, there's nothing wrong with that, especially in a situation like this. You know, yes, we want to play smart if we can, but sometimes you do need to push. We push this forward just a little bit, and just like that, you can see how fast people are dying out here, so I still need five kills.

warzone 2 guide

We're going to go ahead and play this a little bit more aggressively now when I say aggressive. We're not going to fully send stuff; we're not just going to start zooming. Like This Is War Zone 1, you know I'm going to play my positioning. We're able to get a kill right there. Let's go ahead and try to see what I can find.

warzone 2 guide beginner

Anything around me can't quite see anything here, you know. This is kind of where I talk about the fact that you know the lobb is not as good this guy's, trying to call a mortar strike in I'm able to execute really well right there and at this moment I'm feeling pretty good about this 30 kill game we definitely don't have high ground we're not in a great spot, but we've got 10 other enemies actually people just died out so now we're in a little bit of a tough spot again and we got to push here you know another death right there so we're down to nine enemies I still need three kills right here the other thing that I do notice there is a buy station right here so maybe, people buy back right if you get caught without a buy station it gets a little bit tougher because nobody's going to buy back with a buy station you do get people that are going to be over aggressive go for the buyback the double buy the triple buy there's a buyback right there.

So we do add another enemy; now there are people on top right here, so I'm going to go ahead and try to challenge them. As I go to challenge that, he's looking right at me, so we have to drop down here. got a drop down once again, you're going to see the fact that this lobster is not as good right here.

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Obviously, I just bought time to switch my Tac 56. I could have gone down right there, although look at my teammate right behind me. So we're going to Quick Plate, one inside right here. After the mortar strike, we're going to challenge this guy inside.

Dropping 30 kills is difficult but not impossible so today I'm giving you the ultimate guide to 30 kills while breaking down a 31 kill win that I had.
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