News - The Truth About Skill Based Hit Detection Mw2 & Warzone 2


I just lost the game. What am I playing, what am I playing I just lost because of that, which I played 28 minutes of. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 or War Zone 2, it doesn't really matter, but it definitely happened to me, and it seems as if it's happening to a lot of you guys. You come in the article and tell me exactly what's happened, my rigged one.

Now there are loads of different theories as to what's going on, but a lot of people are talking about this pattern again. Charlie Intel felt the need to tweet yesterday about this. That's just my belief. I may be entirely wrong there, but Charlie Intel tweeted this out yesterday: There's been a lot of speculation again about a certain Activision pattern from years ago on matchmaking systems in their games at that time; Activision said those patterns are not in use and that it was research and development; a lot of things with the game seem tied to lag servers.

cod mw2

Then they go on to say some people have suggested there be skill-based hit registration matchmaking, and that would be quite a challenge to ever implement in-game. It seems like a lot of articles are just lagging on the servers without any matchmaking system, so if that's the theory, then what the hell are we doing on servers that are still lagging when this game has been out for over a decade, it's 2022, people have got gigabit internet now, why not on dial-up anymore?

So that needs sorting out and addressing, but then again, when you look at the game, are we surprised that we're on some dollar store servers? I'm not surprised at all, but I really want to talk about that little bit of research. And, if you're not familiar with research and development, there are companies out there that spend billions on research and development for their products just to ensure that when they do hit the market, they sell, and they sell very well.

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It's an investment in your own business. Are you trying to tell me that we're supposed to sit here and believe that companies like Activision have spent this kind of money on research and development? I think it was in 2019, and they successfully received these patents. What are they applying for in 2019 if it was for other games people have tried to claim they were for?

hit detection

Then we move on to skill-based hit registration matchmaking and the fact that it will be quite a challenge to ever implement it; they've already implemented it, really, if you think about it. I mean, if we go over to Call of Duty's own blog about Ricochet, what? mitigations were born from the wizardry of our server-side security team, which is part of the group that's responsible for the ricochet.

It starts with a comment like, "Wouldn't it be funny?" and then the team worked tirelessly to develop our new mitigation system. We feel like mitigations are necessary for anti-cheat security. The question for team Ricochet quickly became, "How do we keep detective cheaters in the game to fully analyze their tactics and strengthen our security while at the same time making their experience less impactful to legitimate players?" The solution: Let's do more to get in the way of cheetah cheaters who, for some reason, feel superior using software to win games they have no business winning by hitting them with mitigations and transforms.

modern warfare 2

Those you shite euphoric feelings of being fake best into a glorious pan of annoyance, we've seen the clips, and then we look at it, so you got damaged shield, and I'll play the clip as we go along. It's essentially them, and they can give you a bit of damage and take it off as well, so if you're in theory shooting at somebody and you're dying very quickly, but you're both shooting at each other, maybe Ricochet is getting it wrong and he believes you're a cheater, or maybe they have done this literally as a skill-based thing and now they're trying to pass it off as something else, but to say that they can't do it in game is ridiculous when they've got stuff like this, it'.


I mean, they've got one where you can shoot them and they disappear, and then they've got another one where the person's gun disappears out of their hands. Is Charlie's Intel really trying to tell us that they can't initiate any of these types of things? server-side is ridiculous. I mean, we've got an algorithm that puts people together based on their skills, and then we've got engagement-optimized matchmaking.

So for me, it's a bit weird to hear Charlie Intel come out of the ward again and talk about how this isn't a possibility for me. I know this might seem like a bit of a conspiracy theory, but I just have a feeling that maybe, with all the bugs and stuff that's going on, Ricochet isn't working how it's supposed to.

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I mean, this is supposed to learn as time goes on; it's supposed to be like an algorithm-based kind of thing. And sometimes they tweak the algorithm; it goes wrong; YouTube does it; they say it openly; sometimes we've got it wrong; and it could well be happening here, but, you know, they're never going to admit that at all, and furthermore.


Activision is never going to admit that they've put something like this into their game either, but we're supposed to just take them at their word, like we were supposed to take them at their word when they told us about this game. Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 were going to have a full three-year development cycle, i.e., we're telling you this is going to be really polished.

The Truth About Skill Based Hit Detection In MW2 Warzone 2. The community is talking and this time its about whether there's Skill Based Hit Detection in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Warzone 2.
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