News - The Problem With Call Of Duty: Warzone 2i #gaming

Anyway, my next big issue with Modern Warfare 3 are the guns. Let's talk about it. So let's talk about guns, and this is something that I've seen projected on a number of social media platforms. The guns in Modern Warfare 3 do feel half baked, and that's even after the second beta weekend brought better sliding accuracy and increased head shot damage for some guns, which I think is actually massively healthy with a long time to kill because it no longer feels like there's very little you can do in a situation when you're facing more than one player.

Still, the guns feel far too accurate on a base level, not including the sliding accuracy, which was horrendous, but when you're just shooting someone from a long range, the guns feel like absolute laser beams, and this is a problem because you're not supposed to be able to do that with an SMG; you're just not.


The sound signatures of some guns are also incredibly difficult to differentiate, which means that almost every gun sounds very similar, so it's harder to figure out what guns Zbody is using just from The Sound, because you could definitely do that in Modern Warfare 2 because the gunan was so crisp.

It just means that the game lacks a punch because the sound of guns is what makes them sound heavy and realistic. For example, look at Doometernal. That game is famed for how its guns sounded, because it sounded like almost the only way to describe it really is meaty. That was how the heavy machine gun and the shotgun sounded, and it really helped with immersion, which is something that Modern Warfare 3 solely lacks.


In exchange, there were also some money glitches, unlocks, and attachments here unlocking too early, but I'm just going to put that down to the traditional beta of a new Call of Duty game and test it properly when full release comes. My last issue with Modern Warfare 3 comes in its movements. Explain that movement in Call of Duty is definitely something that's going to be polarizing; some players prefer their slower tactical shooter with a higher time to kill, and some prefer that much quicker running gun game.

This is what Call of Duty always used to be, and this most definitely stands on the latter side of the argument. Modern Warfare 3 might be quicker than its predecessors, but it also shows a lack of fluidity. Let me explain why that is. So my first issue is that sliding is awkward, with a stance change in the middle feeling forcible and imprecise.

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That's been recently improved by the beta weekend 2 update, but it definitely still shows to just look unnatural because the animation is very much in the middle of a slide and it just doesn't quite fit in, and it just looks awkward and just not quite what you'd want for a quick slide into another combat.


Scenario: My other issue with it is that it is climbing. Ledges, yeah, climbing Ledges just feels bad; it feels very inaccurate through it, and it also feels like some Ledges should be easily reachable, but isn't the process of climbing that ledge slow? You're supposed to be playing as an elite operative in Modern Warfare 3, so climbing Ledges really shouldn't be this awkward, given the fact that what Ledges you can and can't climb are not vaguely clearly marked.

I actually think that it partially comes from the older maps just not being designed to have uses of ledging; it just felt better in Modern Warfare 2 because it's very clearly marked but you could and couldn't. Ledge, overall, in Modern Warfare 3, it just feels more arcadey, and that's fine if that's what you're looking for, but I think that it will really polarize some people because last year's Modern Warfare 2 was so different; it was a much slower, much heavier-feeling twitch shooter that was very much tactical because the time to kill was so, short, this is very much a traditional runand gun Call of Duty game, which would definitely impress some, but for me personally I preferred last year; in my opinion.


Mod War 2 was the freshest feeling of Call of Duty in years, even though I think the post-launch state was very mismanaged.

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